/** * Execute Script Loads environment and saves result * * @return null or Exception */ public Exception execute() { m_result = null; if (m_variable == null || m_variable.length() == 0 || m_script == null || m_script.length() == 0) { IllegalArgumentException e = new IllegalArgumentException("No variable/script"); log.config(e.toString()); return e; } Interpreter i = new Interpreter(); loadEnvironment(i); try { log.config(m_script); i.eval(m_script); } catch (Exception e) { log.config(e.toString()); return e; } try { m_result = i.get(m_variable); log.config("Result (" + m_result.getClass().getName() + ") " + m_result); } catch (Exception e) { log.config("Result - " + e); if (e instanceof NullPointerException) e = new IllegalArgumentException("Result Variable not found - " + m_variable); return e; } return null; } // execute
public Map<String, Object> eval( Set<String> allowedClasses, Map<String, Object> inputObjects, Set<String> outputNames, String script) throws ScriptingException { if (allowedClasses != null) { throw new ExecutionException("Constrained execution not supported for BeanShell"); } try { Interpreter interpreter = new Interpreter(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : inputObjects.entrySet()) { interpreter.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } interpreter.eval(script); if (outputNames == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> outputObjects = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (String outputName : outputNames) { outputObjects.put(outputName, interpreter.get(outputName)); } return outputObjects; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ScriptingException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
public Object get(String s) { try { return main_interpreter.get(s); } catch (EvalError evalError) { evalError.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
/** * resolution des variables d'une string puis evaluation dynamique d'une string de la forme * $eval{{.....}} */ public final String resolveAndEvalString(String pStr) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException { int index = pStr.indexOf("$eval{{"); if (index == -1) { return resolveString(pStr); } else { if (index != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "(Unable to evaluate " + pStr + " because string is not beginning with \"$eval{{\" sequence."); } int index_fin = pStr.indexOf("}}"); if (index_fin != pStr.length() - 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "(unable to evaluate " + pStr + " because string is not endding with \"}}\" sequence."); } String resolvedString = pStr.substring(0, index_fin); resolvedString = resolvedString.substring(7); resolvedString = resolveString(resolvedString); // evaluation dynamique String evaluatedString = null; try { Interpreter bsh = new Interpreter(); bsh.set("value", new String()); bsh.eval(resolvedString); evaluatedString = (String) bsh.get("value"); } catch (EvalError e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("(unable to evaluate " + resolvedString, e); } return evaluatedString; } }
private static Interpreter getInterpreter(String contextId) throws EvalError { // Get the appropriate interpreter Interpreter i = null; boolean createdInterp = false; synchronized (interpreters) { // serialize two gets of the same name i = interpreters.get(contextId); if (i == null) { i = new Interpreter(); interpreters.put(contextId, i); createdInterp = true; } } if (createdInterp) { Log.log("Created context: " + contextId + " (" + i + ")"); // Now configure stdin and stdout to capture 10k of content // Store references to the circular buffers within the interpreter itself. // This provides a nice place to store them plus theoretically allows // advanced use from within the bsh environment. // On Windows print() outputs \r\n but in XQuery that's normalized to \n // so the 10k of Java buffer may produce less than 10k of content in XQuery! OutputStream circularOutput = new CircularByteArrayOutputStream(10240); PrintStream printOutput = new PrintStream(circularOutput); i.setOut(printOutput); i.set("mljamout", circularOutput); OutputStream circularError = new CircularByteArrayOutputStream(10240); PrintStream printError = new PrintStream(circularError); i.setErr(printError); i.set("mljamerr", circularError); // Capture the built-in System.out and System.err also. // (Commented out since System appears global, can't do per interpreter.) // i.set("mljamprintout", printOutput); // i.set("mljamprinterr", printError); // i.eval("System.setOut(mljamprintout);"); // i.eval("System.setErr(mljamprinterr);"); // Need to expose hexdecode() and base64decode() built-in functions i.eval("hexdecode(String s) { return com.xqdev.jam.MLJAM.hexDecode(s); }"); i.eval("base64decode(String s) { return com.xqdev.jam.MLJAM.base64Decode(s); }"); // Let's tell the context what its id is i.set("mljamid", contextId); } // Update the last accessed time, used for cleaning i.set("mljamlast", System.currentTimeMillis()); // If it's been long enough, go snooping for stale contexts if (System.currentTimeMillis() > lastClean + CLEAN_INTERVAL) { Log.log("Initiated periodic scan for stale context objects"); lastClean = System.currentTimeMillis(); Iterator<Interpreter> itr = interpreters.values().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Interpreter interp = itr.next(); Long last = (Long) interp.get("mljamlast"); if (System.currentTimeMillis() > last + STALE_TIMEOUT) { itr.remove(); Log.log("Staled context: " + interp.get("mljamid") + " (" + interp + ")"); } else if ((System.currentTimeMillis() > last + TEMP_STALE_TIMEOUT) && ("" + interp.get("mljamid")).startsWith("temp:")) { itr.remove(); Log.log("Staled temp context: " + interp.get("mljamid") + " (" + interp + ")"); } } } return i; }
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { try { // A good request looks like /mljam/contextid/verb?name=varname // The extra path info includes the context id and verb String extra = req.getPathInfo(); // "/contextid/verb" if (extra == null || extra.equals("")) { throw new ClientProblemException( "Request requires a context id and verb in its extra path info"); } String[] parts = extra.split("/"); // { "", "contextid", "verb" } if (parts.length < 2) { throw new ClientProblemException( "Request requires a context id and verb in its extra path info"); } else if (parts.length < 3) { throw new ClientProblemException("Request requires a verb in its extra path info"); } String contextId = parts[1]; String verb = parts[2]; String method = req.getMethod(); if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("get")) { // We have three GET verbs: get, get-stdout, get-stderr. // These are all idempotent, while the POST verbs aren't. The get // verb accept a "name" query string parameter. The get verb returns // either XQuery to evaluate (indicated by x-marklogic/xquery content type) // or a raw binary (indicated by an application/binary-encoded content type). if (verb.equalsIgnoreCase("get")) { String name = req.getParameter("name"); if (name == null || name.equals("")) { throw new ClientProblemException("The get verb requires a name parameter"); } Interpreter i = getInterpreter(contextId); Object o = i.get(name); if (o instanceof byte[]) { sendBinaryResponse(res, (byte[]) o); } else if (o instanceof String) { sendStringResponse(res, (String) o); } else { sendXQueryResponse(res, o); } } else if (verb.equalsIgnoreCase("get-stdout")) { Interpreter i = getInterpreter(contextId); i.getOut().flush(); CircularByteArrayOutputStream circ = (CircularByteArrayOutputStream) i.get("mljamout"); if (circ != null) { sendStringResponse(res, circ.toString()); circ.reset(); } else { throw new ServerProblemException("Could not fetch mljamout from interpreter context"); } } else if (verb.equalsIgnoreCase("get-stderr")) { Interpreter i = getInterpreter(contextId); i.getErr().flush(); CircularByteArrayOutputStream circ = (CircularByteArrayOutputStream) i.get("mljamerr"); if (circ != null) { sendStringResponse(res, circ.toString()); circ.reset(); } else { throw new ServerProblemException("Could not fetch mljamerr from interpreter context"); } } else { throw new ClientProblemException("Unrecognized GET verb: " + verb); } } else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("post")) { // We have six POST verbs: eval, unset, end, source, set-string, and set-binary. // These are POST verbs because they aren't idempotent. // The set-string, set-binary, unset, and source verbs accept a "name" // query string parameter. The set-string and set-binary verbs accept // a value in their post body. The eval verb accepts code in its post body. if (verb.equalsIgnoreCase("set-string")) { String name = req.getParameter("name"); if (name == null || name.equals("")) { throw new ClientProblemException("The set-string verb requires a name parameter"); } String body = getBody(req); // a value of "" is legit Interpreter i = getInterpreter(contextId); i.unset(name); i.set(name, body); sendNoResponse(res); } else if (verb.equalsIgnoreCase("set-binary")) { String name = req.getParameter("name"); if (name == null || name.equals("")) { throw new ClientProblemException("The set-binary verb requires a name parameter"); } String body = getBody(req); // a value of "" is legit byte[] bodyBytes = hexDecode(body); // later could do this streaming for speed Interpreter i = getInterpreter(contextId); i.unset(name); i.set(name, bodyBytes); sendNoResponse(res); } else if (verb.equalsIgnoreCase("eval")) { String body = getBody(req); if (body == null || body.equals("")) { throw new ClientProblemException( "The eval verb requires a post body containing code to eval"); } Interpreter i = getInterpreter(contextId); i.eval(body); sendNoResponse(res); } else if (verb.equalsIgnoreCase("eval-get")) { String body = getBody(req); if (body == null || body.equals("")) { throw new ClientProblemException( "The eval-get verb requires a post body containing code to eval"); } Interpreter i = getInterpreter(contextId); Object o = i.eval(body); if (o instanceof byte[]) { sendBinaryResponse(res, (byte[]) o); } else if (o instanceof String) { sendStringResponse(res, (String) o); } else { sendXQueryResponse(res, o); } } else if (verb.equalsIgnoreCase("unset")) { String name = req.getParameter("name"); if (name == null || name.equals("")) { throw new ClientProblemException("The unset verb requires a name parameter"); } Interpreter i = getInterpreter(contextId); i.unset(name); sendNoResponse(res); } else if (verb.equalsIgnoreCase("end")) { endInterpreter(contextId); sendNoResponse(res); } else if (verb.equalsIgnoreCase("source")) { String name = req.getParameter("name"); if (name == null || name.equals("")) { throw new ClientProblemException("The source verb requires a name parameter"); } Interpreter i = getInterpreter(contextId); i.source(name); sendNoResponse(res); } else { throw new ClientProblemException("Unrecognized POST verb: " + verb); } } } catch (TargetError e) { Throwable target = e.getTarget(); Log.log(e); Log.log("Target: " + target); sendServerProblemResponse( res, target.getClass().getName() + ": " + target.getMessage() + " when executing Java code: " + e.getErrorText()); // include full trace? } catch (EvalError e) { Log.log(e); sendServerProblemResponse( res, e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); // include full trace? } catch (ClientProblemException e) { Log.log(e); sendClientProblemResponse(res, e.getMessage()); } catch (ServerProblemException e) { Log.log(e); sendServerProblemResponse(res, e.getMessage()); } }