Example #1
   * Set the value of a the variable 'name' through this namespace. The variable may be an existing
   * or non-existing variable. It may live in this namespace or in a parent namespace if recurse is
   * true.
   * <p>Note: This method is not public and does *not* know about LOCALSCOPING. Its caller methods
   * must set recurse intelligently in all situations (perhaps based on LOCALSCOPING).
   * <p>Note: this method is primarily intended for use internally. If you use this method outside
   * of the bsh package and wish to set variables with primitive values you will have to wrap them
   * using bsh.Primitive.
   * @see bsh.Primitive
   *     <p>Setting a new variable (which didn't exist before) or removing a variable causes a
   *     namespace change.
   * @param strictJava specifies whether strict java rules are applied.
   * @param recurse determines whether we will search for the variable in our parent's scope before
   *     assigning locally.
  void setVariable(String name, Object value, boolean strictJava, boolean recurse)
      throws UtilEvalError {

    // primitives should have been wrapped
    if (value == null) throw new InterpreterError("null variable value");

    // Locate the variable definition if it exists.
    Variable existing = getVariableImpl(name, recurse);

    // Found an existing variable here (or above if recurse allowed)
    if (existing != null) {
      try {
        existing.setValue(value, Variable.ASSIGNMENT);
      } catch (UtilEvalError e) {
        throw new UtilEvalError("Variable assignment: " + name + ": " + e.getMessage());
    } else
    // No previous variable definition found here (or above if recurse)
      if (strictJava)
        throw new UtilEvalError("(Strict Java mode) Assignment to undeclared variable: " + name);

      // If recurse, set global untyped var, else set it here.
      // NameSpace varScope = recurse ? getGlobal() : this;
      // This modification makes default allocation local
      NameSpace varScope = this;

      varScope.variables.put(name, new Variable(name, value, null /*modifiers*/));

      // nameSpaceChanged() on new variable addition
Example #2
   * Declare a variable in the local scope and set its initial value. Value may be null to indicate
   * that we would like the default value for the variable type. (e.g. 0 for integer types, null for
   * object types). An existing typed variable may only be set to the same type. If an untyped
   * variable of the same name exists it will be overridden with the new typed var. The set will
   * perform a Types.getAssignableForm() on the value if necessary.
   * <p>Note: this method is primarily intended for use internally. If you use this method outside
   * of the bsh package and wish to set variables with primitive values you will have to wrap them
   * using bsh.Primitive.
   * @see bsh.Primitive
   * @param value If value is null, you'll get the default value for the type
   * @param modifiers may be null
  public void setTypedVariable(String name, Class type, Object value, Modifiers modifiers)
      throws UtilEvalError {
    // checkVariableModifiers( name, modifiers );


    // Setting a typed variable is always a local operation.
    Variable existing = getVariableImpl(name, false /*recurse*/);

    // Null value is just a declaration
    // Note: we might want to keep any existing value here instead of reset
    // Moved to Variable
    	if ( value == null )
    		value = Primitive.getDefaultValue( type );

    // does the variable already exist?
    if (existing != null) {
      // Is it typed?
      if (existing.getType() != null) {
        // If it had a different type throw error.
        // This allows declaring the same var again, but not with
        // a different (even if assignable) type.
        if (existing.getType() != type) {
          throw new UtilEvalError(
              "Typed variable: "
                  + name
                  + " was previously declared with type: "
                  + existing.getType());
        } else {
          // else set it and return
          existing.setValue(value, Variable.DECLARATION);
      // Careful here:
      // else fall through to override and install the new typed version

    // Add the new typed var
    variables.put(name, new Variable(name, type, value, modifiers));