/** * @param item File * @param size Requested size * @return Cached icon */ public NSImage iconForPath(final Local item, final Integer size) { NSImage icon = null; if (item.exists()) { icon = this.load(item.getAbsolute(), size); if (null == icon) { icon = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().iconForFile(item.getAbsolute()); this.put(item.getAbsolute(), this.convert(icon, size), size); } } if (null == icon) { return this.iconForName("notfound.tiff", size); } return icon; }
private void addDownloadPath(Selector action, Local f) { if (downloadPathPopup.menu().itemWithTitle(f.getDisplayName()) == null) { downloadPathPopup .menu() .addItemWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent(f.getDisplayName(), action, StringUtils.EMPTY); downloadPathPopup.lastItem().setTarget(this.id()); downloadPathPopup.lastItem().setImage(IconCache.instance().iconForPath(f, 16)); downloadPathPopup.lastItem().setRepresentedObject(f.getAbsolute()); if (host.getDownloadFolder().equals(f)) { downloadPathPopup.selectItem(downloadPathPopup.lastItem()); } } }
@Override public void mount(Session s) { if (!this.isAvailable()) { this.invoke( new DefaultMainAction() { @Override public void run() {} }); return; } session = s; filesystem = GMUserFileSystem.create((fileystemCallback = new FSCallback()).id(), true); NSNotificationCenter center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter(); center.addObserver( fileystemCallback.id(), Foundation.selector("mountFailed:"), GMUserFileSystem.kGMUserFileSystemMountFailed, null); center.addObserver( fileystemCallback.id(), Foundation.selector("didMount:"), GMUserFileSystem.kGMUserFileSystemDidMount, null); center.addObserver( fileystemCallback.id(), Foundation.selector("didUnmount:"), GMUserFileSystem.kGMUserFileSystemDidUnmount, null); final NSMutableArray options = NSMutableArray.array(); options.addObject( "volicon=" + NSBundle.mainBundle() .pathForResource_ofType(session.getHost().getProtocol().disk(), "icns")); // You can use the volname option to specify a name for the MacFUSE volume being mounted. This // is the name that would show up on the Desktop. In the absence of this option, MacFUSE will // automatically generate a name that would incorporate the MacFUSE device index and the // user-space file system being used. For example, an SSHFS mount might have an automatically // assigned name "MacFUSE Volume 0 (sshfs)". final String volume = session.getHost().getHostname(); options.addObject("volname=" + volume); // By default, if MacFUSE detects a change in a file's size during getattr(), it will purge // that file's buffer cache. When auto_cache is enabled, MacFUSE will additionally // detect modification time changes during getattr() and open() and will automatically // purge the buffer cache and/or attributes of the file if necessary. It will also // generate the relevant kqueue messages. All this is subject to the attribute timeout. // That is, up to one purge can occur per attribute timeout window. As long as the // user-space file system's getattr() callback returns up-to-date size and modification // time information, this should work as intended. For user-space file systems that wish // the kernel to keep up with "remote" changes, this should obviate the need for explicit // purging. auto_cache is not enabled by default: it's opt-in. options.addObject("auto_cache"); // This option makes MacFUSE deny all types of access to extended attributes that begin with the // "com.apple." prefix. On Mac OS X 10.5.x, this is the preferred option if you wish to disallow // entities such as resource forks and Finder information. options.addObject("noapplexattr"); // This option makes MacFUSE deny all types of access to Apple Double (._) files and .DS_Store // files. Any existing files will become apparently non-existent. New files that match the // criteria will be disallowed from being created. options.addObject("noappledouble"); mountpoint = LocalFactory.createLocal("/Volumes/" + volume); if (mountpoint.exists()) { // Make sure we do not mount to a already existing path final String parent = mountpoint.getParent().getAbsolute(); int no = 0; while (mountpoint.exists()) { no++; String proposal = volume + "-" + no; mountpoint = LocalFactory.createLocal(parent, proposal); } } filesystem.mountAtPath_withOptions_shouldForeground_detachNewThread( mountpoint.getAbsolute(), options, true, true); }