public static void main(String[] args) { // The path to the documents directory. String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(HidingTheShapesFromSlide.class); Presentation presentation1 = new Presentation(); ISlide slide = presentation1.getSlides().get_Item(0); for (int i = 0; i < slide.getShapes().size(); i++) { IAutoShape ashp = (IAutoShape) slide.getShapes().get_Item(i); ashp.setHidden(true); } + "sample_output.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx); }
public static final void main(String[] args) { // The path to the documents directory. String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(CreateAPresentation.class); // Instantiate Presentation Presentation pres = new Presentation(); // Get the first slide ISlide sld = (ISlide) pres.getSlides().get_Item(0); // Add an AutoShape of Rectangle type IAutoShape ashp = sld.getShapes().addAutoShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, 150, 75, 150, 50); // Add ITextFrame to the Rectangle ashp.addTextFrame("Hello World"); // Change the text color to Black (which is White by default) ashp.getTextFrame() .getParagraphs() .get_Item(0) .getPortions() .get_Item(0) .getPortionFormat() .getFillFormat() .setFillType(FillType.Solid); ashp.getTextFrame() .getParagraphs() .get_Item(0) .getPortions() .get_Item(0) .getPortionFormat() .getFillFormat() .getSolidFillColor() .setColor(java.awt.Color.BLACK); // Change the line color of the rectangle to White ashp.getShapeStyle().getLineColor().setColor(java.awt.Color.WHITE); // Remove any fill formatting in the shape ashp.getFillFormat().setFillType(FillType.NoFill); // Save the presentation to disk + "HelloWorld.pptx", com.aspose.slides.SaveFormat.Pptx); }