Example #1
  public static Primitive unaryOperation(Primitive val, int kind) throws UtilEvalError {
    if (val == NULL) throw new UtilEvalError("illegal use of null object or 'null' literal");
    if (val == VOID) throw new UtilEvalError("illegal use of undefined object or 'void' literal");

    Class operandType = val.getType();
    Object operand = promoteToInteger(val.getValue());

    if (operand instanceof Boolean)
      return booleanUnaryOperation((Boolean) operand, kind) ? Primitive.TRUE : Primitive.FALSE;
    else if (operand instanceof Integer) {
      int result = intUnaryOperation((Integer) operand, kind);

      // ++ and -- must be cast back the original type
      if (kind == INCR || kind == DECR) {
        if (operandType == Byte.TYPE) return new Primitive((byte) result);
        if (operandType == Short.TYPE) return new Primitive((short) result);
        if (operandType == Character.TYPE) return new Primitive((char) result);

      return new Primitive(result);
    } else if (operand instanceof Long)
      return new Primitive(longUnaryOperation((Long) operand, kind));
    else if (operand instanceof Float)
      return new Primitive(floatUnaryOperation((Float) operand, kind));
    else if (operand instanceof Double)
      return new Primitive(doubleUnaryOperation((Double) operand, kind));
    else throw new InterpreterError("An error occurred.  Please call technical support.");
Example #2
  	Cast or check a cast of a primitive type to another type.
  	Normally both types are primitive (e.g. numeric), but a null value
  	(no type) may be cast to any type.

  	@param toType is the target type of the cast.  It is normally a
  	java primitive TYPE, but in the case of a null cast can be any object

  	@param fromType is the java primitive TYPE type of the primitive to be
  	cast or null, to indicate that the fromValue was null or void.

  	@param fromValue is, optionally, the value to be converted.  If
  	checkOnly is true fromValue must be null.  If checkOnly is false,
  	fromValue must be non-null (Primitive.NULL is of course valid).
  static Primitive castPrimitive(
      Class toType, Class fromType, Primitive fromValue, boolean checkOnly, int operation)
      throws UtilEvalError {
    	Lots of preconditions checked here...
    	Once things are running smoothly we might comment these out
    	(That's what assertions are for).
    if (checkOnly && fromValue != null) throw new InterpreterError("bad cast param 1");
    if (!checkOnly && fromValue == null) throw new InterpreterError("bad cast param 2");
    if (fromType != null && !fromType.isPrimitive())
      throw new InterpreterError("bad fromType:" + fromType);
    if (fromValue == Primitive.NULL && fromType != null)
      throw new InterpreterError("inconsistent args 1");
    if (fromValue == Primitive.VOID && fromType != Void.TYPE)
      throw new InterpreterError("inconsistent args 2");

    // can't cast void to anything
    if (fromType == Void.TYPE)
      if (checkOnly) return Types.INVALID_CAST;
      else throw Types.castError(Reflect.normalizeClassName(toType), "void value", operation);

    // unwrap Primitive fromValue to its wrapper value, etc.
    Object value = null;
    if (fromValue != null) value = fromValue.getValue();

    if (toType.isPrimitive()) {
      // Trying to cast null to primitive type?
      if (fromType == null)
        if (checkOnly) return Types.INVALID_CAST;
        else throw Types.castError("primitive type:" + toType, "Null value", operation);

      // fall through
    } else {
      // Trying to cast primitive to an object type
      // Primitive.NULL can be cast to any object type
      if (fromType == null) return checkOnly ? Types.VALID_CAST : Primitive.NULL;

      if (checkOnly) return Types.INVALID_CAST;
      else throw Types.castError("object type:" + toType, "primitive value", operation);

    // can only cast boolean to boolean
    if (fromType == Boolean.TYPE) {
      if (toType != Boolean.TYPE)
        if (checkOnly) return Types.INVALID_CAST;
        else throw Types.castError(toType, fromType, operation);

      return checkOnly ? Types.VALID_CAST : fromValue;

    // Do numeric cast

    // Only allow legal Java assignment unless we're a CAST operation
    if (operation == Types.ASSIGNMENT && !Types.isJavaAssignable(toType, fromType)) {
      if (checkOnly) return Types.INVALID_CAST;
      else throw Types.castError(toType, fromType, operation);

    return checkOnly ? Types.VALID_CAST : new Primitive(castWrapper(toType, value));