/** The shortcut of building a simple message object to all platforms and all audiences */
 public static PushPayload messageAll(String msgContent) {
   return new Builder()
  public void testMsgContent() {
    Message message = Message.content("msg content");

    JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
    json.add("msg_content", new JsonPrimitive("msg content"));

    Assert.assertEquals("", json, message.toJSON());
  * 构建推送对象:平台是 iOS,推送目标是 "tag1", "tag_all" 的交集, 推送内容同时包括通知与消息 - 通知信息是 ALERT,角标数字为 5,通知声音为 "happy",
  * 并且附加字段 from = "JPush";消息内容是 MSG_CONTENT。通知是 APNs 推送通道的, 消息是 JPush 应用内消息通道的。APNs
  * 的推送环境是“生产”(如果不显式设置的话,Library 会默认指定为开发)
  * @return
 private static PushPayload buildPushObject_ios_tagAnd_alertWithExtrasAndMessage(
     String target,
     String targetAll,
     String messageTitle,
     String message,
     String otherTitle,
     String otherMessage) {
   return PushPayload.newBuilder()
       .setAudience(Audience.tag_and(target, targetAll))
                       .addExtra(otherTitle, otherMessage)