public void setGuiActive() { for (MyTenant t : tenants) { if (t.maintenance) {; } } gui.setPresent(true); }
private void fixAppliance(final MyTenant mt) { System.out.println("Time for me to fix the appliance"); if (!test) { log("Going to fix a tenant's appliance."); } final String temp = mt.needsMaintenance.remove(0); if (!test) { PersonTask pt = new PersonTask("goToApartment"); p.DoGoTo(mt.tenant.getHouse().getName(), pt); if (temp.equals("Stove")) { gui.goToStove(); } else if (temp.equals("Oven")) { gui.goToOven(); } else if (temp.equals("Microwave")) { gui.goToStove(); } try { atDest.acquire(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } fix.schedule( new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("sending msg fixed"); mt.tenant.msgFixed(temp); mt.maintenance = false; if (!test) { log("All fixed, time to go home"); gui.goToExit(); try { atDest.acquire(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } gui.setPresent(false);; setRoleInactive = true; } p.stateChanged(); return; } }, 4000); }