public NSImage convert(final NSImage icon, final Integer width, final Integer height) { if (null == width || null == height) { log.debug(String.format("Return default size for %s",; return icon; } icon.setSize(new NSSize(width, height)); return icon; }
private NSImage iconForFolder(final NSImage badge, final Integer size) { final String name = String.format("NSFolder-%s",; NSImage folder = this.iconForName(name, size); if (null == folder) { folder = this.badge(badge, this.convert(FOLDER_ICON, size)); this.put(name, folder, size); } return folder; }
public NSImage iconForExtension(final NSImage badge, final String extension, final Integer size) { final String name = extension +; NSImage icon = this.iconForName(name, size); if (null == icon) { icon = this.badge(badge, this.iconForExtension(extension, size)); this.put(name, icon, size); } return icon; }
/** * Overlay badge image. * * @param badge Overlay * @param icon Icon * @return Cached icon */ private NSImage badge(final NSImage badge, final NSImage icon) { NSImage f = NSImage.imageWithSize(icon.size()); f.lockFocus(); icon.drawInRect( new NSRect(new NSPoint(0, 0), icon.size()), NSZeroRect, NSGraphics.NSCompositeSourceOver, 1.0f); badge.drawInRect( new NSRect(new NSPoint(0, 0), icon.size()), NSZeroRect, NSGraphics.NSCompositeSourceOver, 1.0f); f.unlockFocus(); return f; }
/** * @param name When looking for files in the application bundle, it is better (but not required) * to include the filename extension in the name parameter * @param width Requested size * @param height Requested size * @return Cached icon * @see NSImage#imageNamed(String) * @see #convert(ch.cyberduck.ui.cocoa.application.NSImage, Integer, Integer) */ protected NSImage iconForName(final String name, final Integer width, final Integer height) { NSImage image = this.load(name, width); if (null == image) { if (name.startsWith("/")) { image = NSImage.imageWithContentsOfFile(name); } else { image = NSImage.imageNamed(name); } if (null == image) { log.warn(String.format("No icon named %s", name)); this.put(name, null, width); } else { // You can clear an image object from the cache explicitly by passing nil for the image // name. image.setName(null); this.put(name, this.convert(image, width, height), width); } } return image; }
public NSImage iconForPath(final Path item, final Integer size, final boolean overlay) { if (item.attributes().isSymbolicLink()) { final NSImage badge = this.iconForName("aliasbadge.tiff", size); badge.setName("aliasbadge"); if (item.attributes().isDirectory()) { return this.iconForFolder(badge, size); } return this.iconForExtension(badge, item.getExtension(), size); } if (item.attributes().isFile()) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(item.getExtension())) { if (item.attributes().getPermission().isExecutable()) { return this.iconForName("executable.tiff", size); } } return this.iconForExtension(item.getExtension(), size); } if (item.attributes().isVolume()) { return this.iconForName(item.getHost().getProtocol().disk(), size); } if (item.attributes().isDirectory()) { if (overlay) { if (!item.attributes().getPermission().isExecutable()) { final NSImage badge = this.iconForName("privatefolderbadge.tiff", size); badge.setName("privatefolderbadge"); return this.iconForFolder(badge, size); } if (!item.attributes().getPermission().isReadable()) { if (item.attributes().getPermission().isWritable()) { final NSImage badge = this.iconForName("dropfolderbadge.tiff", size); badge.setName("dropfolderbadge"); return this.iconForFolder(badge, size); } } if (!item.attributes().getPermission().isWritable()) { final NSImage badge = this.iconForName("readonlyfolderbadge.tiff", size); badge.setName("readonlyfolderbadge"); return this.iconForFolder(badge, size); } } return this.iconForFolder(size); } return this.iconForName("notfound.tiff", size); }