   * Computes the given input to produce the corresponding output.
   * @param inputs An input vector.
   * @param votes A vector containing the number of votes for each class.
   * @return The decision label for the given input.
  private int computeVoting(double[] inputs, int[] votes) {
    // Compute decision by Voting

    // out variables cannot be passed into delegates,
    // so will be creating a copy for the vote array.
    // int[] voting = new int[getClasses()];

    // For each class
    for (int i = 0; i < getClasses(); i++) {
      // For each other class
      for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
        // Retrieve and compute the two-class problem for classes i x j
        double answer = machines[i - 1][j].Compute(inputs);

        // Determine the winner class
        int y = (answer < 0) ? i : j;

        // Increment votes for the winner

    // Select class with maximum number of votes
    return Matrix.MaxIndex(votes); // Return the winner as the output.