public TaskHeartbeatTrigger( Map conf, String name, DisruptorQueue queue, BlockingQueue<Object> controlQueue, int taskId, String componentId, TopologyContext sysTopologyCtx, ITaskReportErr reportError) { = name; this.queue = queue; this.controlQueue = controlQueue; this.opCode = TimerConstants.TASK_HEARTBEAT; this.taskId = taskId; this.componentId = componentId; this.sysTopologyCtx = sysTopologyCtx; this.frequence = JStormUtils.parseInt(conf.get(Config.TASK_HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY_SECS), 10); this.firstTime = frequence; this.executeThreadHbTime = TimeUtils.current_time_secs(); this.taskHbTimeout = JStormUtils.parseInt(conf.get(Config.NIMBUS_TASK_TIMEOUT_SECS), 180); this.intervalCheck = new IntervalCheck(); this.intervalCheck.setInterval(taskHbTimeout); this.intervalCheck.start(); this.reportError = reportError; this.uptime = new UptimeComputer(); }
@Override public void ack(Tuple input) { if (ackerNum > 0) { Long ack_val = Long.valueOf(0); Object pend_val = pending_acks.remove(input); if (pend_val != null) { ack_val = (Long) (pend_val); } for (Entry<Long, Long> e : input.getMessageId().getAnchorsToIds().entrySet()) { UnanchoredSend.send( topologyContext, sendTargets, taskTransfer, Acker.ACKER_ACK_STREAM_ID, JStormUtils.mk_list((Object) e.getKey(), JStormUtils.bit_xor(e.getValue(), ack_val))); } } Long delta = tuple_time_delta(tuple_start_times, input); if (delta != null) { task_stats.bolt_acked_tuple(input.getSourceComponent(), input.getSourceStreamId(), delta); } }
public DefaultTopologyAssignContext(TopologyAssignContext context) { super(context); try { sysTopology = Common.system_topology(stormConf, rawTopology); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FailedAssignTopologyException("Failed to generate system topology"); } sidToHostname = generateSidToHost(); hostToSid = JStormUtils.reverse_map(sidToHostname); if (oldAssignment != null && oldAssignment.getWorkers() != null) { oldWorkers = oldAssignment.getWorkers(); } else { oldWorkers = new HashSet<ResourceWorkerSlot>(); } refineDeadTasks(); componentTasks = JStormUtils.reverse_map(context.getTaskToComponent()); for (Entry<String, List<Integer>> entry : componentTasks.entrySet()) { List<Integer> componentTaskList = entry.getValue(); Collections.sort(componentTaskList); } totalWorkerNum = computeWorkerNum(); unstoppedWorkerNum = computeUnstoppedAssignments(); }
private Map<String, Integer> computeComponentWeight( StormTopology rawTopology, DefaultTopologyAssignContext context) { Map<String, Integer> ret = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); Map<String, Object> components = ThriftTopologyUtils.getComponents(rawTopology); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : components.entrySet()) { String componentName = entry.getKey(); Object component = entry.getValue(); ComponentCommon common = null; if (component instanceof Bolt) { common = ((Bolt) component).get_common(); } if (component instanceof SpoutSpec) { common = ((SpoutSpec) component).get_common(); } if (component instanceof StateSpoutSpec) { common = ((StateSpoutSpec) component).get_common(); } String jsonConfString = common.get_json_conf(); if (jsonConfString == null) { ret.put(componentName, context.DEFAULT_WEIGHT); continue; } Map componentMap = new HashMap(); componentMap.putAll((Map) JStormUtils.from_json(jsonConfString)); int weight = computeWeight(componentMap, context); ret.put(componentName, weight); } return ret; }
private int computeWorkerNum() { Integer settingNum = JStormUtils.parseInt(stormConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS)); int hintSum = 0; Map<String, Object> components = ThriftTopologyUtils.getComponents(sysTopology); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : components.entrySet()) { String componentName = entry.getKey(); Object component = entry.getValue(); ComponentCommon common = null; if (component instanceof Bolt) { common = ((Bolt) component).get_common(); } if (component instanceof SpoutSpec) { common = ((SpoutSpec) component).get_common(); } if (component instanceof StateSpoutSpec) { common = ((StateSpoutSpec) component).get_common(); } int hint = common.get_parallelism_hint(); hintSum += hint; } if (settingNum == null) { return hintSum; } else { return Math.min(settingNum, hintSum); } }
private ComponentAssignType getComponentType( DefaultTopologyAssignContext defaultContext, Integer taskId) { StormTopology sysTopology = defaultContext.getSysTopology(); final Map<Integer, String> taskToComponent = defaultContext.getTaskToComponent(); String componentName = taskToComponent.get(taskId); if (componentName == null) { LOG.warn("No component name of " + taskId); return ComponentAssignType.NORMAL; } ComponentCommon common = ThriftTopologyUtils.getComponentCommon(sysTopology, componentName); String jsonConfString = common.get_json_conf(); if (jsonConfString == null) { return ComponentAssignType.NORMAL; } Map componentMap = new HashMap(); componentMap.putAll((Map) JStormUtils.from_json(jsonConfString)); if (JStormServerConfig.getUserDefineAssignmentFromJson(componentMap) != null) { // user define assignment return ComponentAssignType.USER_DEFINE; } else if (ConfigExtension.isUseOldAssignment(componentMap)) { // use old assignment return ComponentAssignType.USE_OLD; } else if (ConfigExtension.isUseOldAssignment(defaultContext.getStormConf())) { // use old assignment return ComponentAssignType.USE_OLD; } else { return ComponentAssignType.NORMAL; } }
/** * sort slots, the purpose is to ensure that the tasks are assigned in balancing * * @param allSlots * @return List<WorkerSlot> */ public static List<WorkerSlot> sortSlots(Set<WorkerSlot> allSlots, int needSlotNum) { Map<String, List<WorkerSlot>> nodeMap = new HashMap<String, List<WorkerSlot>>(); // group by first for (WorkerSlot np : allSlots) { String node = np.getNodeId(); List<WorkerSlot> list = nodeMap.get(node); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<WorkerSlot>(); nodeMap.put(node, list); } list.add(np); } for (Entry<String, List<WorkerSlot>> entry : nodeMap.entrySet()) { List<WorkerSlot> ports = entry.getValue(); Collections.sort( ports, new Comparator<WorkerSlot>() { @Override public int compare(WorkerSlot first, WorkerSlot second) { String firstNode = first.getNodeId(); String secondNode = second.getNodeId(); if (firstNode.equals(secondNode) == false) { return firstNode.compareTo(secondNode); } else { return first.getPort() - second.getPort(); } } }); } // interleave List<List<WorkerSlot>> splitup = new ArrayList<List<WorkerSlot>>(nodeMap.values()); Collections.sort( splitup, new Comparator<List<WorkerSlot>>() { public int compare(List<WorkerSlot> o1, List<WorkerSlot> o2) { return o2.size() - o1.size(); } }); List<WorkerSlot> sortedFreeSlots = JStormUtils.interleave_all(splitup); if (sortedFreeSlots.size() <= needSlotNum) { return sortedFreeSlots; } // sortedFreeSlots > needSlotNum return sortedFreeSlots.subList(0, needSlotNum); }
public static void put_xor(Map<Long, Long> pending, Long key, Long id) { // synchronized (pending) { Long curr = pending.get(key); if (curr == null) { curr = Long.valueOf(0); } pending.put(key, JStormUtils.bit_xor(curr, id)); // } }
private void sendHbMsg() { List values = JStormUtils.mk_list(uptime.uptime()); if (spoutOutputCollector != null) { spoutOutputCollector.emit(Common.TOPOLOGY_MASTER_HB_STREAM_ID, values); } else if (boltOutputCollector != null) { boltOutputCollector.emit(Common.TOPOLOGY_MASTER_HB_STREAM_ID, values); } else { LOG.warn("Failed to send hearbeat msg. OutputCollector has not been initialized!"); } }
private void parseString(String input) { Map<String, JSONObject> map = (Map<String, JSONObject>) JStormUtils.from_json(input); for (JSONObject jobj : map.values()) { FileAttribute attribute = FileAttribute.fromJSONObject(jobj); if (attribute != null) { files.add(attribute); } } summary = "There are " + files.size() + " files"; }
/** * get topology configuration * * @param id String: topology id * @return String */ @Override public String getTopologyConf(String id) throws NotAliveException, TException { String rtn; try { Map<Object, Object> topologyConf = StormConfig.read_nimbus_topology_conf(conf, id); rtn = JStormUtils.to_json(topologyConf); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block"Failed to get configuration of " + id, e); throw new TException(e); } return rtn; }
public SpoutCollector( Integer task_id, backtype.storm.spout.ISpout spout, CommonStatsRolling task_stats, TaskSendTargets sendTargets, Map _storm_conf, TaskTransfer _transfer_fn, TimeOutMap<Long, TupleInfo> pending, TopologyContext topology_context, DisruptorQueue disruptorAckerQueue, ITaskReportErr _report_error) { this.sendTargets = sendTargets; this.storm_conf = _storm_conf; this.transfer_fn = _transfer_fn; this.pending = pending; this.topology_context = topology_context; this.disruptorAckerQueue = disruptorAckerQueue; this.task_stats = task_stats; this.spout = spout; this.task_id = task_id; this.report_error = _report_error; ackerNum = JStormUtils.parseInt(storm_conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS)); isDebug = JStormUtils.parseBoolean(storm_conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_DEBUG), false); random = new Random(); random.setSeed(System.currentTimeMillis()); String componentId = topology_context.getThisComponentId(); emitTotalTimer = Metrics.registerTimer( JStormServerUtils.getName(componentId, task_id), MetricDef.EMIT_TIME, String.valueOf(task_id), Metrics.MetricType.TASK); }
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public Integer mkTaskMaker( Map<Object, Object> stormConf, Map<String, ?> cidSpec, Map<Integer, String> rtn, Integer cnt) { if (cidSpec == null) { LOG.warn("Component map is empty"); return cnt; } Set<?> entrySet = cidSpec.entrySet(); for (Iterator<?> it = entrySet.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Entry entry = (Entry); Object obj = entry.getValue(); ComponentCommon common = null; if (obj instanceof Bolt) { common = ((Bolt) obj).get_common(); } else if (obj instanceof SpoutSpec) { common = ((SpoutSpec) obj).get_common(); } else if (obj instanceof StateSpoutSpec) { common = ((StateSpoutSpec) obj).get_common(); } if (common == null) { throw new RuntimeException("No ComponentCommon of " + entry.getKey()); } int declared = Thrift.parallelismHint(common); Integer parallelism = declared; // Map tmp = (Map) Utils_clj.from_json(common.get_json_conf()); Map newStormConf = new HashMap(stormConf); // newStormConf.putAll(tmp); Integer maxParallelism = JStormUtils.parseInt(newStormConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_MAX_TASK_PARALLELISM)); if (maxParallelism != null) { parallelism = Math.min(maxParallelism, declared); } for (int i = 0; i < parallelism; i++) { cnt++; rtn.put(cnt, (String) entry.getKey()); } } return cnt; }
/** * private ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, WorkerSlot> taskNodeport; private HashMap<Integer, String> * tasksToComponent; private Map<String, List<Integer>> componentToSortedTasks; private * Map<String, Map<String, Fields>> componentToStreamToFields; private Map<String, Object> * defaultResources; private Map<String, Object> userResources; private Map<String, Object> * executorData; private Map registeredMetrics; * * @throws Exception */ private void generateMaps() throws Exception { this.tasksToComponent = Cluster.topology_task_info(zkCluster, topologyId);"Map<taskId, component>:" + tasksToComponent); this.componentToSortedTasks = JStormUtils.reverse_map(tasksToComponent); for (java.util.Map.Entry<String, List<Integer>> entry : componentToSortedTasks.entrySet()) { List<Integer> tasks = entry.getValue(); Collections.sort(tasks); } this.defaultResources = new HashMap<String, Object>(); this.userResources = new HashMap<String, Object>(); this.executorData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); this.registeredMetrics = new HashMap(); }
@Override public void fail(Tuple input) { // if ackerNum == 0, we can just return if (ackerNum > 0) { pending_acks.remove(input); for (Entry<Long, Long> e : input.getMessageId().getAnchorsToIds().entrySet()) { UnanchoredSend.send( topologyContext, sendTargets, taskTransfer, Acker.ACKER_FAIL_STREAM_ID, JStormUtils.mk_list((Object) e.getKey())); } } task_stats.bolt_failed_tuple(input.getSourceComponent(), input.getSourceStreamId()); }
/** * Sort the task list, higher priorty task will be assigned first. * * <p>1. get the task list which need to be assigned 2. sort the task list according to * Configuration Weight * * @param context * @return */ protected List<Integer> sortAssignTasks( final DefaultTopologyAssignContext context, Set<Integer> needAssign) { List<Integer> ret = new ArrayList<Integer>(); StormTopology rawTopology = context.getRawTopology(); final Map<Integer, String> taskToComponent = context.getTaskToComponent(); final Map<String, Integer> componentToWeight = computeComponentWeight(rawTopology, context); ret = JStormUtils.mk_list(needAssign); Collections.sort( ret, new Comparator<Integer>() { private int getWeight(int taskId) { String component = taskToComponent.get(taskId); if (component == null) { // this shouldn't occur return context.DEFAULT_WEIGHT; } Integer weight = componentToWeight.get(component); if (weight == null) { return context.DEFAULT_WEIGHT; } else { return weight; } } @Override public int compare(Integer first, Integer second) { int firstWeight = getWeight(first); int secondWeight = getWeight(second); if (firstWeight != secondWeight) { return (secondWeight - firstWeight); } else { return (second - first); } } }); return ret; }
byte[] getJSonFiles(String dir) throws Exception { Map<String, FileAttribute> fileMap = new HashMap<String, FileAttribute>(); String path = logDir; if (dir != null) { path = path + File.separator + dir; }"List dir " + path); File file = new File(path); String[] files = file.list(); for (String fileName : files) { String logFile = Joiner.on(File.separator).join(path, fileName); FileAttribute fileAttribute = new FileAttribute(); fileAttribute.setFileName(fileName); File subFile = new File(logFile); Date modify = new Date(subFile.lastModified()); fileAttribute.setModifyTime(TimeFormat.getSecond(modify)); if (subFile.isFile()) { fileAttribute.setIsDir(String.valueOf(false)); fileAttribute.setSize(String.valueOf(subFile.length())); fileMap.put(logFile, fileAttribute); } else if (subFile.isDirectory()) { fileAttribute.setIsDir(String.valueOf(true)); fileAttribute.setSize(String.valueOf(4096)); fileMap.put(logFile, fileAttribute); } } String fileJsonStr = JStormUtils.to_json(fileMap); return fileJsonStr.getBytes(); }
public void mkdirs(CuratorFramework zk, String path) throws Exception { String npath = PathUtils.normalize_path(path); // the node is "/" if (npath.equals("/")) { return; } // the node exist if (existsNode(zk, npath, false)) { return; } mkdirs(zk, PathUtils.parent_path(npath)); try { createNode(zk, npath, JStormUtils.barr((byte) 7), org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode.PERSISTENT); } catch (KeeperException e) {; // this can happen when multiple clients doing mkdir at same // time LOG.warn("zookeeper mkdirs for path" + path, e); } }
public BoltCollector( int message_timeout_secs, ITaskReportErr report_error, TaskSendTargets _send_fn, Map _storm_conf, TaskTransfer _transfer_fn, TopologyContext _topology_context, Integer task_id, RotatingMap<Tuple, Long> tuple_start_times, CommonStatsRolling _task_stats) { this.rotateTime = 1000L * message_timeout_secs / (Acker.TIMEOUT_BUCKET_NUM - 1); this.reportError = report_error; this.sendTargets = _send_fn; this.storm_conf = _storm_conf; this.taskTransfer = _transfer_fn; this.topologyContext = _topology_context; this.task_id = task_id; this.task_stats = _task_stats; this.pending_acks = new RotatingMap<Tuple, Long>(Acker.TIMEOUT_BUCKET_NUM); // this.pending_acks = new TimeCacheMap<Tuple, // Long>(message_timeout_secs, // Acker.TIMEOUT_BUCKET_NUM); this.tuple_start_times = tuple_start_times; this.ackerNum = JStormUtils.parseInt(storm_conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS)); String componentId = topologyContext.getThisComponentId(); timer = Metrics.registerTimer( JStormServerUtils.getName(componentId, task_id), MetricDef.EMIT_TIME, String.valueOf(task_id), Metrics.MetricType.TASK); random = new Random(); random.setSeed(System.currentTimeMillis()); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { LinearDRPCTopologyBuilder builder = construct(); Config conf = new Config(); conf.setNumWorkers(6); if (args.length != 0) { try { Map yamlConf = LoadConf.LoadYaml(args[0]); if (yamlConf != null) { conf.putAll(yamlConf); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Input " + args[0] + " isn't one yaml "); } StormSubmitter.submitTopology(TOPOLOGY_NAME, conf, builder.createRemoteTopology()); } else { conf.setMaxTaskParallelism(3); LocalDRPC drpc = new LocalDRPC(); LocalCluster cluster = new LocalCluster(); cluster.submitTopology(TOPOLOGY_NAME, conf, builder.createLocalTopology(drpc)); JStormUtils.sleepMs(50000); String[] urlsToTry = new String[] {"", "", ""}; for (String url : urlsToTry) { System.out.println("Reach of " + url + ": " + drpc.execute(TOPOLOGY_NAME, url)); } cluster.shutdown(); drpc.shutdown(); } }
/** * Backup the toplogy's Assignment to ZK @@@ Question Do we need to do backup operation every * time? * * @param assignment * @param event */ public void backupAssignment(Assignment assignment, TopologyAssignEvent event) { String topologyId = event.getTopologyId(); String topologyName = event.getTopologyName(); try { StormClusterState zkClusterState = nimbusData.getStormClusterState(); // one little problem, get tasks twice when assign one topology HashMap<Integer, String> tasks = Cluster.topology_task_info(zkClusterState, topologyId); Map<String, List<Integer>> componentTasks = JStormUtils.reverse_map(tasks); for (Entry<String, List<Integer>> entry : componentTasks.entrySet()) { List<Integer> keys = entry.getValue(); Collections.sort(keys); } AssignmentBak assignmentBak = new AssignmentBak(componentTasks, assignment); zkClusterState.backup_assignment(topologyName, assignmentBak); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Failed to backup " + topologyId + " assignment " + assignment, e); } }
@Override public <T> Object execute(T... args) { boolean isSetTaskInfo = false; try { Boolean reassign = (Boolean) args[1]; Map<Object, Object> conf = (Map<Object, Object>) args[2]; // args[0]: // delay, // args[1]: // reassign_flag, // args[2]: // conf if (conf != null) { boolean isConfUpdate = false; Map stormConf = data.getConf(); // Update topology code Map topoConf = StormConfig.read_nimbus_topology_conf(stormConf, topologyid); StormTopology rawOldTopology = StormConfig.read_nimbus_topology_code(stormConf, topologyid); StormTopology rawNewTopology = NimbusUtils.normalizeTopology(conf, rawOldTopology, true); StormTopology sysOldTopology = rawOldTopology.deepCopy(); StormTopology sysNewTopology = rawNewTopology.deepCopy(); if (conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS) != null) { Common.add_acker(topoConf, sysOldTopology); Common.add_acker(conf, sysNewTopology); int ackerNum = JStormUtils.parseInt(conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS)); int oldAckerNum = JStormUtils.parseInt(topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS));"Update acker from oldAckerNum=" + oldAckerNum + " to ackerNum=" + ackerNum); topoConf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS, ackerNum); isConfUpdate = true; } // If scale-out, setup task info for new added tasks setTaskInfo(sysOldTopology, sysNewTopology); isSetTaskInfo = true; // If everything is OK, write topology code into disk StormConfig.write_nimbus_topology_code( stormConf, topologyid, Utils.serialize(rawNewTopology)); // Update topology conf if worker num has been updated Set<Object> keys = conf.keySet(); Integer workerNum = JStormUtils.parseInt(conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS)); if (workerNum != null) { Integer oldWorkerNum = JStormUtils.parseInt(topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS)); topoConf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS, workerNum); isConfUpdate = true;"Update worker num from " + oldWorkerNum + " to " + workerNum); } if (keys.contains(Config.ISOLATION_SCHEDULER_MACHINES)) { topoConf.put( Config.ISOLATION_SCHEDULER_MACHINES, conf.get(Config.ISOLATION_SCHEDULER_MACHINES)); } if (isConfUpdate) { StormConfig.write_nimbus_topology_conf(stormConf, topologyid, topoConf); } } TopologyAssignEvent event = new TopologyAssignEvent(); event.setTopologyId(topologyid); event.setScratch(true); event.setOldStatus(oldStatus); event.setReassign(reassign); if (conf != null) event.setScaleTopology(true); TopologyAssign.push(event); event.waitFinish(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("do-rebalance error!", e); // Rollback the changes on ZK if (isSetTaskInfo) { try { StormClusterState clusterState = data.getStormClusterState(); clusterState.remove_task(topologyid, newTasks); } catch (Exception e1) { LOG.error("Failed to rollback the changes on ZK for task-" + newTasks, e); } } } DelayStatusTransitionCallback delayCallback = new DelayStatusTransitionCallback( data, topologyid, oldStatus, StatusType.rebalancing, StatusType.done_rebalance); return delayCallback.execute(); }
/** * Submit one Topology * * @param topologyname String: topology name * @param uploadedJarLocation String: already uploaded jar path * @param jsonConf String: jsonConf serialize all toplogy configuration to Json * @param topology StormTopology: topology Object */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void submitTopologyWithOpts( String topologyname, String uploadedJarLocation, String jsonConf, StormTopology topology, SubmitOptions options) throws AlreadyAliveException, InvalidTopologyException, TopologyAssignException, TException {"Receive " + topologyname + ", uploadedJarLocation:" + uploadedJarLocation); // @@@ Move validate topologyname in client code try { checkTopologyActive(data, topologyname, false); } catch (AlreadyAliveException e) { + " is already exist "); throw e; } catch (Exception e) {"Failed to check whether topology is alive or not", e); throw new TException(e); } int counter = data.getSubmittedCount().incrementAndGet(); String topologyId = topologyname + "-" + counter + "-" + TimeUtils.current_time_secs(); Map<Object, Object> serializedConf = (Map<Object, Object>) JStormUtils.from_json(jsonConf); if (serializedConf == null) { LOG.warn("Failed to serialized Configuration"); throw new InvalidTopologyException("Failed to serilaze topology configuration"); } serializedConf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_ID, topologyId); serializedConf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME, topologyname); try { Map<Object, Object> stormConf; stormConf = NimbusUtils.normalizeConf(conf, serializedConf, topology); Map<Object, Object> totalStormConf = new HashMap<Object, Object>(conf); totalStormConf.putAll(stormConf); StormTopology normalizedTopology = NimbusUtils.normalizeTopology(stormConf, topology); // this validates the structure of the topology Common.validate_basic(normalizedTopology, totalStormConf, topologyId); // don't need generate real topology, so skip Common.system_topology // Common.system_topology(totalStormConf, topology); StormClusterState stormClusterState = data.getStormClusterState(); // create /local-dir/nimbus/topologyId/xxxx files setupStormCode(conf, topologyId, uploadedJarLocation, stormConf, normalizedTopology); // generate TaskInfo for every bolt or spout in ZK // /ZK/tasks/topoologyId/xxx setupZkTaskInfo(conf, topologyId, stormClusterState); // make assignments for a topology TopologyAssignEvent assignEvent = new TopologyAssignEvent(); assignEvent.setTopologyId(topologyId); assignEvent.setScratch(false); assignEvent.setTopologyName(topologyname); assignEvent.setOldStatus( Thrift.topologyInitialStatusToStormStatus(options.get_initial_status())); TopologyAssign.push(assignEvent);"Submit for " + topologyname + " with conf " + serializedConf); boolean isSuccess = assignEvent.waitFinish(); if (isSuccess == true) {"Finish submit for " + topologyname); } else { throw new FailedAssignTopologyException(assignEvent.getErrorMsg()); } } catch (FailedAssignTopologyException e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Fail to sumbit topology, Root cause:"); if (e.getMessage() == null) { sb.append("submit timeout"); } else { sb.append(e.getMessage()); } sb.append("\n\n"); sb.append("topologyId:" + topologyId); sb.append(", uploadedJarLocation:" + uploadedJarLocation + "\n"); LOG.error(sb.toString(), e); throw new TopologyAssignException(sb.toString()); } catch (InvalidParameterException e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Fail to sumbit topology "); sb.append(e.getMessage()); sb.append(", cause:" + e.getCause()); sb.append("\n\n"); sb.append("topologyId:" + topologyId); sb.append(", uploadedJarLocation:" + uploadedJarLocation + "\n"); LOG.error(sb.toString(), e); throw new InvalidParameterException(sb.toString()); } catch (Throwable e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Fail to sumbit topology "); sb.append(e.getMessage()); sb.append(", cause:" + e.getCause()); sb.append("\n\n"); sb.append("topologyId:" + topologyId); sb.append(", uploadedJarLocation:" + uploadedJarLocation + "\n"); LOG.error(sb.toString(), e); throw new TopologyAssignException(sb.toString()); } }
public static int getCpuSlotPerWorker(Map conf) { int slot = JStormUtils.parseInt(conf.get(CPU_SLOT_PER_WORKER), 1); return slot > 0 ? slot : 1; }
public List<Integer> grouper(List<Object> values) { int index = randomrange.nextInt(); return JStormUtils.mk_list(index); }
@Override public Map<Integer, ResourceAssignment> assignTasks(TopologyAssignContext context) throws FailedAssignTopologyException { int assignType = context.getAssignType(); if (TopologyAssignContext.isAssignTypeValid(assignType) == false) { throw new FailedAssignTopologyException("Invalide Assign Type " + assignType); } DefaultTopologyAssignContext defaultContext = new DefaultTopologyAssignContext(context); if (assignType == TopologyAssignContext.ASSIGN_TYPE_REBALANCE) { freeUsed(defaultContext); }"Dead tasks:" + defaultContext.getDeadTaskIds());"Unstopped tasks:" + defaultContext.getUnstoppedTaskIds()); Set<Integer> needAssignTasks = getNeedAssignTasks(defaultContext); Map<Integer, ResourceAssignment> keepAssigns = getKeepAssign(defaultContext, needAssignTasks); // please use tree map to make task sequence Map<Integer, ResourceAssignment> ret = new TreeMap<Integer, ResourceAssignment>(); ret.putAll(keepAssigns); ret.putAll(defaultContext.getUnstoppedAssignments()); Map<WorkerSlot, List<Integer>> keepAssignWorkers = Assignment.getWorkerTasks(keepAssigns); int allocWorkerNum = defaultContext.getTotalWorkerNum() - defaultContext.getUnstoppedWorkerNum() - keepAssignWorkers.size(); if (allocWorkerNum <= 0) { LOG.warn( "Don't need assign workers, all workers are fine " + defaultContext.toDetailString()); throw new FailedAssignTopologyException("Don't need assign worker, all workers are fine "); } Set<String> outputConfigComponents = new HashSet<String>(); Map<ComponentAssignType, Pair<Set<Integer>, IPreassignTask>> typeHandler = registerPreAssignHandler(defaultContext, needAssignTasks); Map<Integer, ResourceAssignment> newAssigns = new HashMap<Integer, ResourceAssignment>(); Set<String> usedSupervisorIds = new HashSet<String>(); List<Integer> lastFailed = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Entry<ComponentAssignType, Pair<Set<Integer>, IPreassignTask>> entry : typeHandler.entrySet()) { ComponentAssignType type = entry.getKey(); Set<Integer> tasks = entry.getValue().getFirst(); IPreassignTask handler = entry.getValue().getSecond(); tasks.addAll(lastFailed); lastFailed.clear(); List<Integer> sortedTasks = sortAssignTasks(defaultContext, tasks); StormTopology sysTopology = defaultContext.getSysTopology(); for (Integer task : sortedTasks) { Set<String> canUsedSupervisorIds = getCanUsedSupervisors(defaultContext, usedSupervisorIds, allocWorkerNum); String componentName = defaultContext.getTaskToComponent().get(task); ComponentCommon componentCommon = ThriftTopologyUtils.getComponentCommon(sysTopology, componentName); Map componentMap = (Map) JStormUtils.from_json(componentCommon.get_json_conf()); if (componentMap == null) { componentMap = Maps.newHashMap(); } if (outputConfigComponents.contains(componentName) == false) {"Component map of " + componentName + "\n" + componentMap); outputConfigComponents.add(componentName); } ResourceAssignment preAssignment = handler.preAssign( task, defaultContext, componentMap, componentName, canUsedSupervisorIds, ret, newAssigns); if (preAssignment == null) { // pre assign fail lastFailed.add(task); } else { // sucess to do preAssign SupervisorInfo supervisorInfo = defaultContext.getCluster().get(preAssignment.getSupervisorId());"Task " + task + " had been assigned to " + supervisorInfo.getHostName()); newAssigns.put(task, preAssignment); ret.put(task, preAssignment); usedSupervisorIds.add(preAssignment.getSupervisorId()); } } } if (lastFailed.isEmpty() == false) { throw new FailedAssignTopologyException("Failed to assign tasks " + lastFailed); } // Here just hardcode IPostAssignTask postAssignHandler = new PostAssignTaskPort(); postAssignHandler.postAssign(defaultContext, newAssigns, allocWorkerNum);"Keep Alive slots:" + keepAssigns);"Unstopped slots:" + defaultContext.getUnstoppedAssignments());"New assign slots:" + newAssigns); return ret; }
public static boolean isUseOldAssignment(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseBoolean(conf.get(USE_OLD_ASSIGNMENT), false); }
public BoltExecutors( IBolt _bolt, TaskTransfer _transfer_fn, Map<Integer, DisruptorQueue> innerTaskTransfer, Map storm_conf, DisruptorQueue deserializeQueue, TaskSendTargets _send_fn, TaskStatus taskStatus, TopologyContext sysTopologyCxt, TopologyContext userTopologyCxt, CommonStatsRolling _task_stats, ITaskReportErr _report_error) { super( _transfer_fn, storm_conf, deserializeQueue, innerTaskTransfer, sysTopologyCxt, userTopologyCxt, _task_stats, taskStatus, _report_error); this.bolt = _bolt; // create TimeCacheMap this.tuple_start_times = new RotatingMap<Tuple, Long>(Acker.TIMEOUT_BUCKET_NUM); this.ackerNum = JStormUtils.parseInt(storm_conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS)); // don't use TimeoutQueue for recv_tuple_queue, // then other place should check the queue size // TimeCacheQueue.DefaultExpiredCallback<Tuple> logExpireCb = new // TimeCacheQueue.DefaultExpiredCallback<Tuple>( // idStr); // this.recv_tuple_queue = new // TimeCacheQueue<Tuple>(message_timeout_secs, // TimeCacheQueue.DEFAULT_NUM_BUCKETS, logExpireCb); // create BoltCollector IOutputCollector output_collector = new BoltCollector( message_timeout_secs, _report_error, _send_fn, storm_conf, _transfer_fn, sysTopologyCxt, taskId, tuple_start_times, _task_stats); outputCollector = new OutputCollector(output_collector); boltExeTimer = Metrics.registerTimer( idStr, MetricDef.EXECUTE_TIME, String.valueOf(taskId), Metrics.MetricType.TASK); Object tickFrequence = storm_conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_TICK_TUPLE_FREQ_SECS); if (tickFrequence != null) { Integer frequence = JStormUtils.parseInt(tickFrequence); TickTupleTrigger tickTupleTrigger = new TickTupleTrigger( sysTopologyCxt, frequence, idStr + Constants.SYSTEM_TICK_STREAM_ID, exeQueue); tickTupleTrigger.register(); } try { // do prepare WorkerClassLoader.switchThreadContext(); // Method method = IBolt.class.getMethod("prepare", new Class[] {Map.class, // TopologyContext.class, // OutputCollector.class}); // method.invoke(bolt, new Object[] {storm_conf, userTopologyCxt, outputCollector}); bolt.prepare(storm_conf, userTopologyCtx, outputCollector); } catch (Throwable e) { error = e; LOG.error("bolt prepare error ", e);; } finally { WorkerClassLoader.restoreThreadContext(); }"Successfully create BoltExecutors " + idStr); }
public LogHandler() { logDir = JStormUtils.getLogDir();"logview logDir=" + logDir); // +++ }
public static long getMemSizePerWorker(Map conf) { long size = JStormUtils.parseLong(conf.get(MEMSIZE_PER_WORKER), JStormUtils.SIZE_1_G * 2); return size > 0 ? size : JStormUtils.SIZE_1_G * 2; }