protected String extractTemplate(ApiMethod apiMethod) throws Exception { String template = null; InputStream is = null; try { StringBuffer path = new StringBuffer("classpath*:/api/"); if (null != apiMethod.getPluginCode()) { path.append("plugins/" + apiMethod.getPluginCode() + "/"); } else if (!apiMethod.getSource().equalsIgnoreCase("core")) { path.append(apiMethod.getSource() + "/"); } path.append("aps/get/" + apiMethod.getResourceName() + "/description-item.vm"); Resource[] resources = ApsWebApplicationUtils.getResources(path.toString(), this.getServletContext()); if (null != resources && resources.length == 1) { Resource resource = resources[0]; is = resource.getInputStream(); } if (null == is) { ApsSystemUtils.getLogger() .info("Null Input Stream - template file path " + path.toString()); return null; } template = FileTextReader.getText(is); } catch (Throwable t) { String message = "Error extracting template - " + this.buildApiSignature(apiMethod); ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable(t, this, "extractTemplate", message); } finally { if (null != is) { is.close(); } } return template; }
public ApiMethod extractApiMethod(ApiMethod.HttpMethod httpMethod, String resourceName) throws ApiException { ApiMethod api = null; try { api = this.getApiCatalogManager().getMethod(httpMethod, resourceName); if (null == api) { throw new ApiException( IApiErrorCodes.API_INVALID, this.buildApiSignature(httpMethod, resourceName) + " does not exists"); } if (!api.isActive()) { throw new ApiException( IApiErrorCodes.API_ACTIVE_FALSE, this.buildApiSignature(httpMethod, resourceName) + " is not active"); } } catch (ApiException ae) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable( ae, this, "extractApi", "Error extracting api method " + this.buildApiSignature(httpMethod, resourceName)); throw ae; } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable( t, this, "extractApi", "Error extracting api method - " + this.buildApiSignature(httpMethod, resourceName)); throw new ApiException( IApiErrorCodes.SERVER_ERROR, this.buildApiSignature(httpMethod, resourceName) + " is not supported"); } return api; }
private String extractHtmlResult( Object masterResult, AbstractApiResponse apiResponse, ApiMethod apiMethod, Properties parameters, Object bean) { String htmlResult = null; try { htmlResult = (String) this.invokeGetMethod(apiMethod, bean, "ToHtml", parameters, false); if (null != htmlResult) { return htmlResult; } String template = this.extractTemplate(apiMethod); if (null == template) { return null; } htmlResult = this.getVelocityRenderer().render(masterResult, template); } catch (ApiException t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable( t, this, "extractHtmlResult", "Error creating html response - " + this.buildApiSignature(apiMethod)); if (null != t.getErrors()) { apiResponse.addErrors(t.getErrors()); } } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable( t, this, "extractHtmlResult", "Error creating html response - " + this.buildApiSignature(apiMethod)); } return htmlResult; }
public Map<String, ApiMethod> getRelatedShowletMethods() throws ApsSystemException { Map<String, ApiMethod> mapping = new HashMap<String, ApiMethod>(); try { List<ApiMethod> masterMethods = this.getMasterMethods(ApiMethod.HttpMethod.GET); for (int i = 0; i < masterMethods.size(); i++) { ApiMethod apiMethod = masterMethods.get(i); ApiMethodRelatedShowlet relatedShowlet = apiMethod.getRelatedShowlet(); if (null != relatedShowlet) { String showletCode = relatedShowlet.getShowletCode(); if (mapping.containsKey(showletCode)) { ApiMethod alreadyMapped = mapping.get(showletCode); String alertMessage = "There is more than one method related whith showlet '" + showletCode + "' - " + "Actual mapped '" + alreadyMapped.getResourceName() + "'; other method '" + apiMethod.getResourceName() + "'"; ApsSystemUtils.getLogger().severe(alertMessage); } else { mapping.put(showletCode, apiMethod.clone()); } } } } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable( t, this, "getRelatedShowletMethods", "Error loading related showlet methods"); throw new ApsSystemException("Error loading related showlet methods", t); } return mapping; }
@Override public List<Shortcut> getAllowedShortcuts(UserDetails user) throws ApsSystemException { List<Shortcut> allowedShortcuts = new ArrayList<Shortcut>(); if (null == user) { ApsSystemUtils.getLogger().info("Required allowed shortcut for null user"); return allowedShortcuts; } try { Iterator<Shortcut> shorCutIter = this.getShortcuts().values().iterator(); while (shorCutIter.hasNext()) { Shortcut shortcut =; String permissionName = shortcut.getRequiredPermission(); if (null == permissionName || this.getAuthorizationManager().isAuthOnPermission(user, permissionName)) { allowedShortcuts.add(shortcut.clone()); } } } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable(t, this, "getAllowedShortcuts"); throw new ApsSystemException( "Error extracting allowed shortcuts by user " + user.getUsername(), t); } BeanComparator comparator = new BeanComparator("source"); Collections.sort(allowedShortcuts, comparator); return allowedShortcuts; }
/** * Verify the validity of the Authority. * * @param authority The authority to verify. * @return True if the authority is valid, else false. */ protected boolean checkAuthority(IApsAuthority authority) { if (null == authority) { ApsSystemUtils.getLogger().severe("Invalid authority detected"); // "Required Users by null authority"; return false; } IApsAuthority authForCheck = this.getAuthority(authority.getAuthority()); if (null == authForCheck) { ApsSystemUtils.getLogger() .severe("The authority with code " + authority.getAuthority() + " does not exist"); // "Required Users by not existing authority : code " + authority.getAuthority()); return false; } if (!authForCheck.getClass().equals(authority.getClass())) { ApsSystemUtils.getLogger() .severe( "Mismatching authority classes detected; code " + authority.getAuthority() + " - Class " + authority.getClass() + " is different by " + authForCheck.getClass()); // "Required Users by invalid authority: code " + authority.getAuthority() + " - Class " + // authority.getClass()); return false; } return true; }
/** * Invia i contenuti dati agli utenti registrati alla newsletter discriminando, per ogni utente, i * contenuti a lui visibili e per i quali ha fatto implicita richiesta nel proprio profilo. * * @param contents La lista dei contenuti da inviare tramite newsletter. * @throws ApsSystemException In caso di errore. */ protected void sendNewsletterToUsers(List<Content> contents) throws ApsSystemException { try { Map<String, List<String>> profileAttributes = this.prepareProfileAttributesForContents(contents); NewsletterReport newsletterReport = this.prepareNewsletterReport(contents); Set<String> usernames = this.extractUsernames(); if (null != usernames && usernames.size() > 0) { Iterator<String> userIter = usernames.iterator(); while (userIter.hasNext()) { String username = (String); UserDetails user = this.getUserManager().getUser(username); if (null != user && !user.isDisabled()) { this.sendNewsletterToUser(username, contents, profileAttributes, newsletterReport); } } } else { ApsSystemUtils.getLogger().severe("Newsletter: no receivers to send newsletter to!"); } this.sendNewsletterToSubscribers(contents, newsletterReport); this.addNewsletterReport(newsletterReport); } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable(t, this, "sendNewsletterToUsers"); throw new ApsSystemException("Error sending Newsletter To Users ", t); } }
protected IDatabaseManager.DatabaseType getType(DataSource dataSource) throws ApsSystemException { String typeString = null; try { String driverClassName = this.invokeGetMethod("getDriverClassName", dataSource); Iterator<Object> typesIter = this.getDatabaseTypeDrivers().keySet().iterator(); while (typesIter.hasNext()) { String typeCode = (String); List<String> driverClassNames = (List<String>) this.getDatabaseTypeDrivers().get(typeCode); if (null != driverClassNames && driverClassNames.contains(driverClassName)) { typeString = typeCode; break; } } if (null == typeString) { ApsSystemUtils.getLogger() .severe( "Type not recognized for Driver '" + driverClassName + "' - " + "Recognized types '" + IDatabaseManager.DatabaseType.values() + "'"); return IDatabaseManager.DatabaseType.UNKNOWN; } return Enum.valueOf(IDatabaseManager.DatabaseType.class, typeString.toUpperCase()); } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.getLogger() .severe("Invalid type for db - '" + typeString + "' - " + t.getMessage()); throw new ApsSystemException("Invalid type for db - '" + typeString + "'", t); } }
protected Object invokeGetMethod( ApiMethod apiMethod, Object bean, String methodSuffix, Properties parameters, boolean throwException) throws ApiException, Throwable { String methodName = null; Object result = null; try { Class[] parameterTypes = new Class[] {Properties.class}; Class beanClass = bean.getClass(); methodName = (null != methodSuffix) ? apiMethod.getSpringBeanMethod() + methodSuffix.trim() : apiMethod.getSpringBeanMethod(); Method method = beanClass.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, parameterTypes); result = method.invoke(bean, parameters); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { if (throwException) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable( e, this, "invokeGetMethod", "No such method '" + methodName + "' of class '" + bean.getClass() + "'"); throw new ApiException( IApiErrorCodes.API_METHOD_ERROR, "Method not supported - " + this.buildApiSignature(apiMethod)); } } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { if (e.getTargetException() instanceof ApiException) { throw (ApiException) e.getTargetException(); } else if (throwException) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable( e.getTargetException(), this, "invokeGetMethod", "Error invoking method '" + methodName + "' of class '" + bean.getClass() + "'"); throw new ApiException( IApiErrorCodes.API_METHOD_ERROR, "Error invoking Method - " + this.buildApiSignature(apiMethod)); } } catch (Throwable t) { if (throwException) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable( t, this, "invokeGetMethod", "Error invoking method - " + this.buildApiSignature(apiMethod) + methodName + "' of class '" + bean.getClass() + "'"); throw t; } } return result; }
protected Object invokePutPostDeleteMethod( ApiMethod apiMethod, Object bean, Properties parameters, Object bodyObject) throws ApiException, Throwable { Object result = null; try { if (apiMethod.getHttpMethod().equals(ApiMethod.HttpMethod.DELETE)) { result = this.invokeDeleteMethod(apiMethod, bean, parameters); } else { result = this.invokePutPostMethod(apiMethod, bean, parameters, bodyObject); } if (null != result) return result; BaseApiResponse response = new BaseApiResponse(); response.setResult(SUCCESS, null); result = response; } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable( e, this, "invokePutPostDeleteMethod", "No such method '" + apiMethod.getSpringBeanMethod() + "' of class '" + bean.getClass() + "'"); throw new ApiException( IApiErrorCodes.API_METHOD_ERROR, "Method not supported - " + this.buildApiSignature(apiMethod)); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { if (e.getTargetException() instanceof ApiException) { throw (ApiException) e.getTargetException(); } else { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable( e.getTargetException(), this, "invokePutPostDeleteMethod", "Error invoking method '" + apiMethod.getSpringBeanMethod() + "' of class '" + bean.getClass() + "'"); throw new ApiException( IApiErrorCodes.API_METHOD_ERROR, "Error invoking Method - " + this.buildApiSignature(apiMethod)); } } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable( t, this, "invokePutPostDeleteMethod", "Error invoking method '" + apiMethod.getSpringBeanMethod() + "' of class '" + bean.getClass() + "'"); throw t; } return result; }
protected boolean checkNode(String nodeCode, Collection<String> groupCodes) { if (!this.isNodeAllowed(nodeCode, groupCodes)) { ApsSystemUtils.getLogger().severe("Node '" + nodeCode + "' not allowed "); return false; } ITreeNode treeNode = this.getTreeNode(nodeCode); if (null == treeNode) { ApsSystemUtils.getLogger().severe("Node '" + nodeCode + "' null "); return false; } return true; }
protected void loadResources() throws ApsSystemException { try { ApiResourceLoader loader = new ApiResourceLoader(this.getLocationPatterns(), this.getServletContext()); Map<String, ApiResource> resources = loader.getResources(); this.setMasterResources(resources); ApsSystemUtils.getLogger().config(this.getClass().getName() + ": initialized Api Methods"); this.getApiCatalogDAO().loadApiStatus(resources); } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable( t, this, "loadResources", "Error loading Api Resources definitions"); throw new ApsSystemException("Error loading Api Resources definitions", t); } }
private String prepareSubscribersMailBody( List<Content> userContents, NewsletterReport newsletterReport, boolean isHtml, String mailAddress) { NewsletterConfig config = this.getConfig(); String unsubscriptionLink = isHtml ? config.getSubscribersHtmlFooter() : config.getSubscribersTextFooter(); if (unsubscriptionLink != null) { StringBuffer body = this.prepareMailCommonBody(userContents, newsletterReport, isHtml); String link = this.createUnsubscriptionLink(mailAddress); Map<String, String> footerParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); footerParams.put("unsubscribeLink", link); String unlink = this.parseText(unsubscriptionLink, footerParams); body.append(unlink); return body.toString(); } else { ApsSystemUtils.getLogger() .warning( "Incomplete configuration for newsletter subscribers! CHECK " + JpnewsletterSystemConstants.NEWSLETTER_CONFIG_ITEM + " item!!"); return this.prepareMailBody(userContents, newsletterReport, isHtml); } }
protected String saveOperation(int operationCode) { try { String code = this.getCode(); ITicketManager ticketManager = this.getTicketManager(); Ticket ticket = ticketManager.getTicket(code); if (ticket != null) { this.setTicket(ticket); boolean allowed = this.isOperationAllowed(ticket, operationCode); boolean validated = this.validateParameters(ticket, operationCode, allowed); if (!allowed) { return "opNotAllowed"; } else if (!validated) { return INPUT; } else { Ticket newTicket = this.createTicketForUpdate(ticket, operationCode); TicketOperation operation = this.createTicketOperation(operationCode); ticketManager.updateTicketWithOperation(newTicket, operation); this.addActionMessage(this.getText("Message.ticketOperation.completed")); } } else { this.addActionError(this.getText("Errors.ticketOperation.ticketNotFound")); return "ticketNotFound"; } } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable(t, this, "view"); return FAILURE; } return SUCCESS; }
private void checkParameters() { try { this.setApiParameterValues(new ApsProperties()); ApiMethod masterMethod = this.getMethod(this.getApiMethodName()); List<ApiMethodParameter> apiParameters = masterMethod.getParameters(); this.setApiParameters(apiParameters); for (int i = 0; i < apiParameters.size(); i++) { ApiMethodParameter apiParameter = apiParameters.get(i); String fieldName = apiParameter.getKey() + "_apiParam"; String value = this.getRequest().getParameter(fieldName); if (null != value && value.trim().length() > 0) { this.getApiParameterValues().put(apiParameter.getKey(), value); } boolean isFreeParameter = (null != this.getFreeParameters()) ? this.getFreeParameters().contains(apiParameter.getKey()) : false; if (apiParameter.isRequired() && (null == value || value.trim().length() == 0) && !isFreeParameter) { this.addFieldError( fieldName, this.getText( "error.service.parameter.invalidSetting", new String[] {apiParameter.getKey(), apiParameter.getDescription()})); } } } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable(t, this, "checkParameters"); throw new RuntimeException("Error checking parameters", t); } }
@Override public String save() { try { String key = this.getServiceKey().trim(); ApiMethod masterMethod = this.getMethod(this.getApiMethodName()); String[] freeParams = null; if (null != this.getFreeParameters()) { freeParams = new String[this.getFreeParameters().size()]; for (int i = 0; i < this.getFreeParameters().size(); i++) { freeParams[i] = this.getFreeParameters().get(i); } } ApiService service = new ApiService( key, this.getDescriptions(), masterMethod, this.getApiParameterValues(), freeParams, this.getTag(), this.isPublicService(), this.isActiveService(), this.isMyEntandoService()); this.getApiCatalogManager().saveService(service); } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable(t, this, "save"); return FAILURE; } return SUCCESS; }
@Override public String edit() { try { String check = this.checkService(this.getServiceKey()); if (null != check) return check; ApiService apiService = this.getApiCatalogManager().getApiService(this.getServiceKey()); this.setApiParameters(apiService.getMaster().getParameters()); this.setApiMethodName(apiService.getMaster().getMethodName()); this.setApiParameterValues(apiService.getParameters()); this.setDescriptions(apiService.getDescription()); this.setPublicService(apiService.isPublicService()); this.setActiveService(apiService.isActive()); this.setMyEntandoService(apiService.isMyEntando()); this.setServiceKey(apiService.getKey()); if (null != apiService.getFreeParameters()) { List<String> freeParams = Arrays.asList(apiService.getFreeParameters()); this.setFreeParameters(freeParams); } this.setTag(apiService.getTag()); this.setStrutsAction(ApsAdminSystemConstants.EDIT); } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable(t, this, "edit"); return FAILURE; } return SUCCESS; }
/** * Verifica che l'utente in sessione sia abilitato all'accesso alla pagina richiesta. Se è * autorizzato il metodo termina con CONTINUE, altrimenti con REDIRECT impostando prima i * parametri di redirezione alla pagina di login. * * @param reqCtx Il contesto di richiesta * @param status Lo stato di uscita del servizio precedente * @return Lo stato di uscita */ @Override public int service(RequestContext reqCtx, int status) { if (_log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { _log.finest("Invoked: " + this.getClass().getName()); } int retStatus = ControllerManager.INVALID_STATUS; if (status == ControllerManager.ERROR) { return status; } try { HttpServletRequest req = reqCtx.getRequest(); HttpSession session = req.getSession(); IPage currentPage = (IPage) reqCtx.getExtraParam(SystemConstants.EXTRAPAR_CURRENT_PAGE); UserDetails currentUser = (UserDetails) session.getAttribute(SystemConstants.SESSIONPARAM_CURRENT_USER); if (null == currentUser) { throw new ApsSystemException("no user on session"); } boolean authorized = this.getAuthManager().isAuth(currentUser, currentPage); if (authorized) { retStatus = ControllerManager.CONTINUE; } else { retStatus = this.redirect(this.getLoginPageCode(), reqCtx); } } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable(t, this, "service", "Error while processing the request"); retStatus = ControllerManager.SYS_ERROR; reqCtx.setHTTPError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } return retStatus; }
@Override public int doStartTag() throws JspException { try { Widget widget = this.extractShowlet(); if (null == widget) return super.doStartTag(); String value = null; if ("code".equals(this.getParam())) { value = widget.getType().getCode(); } else if ("title".equals(this.getParam())) { value = this.extractTitle(widget); } else if ("config".equals(this.getParam())) { ApsProperties config = widget.getConfig(); if (null != config) { value = config.getProperty(this.getConfigParam()); } } if (null != value) { String var = this.getVar(); if (null == var || "".equals(var)) { if (this.getEscapeXml()) { out(this.pageContext, this.getEscapeXml(), value); } else { this.pageContext.getOut().print(value); } } else { this.pageContext.setAttribute(this.getVar(), value); } } } catch (Throwable t) { String msg = "Error detected during showlet preprocessing"; ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable(t, this, "doEndTag", msg); throw new JspException(msg, t); } return super.doStartTag(); }
public ArrayList<ServiceInfo> getServices(Properties properties) throws ApiException { ArrayList<ServiceInfo> services = new ArrayList<ServiceInfo>(); try { String defaultLangCode = this.getLangManager().getDefaultLang().getCode(); String langCode = properties.getProperty(SystemConstants.API_LANG_CODE_PARAMETER); String tagParamValue = properties.getProperty("tag"); String myentandoParamValue = properties.getProperty("myentando"); Boolean myentando = (null != myentandoParamValue && myentandoParamValue.trim().length() > 0) ? Boolean.valueOf(myentandoParamValue) : null; langCode = (null != langCode && null != this.getLangManager().getLang(langCode)) ? langCode : defaultLangCode; Map<String, ApiService> masterServices = this.getApiCatalogManager().getServices(tagParamValue, myentando); Iterator<ApiService> iter = masterServices.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ApiService service = (ApiService); if (service.isActive() && !service.isHidden() && this.checkServiceAuthorization(service, properties, false)) { ServiceInfo smallService = this.createServiceInfo(service, langCode, defaultLangCode); services.add(smallService); } } BeanComparator comparator = new BeanComparator("description"); Collections.sort(services, comparator); } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable(t, this, "getServices", "Error extracting services"); throw new ApiException(IApiErrorCodes.SERVER_ERROR, "Internal error"); } return services; }
@Override public String edit() { try { IContact contact = this.getAddressBookManager().getContact(this.getEntityId()); if (null == contact) { this.addFieldError( "contactKey", this.getText("*CONTATTO NULLO*")); // TODO LABEL DA MODIFICARE return INPUT; } if (!contact.isPublicContact() && !this.getCurrentUser().getUsername().equals(contact.getOwner())) { this.addFieldError( "contactKey", this.getText("*CONTATTO NON PUBBLICO NON AUTORIZZATO*")); // TODO LABEL DA MODIFICARE return INPUT; } contact .getContactInfo() .disableAttributes( JpaddressbookSystemConstants.ATTRIBUTE_DISABLING_CODE_ON_MANAGE_CONTACT); this.getRequest().getSession().setAttribute(SESSION_PARAM_NAME_CURRENT_CONTACT, contact); } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable(t, this, "edit"); return FAILURE; } return SUCCESS; }
public JAXBResource getResource(Properties properties) throws Throwable { JAXBResource jaxbResource = null; String id = properties.getProperty("id"); String resourceTypeCode = properties.getProperty(RESOURCE_TYPE_CODE_PARAM); try { ResourceInterface resource = this.getResourceManager().loadResource(id); if (null == resource || !resource.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(resourceTypeCode)) { throw new ApiException( IApiErrorCodes.API_PARAMETER_VALIDATION_ERROR, "Null resource by id '" + id + "'", Response.Status.CONFLICT); } UserDetails user = (UserDetails) properties.get(SystemConstants.API_USER_PARAMETER); if (null == user) { user = this.getUserManager().getGuestUser(); } String groupName = resource.getMainGroup(); if (!Group.FREE_GROUP_NAME.equals(groupName) && !this.getAuthorizationManager().isAuthOnGroup(user, groupName)) { throw new ApiException( IApiErrorCodes.API_VALIDATION_ERROR, "Required resource '" + id + "' does not allowed", Response.Status.FORBIDDEN); } jaxbResource = new JAXBResource(resource); } catch (ApiException ae) { throw ae; } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable(t, this, "getResource"); throw new ApsSystemException("Error into API method", t); } return jaxbResource; }
protected void initItems() { if (null != this.getStaticItems() && this.getStaticItems().trim().length() > 0) { this.setItems(this.getStaticItems().split(this.getCustomSeparator())); } if (null != this.getExtractorBeanName()) { try { EnumeratorAttributeItemsExtractor extractor = (EnumeratorAttributeItemsExtractor) this.getBeanFactory() .getBean(this.getExtractorBeanName(), EnumeratorAttributeItemsExtractor.class); if (null != extractor) { List<String> items = extractor.getItems(); if (items != null && items.size() > 0) this.addExtractedItems(items); } } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable( t, this, "initItems", "Error while extract items from bean extractor '" + this.getExtractorBeanName() + "'"); } } if (null != this.getItems()) { String[] items = new String[this.getItems().length]; for (int i = 0; i < this.getItems().length; i++) { if (null != this.getItems()[i]) { items[i] = this.getItems()[i].trim(); } } this.setItems(items); } }
public IApsEntity buildEntityType(Class entityClass, Map<String, AttributeInterface> attributes) throws ApiException, Throwable { List<ApiError> errors = new ArrayList<ApiError>(); IApsEntity entityType = null; try { entityType = (IApsEntity) entityClass.newInstance(); entityType.setTypeCode(this.getTypeCode()); entityType.setTypeDescr(this.getTypeDescription()); List<DefaultJAXBAttributeType> jabxAttributes = this.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < jabxAttributes.size(); i++) { try { DefaultJAXBAttributeType jaxbAttributeType = jabxAttributes.get(i); AttributeInterface attribute = jaxbAttributeType.createAttribute(attributes); if (null != entityType.getAttribute(attribute.getName())) { throw new ApiException( IApiErrorCodes.API_VALIDATION_ERROR, "Attribute '" + attribute.getName() + "' already defined"); } entityType.addAttribute(attribute); } catch (ApiException e) { errors.addAll(e.getErrors()); } } } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable(t, this, "buildEntityType"); throw t; } if (!errors.isEmpty()) throw new ApiException(errors); return entityType; }
protected NewsletterReport prepareNewsletterReport(List<Content> contents) { NewsletterConfig config = this.getConfig(); NewsletterReport newsletterReport = new NewsletterReport(); newsletterReport.setSubject(config.getSubject()); newsletterReport.setSendDate(new Date()); String defaultLang = this.getLangManager().getDefaultLang().getCode(); boolean alsoHtml = config.isAlsoHtml(); for (Content content : contents) { boolean isConfiguredWithModels = false; ContentReport contentReport = new ContentReport(); contentReport.setContentId(content.getId()); String textBodyPart = this.prepareMailBodyContentPart(content, defaultLang, false); if (null != textBodyPart) { isConfiguredWithModels = true; contentReport.setTextBody(textBodyPart); } if (alsoHtml) { String htmlBodyPart = this.prepareMailBodyContentPart(content, defaultLang, true); contentReport.setHtmlBody(htmlBodyPart); } if (isConfiguredWithModels) { newsletterReport.addContentReport(contentReport); } else { ApsSystemUtils.getLogger() .info( " Newsletter content " + content.getId() + " not added, because has not model in config."); } } return newsletterReport; }
private boolean isDuplicateFile( JAXBResource jaxbResource, ResourceInterface resourcePrototype, boolean add) { if (null == jaxbResource.getBase64()) return false; boolean addError = true; String formFileName = jaxbResource.getFileName(); try { resourcePrototype.setMainGroup(jaxbResource.getMainGroup()); if (resourcePrototype.exists(formFileName)) { if (!add) { ResourceInterface masterResource = this.getResourceManager().loadResource(jaxbResource.getId()); String masterFileName = (null != masterResource) ? masterResource.getMasterFileName() : null; if (null != masterFileName && masterFileName.equalsIgnoreCase(formFileName)) { addError = false; } } } else { addError = false; } } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable( t, this, "isDuplicateFile", "Error while check duplicate file - master file name '" + formFileName + "'"); } return addError; }
@Override public List<AttributeFieldError> validate(AttributeTracer tracer) { List<AttributeFieldError> errors = new ArrayList<AttributeFieldError>(); try { if (this.getStatus().equals(Status.INCOMPLETE)) { errors.add(new AttributeFieldError(this, FieldError.INVALID, tracer)); } else { IAttributeValidationRules validationRules = this.getValidationRules(); if (null == validationRules) { return errors; } ILangManager langManager = (ILangManager) this.getBeanFactory().getBean(SystemConstants.LANGUAGE_MANAGER, ILangManager.class); List<AttributeFieldError> validationRulesErrors = validationRules.validate(this, tracer, langManager); if (null != validationRulesErrors) { errors.addAll(validationRulesErrors); } } } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable( t, this, "validate", "Error validating Attribute '" + this.getName() + "'"); throw new RuntimeException("Error validating Attribute '" + this.getName() + "'", t); } return errors; }
public void updateMethodConfig(ApiMethod apiMethod) throws ApsSystemException { try { ApiMethod masterMethod = this.checkMethod(apiMethod); this.getApiCatalogDAO().saveApiStatus(apiMethod); masterMethod.setStatus(apiMethod.getStatus()); masterMethod.setRequiredAuth(apiMethod.getRequiredAuth()); String requiredPermission = apiMethod.getRequiredPermission(); if (null != requiredPermission && requiredPermission.trim().length() > 0) { masterMethod.setRequiredPermission(requiredPermission); } else { masterMethod.setRequiredPermission(null); } } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable( t, this, "updateMethodConfig", "Error error updating api status : " + "resource '" + apiMethod.getResourceName() + "' method '" + apiMethod.getHttpMethod() + "' "); throw new ApsSystemException("Error updating api status", t); } }
/** * Imposta i parametri di una redirezione. * * @param redirDestPage Il codice della pagina su cui si vuole redirezionare. * @param reqCtx Il contesto di richiesta. * @return L'indicativo del tipo di redirezione in uscita del controlService. Può essere una delle * costanti definite in ControllerManager. */ protected int redirect(String redirDestPage, RequestContext reqCtx) { int retStatus; try { String redirPar = this.getParameter(RequestContext.PAR_REDIRECT_FLAG, reqCtx); if (redirPar == null || "".equals(redirPar)) { PageURL url = this.getUrlManager().createURL(reqCtx); url.setPageCode(redirDestPage); url.addParam(RequestContext.PAR_REDIRECT_FLAG, "1"); String redirUrl = url.getURL(); if (_log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { _log.finest("Redirecting to " + redirUrl); } reqCtx.clearError(); reqCtx.addExtraParam(RequestContext.EXTRAPAR_REDIRECT_URL, redirUrl); retStatus = ControllerManager.REDIRECT; } else { reqCtx.setHTTPError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); retStatus = ControllerManager.ERROR; } } catch (Throwable t) { retStatus = ControllerManager.SYS_ERROR; reqCtx.setHTTPError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable( t, this, "redirect", "Error on creation redirect to page " + redirDestPage); } return retStatus; }
public Map<String, ApiService> getServices(String tag, Boolean myentando) throws ApsSystemException { Map<String, ApiService> services = this.getServices(); if ((null == tag || tag.trim().length() == 0) && null == myentando) { return services; } Map<String, ApiService> servicesToReturn = new HashMap<String, ApiService>(); try { Iterator<ApiService> iter = services.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ApiService apiService =; String serviceTag = apiService.getTag(); boolean tagCheck = (null == tag || (null != serviceTag && serviceTag.toLowerCase().indexOf(tag.trim().toLowerCase()) > -1)); boolean myentandoCheck = (null == myentando || (myentando.booleanValue() == apiService.isMyEntando())); if (tagCheck && myentandoCheck) { servicesToReturn.put(apiService.getKey(), apiService); } } } catch (Throwable t) { ApsSystemUtils.logThrowable(t, this, "getServices", "Error extracting services"); throw new ApsSystemException("Error extracting services", t); } return servicesToReturn; }