public void decodeManifestRaw(ExtFile apkFile, File outDir) throws AndrolibException { try { Directory apk = apkFile.getDirectory();"Copying raw manifest..."); apkFile.getDirectory().copyToDir(outDir, APK_MANIFEST_FILENAMES); } catch (DirectoryException ex) { throw new AndrolibException(ex); } }
public void decodeManifest(ResTable resTable, ExtFile apkFile, File outDir) throws AndrolibException { Duo<ResFileDecoder, AXmlResourceParser> duo = getManifestFileDecoder(); ResFileDecoder fileDecoder = duo.m1; // Set ResAttrDecoder duo.m2.setAttrDecoder(new ResAttrDecoder()); ResAttrDecoder attrDecoder = duo.m2.getAttrDecoder(); // Fake ResPackage attrDecoder.setCurrentPackage(new ResPackage(resTable, 0, null)); Directory inApk, out; try { inApk = apkFile.getDirectory(); out = new FileDirectory(outDir);"Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with only framework resources..."); fileDecoder.decodeManifest(inApk, "AndroidManifest.xml", out, "AndroidManifest.xml"); } catch (DirectoryException ex) { throw new AndrolibException(ex); } }
public boolean buildSourcesSmali(File appDir, String folder, String filename) throws AndrolibException { ExtFile smaliDir = new ExtFile(appDir, folder); if (!smaliDir.exists()) { return false; } File dex = new File(appDir, APK_DIRNAME + "/" + filename); if (!apkOptions.forceBuildAll) {"Checking whether sources has changed..."); } if (apkOptions.forceBuildAll || isModified(smaliDir, dex)) {"Smaling " + folder + " folder into " + filename + "..."); dex.delete();, dex, apkOptions.debugMode); } return true; }
public Map<String, Object> readMetaFile(ExtFile appDir) throws AndrolibException { try (InputStream in = appDir.getDirectory().getFileInput("apktool.yml"); ) { Yaml yaml = new Yaml(); return (Map<String, Object>) yaml.load(in); } catch (DirectoryException | IOException ex) { throw new AndrolibException(ex); } }
public void decodeResourcesRaw(ExtFile apkFile, File outDir) throws AndrolibException { try {"Copying raw resources..."); apkFile.getDirectory().copyToDir(outDir, APK_RESOURCES_FILENAMES); } catch (DirectoryException ex) { throw new AndrolibException(ex); } }
public void decodeSourcesRaw(ExtFile apkFile, File outDir, String filename) throws AndrolibException { try {"Copying raw classes.dex file..."); apkFile.getDirectory().copyToDir(outDir, filename); } catch (DirectoryException ex) { throw new AndrolibException(ex); } }
private ResPackage[] getResPackagesFromApk(ExtFile apkFile, ResTable resTable, boolean keepBroken) throws AndrolibException { try { return ARSCDecoder.decode( apkFile.getDirectory().getFileInput("resources.arsc"), false, keepBroken, resTable) .getPackages(); } catch (DirectoryException ex) { throw new AndrolibException("Could not load resources.arsc from file: " + apkFile, ex); } }
public boolean buildManifestRaw(ExtFile appDir) throws AndrolibException { try { File apkDir = new File(appDir, APK_DIRNAME);"Copying raw AndroidManifest.xml..."); appDir.getDirectory().copyToDir(apkDir, APK_MANIFEST_FILENAMES); return true; } catch (DirectoryException ex) { throw new AndrolibException(ex); } }
public void decodeUnknownFiles(ExtFile apkFile, File outDir, ResTable resTable) throws AndrolibException {"Copying unknown files..."); File unknownOut = new File(outDir, UNK_DIRNAME); ZipEntry invZipFile; // have to use container of ZipFile to help identify compression type // with regular looping of apkFile for easy copy try { Directory unk = apkFile.getDirectory(); ZipFile apkZipFile = new ZipFile(apkFile.getAbsolutePath()); // loop all items in container recursively, ignoring any that are pre-defined by aapt Set<String> files = unk.getFiles(true); for (String file : files) { if (!isAPKFileNames(file) && !file.endsWith(".dex")) { // copy file out of archive into special "unknown" folder unk.copyToDir(unknownOut, file); try { invZipFile = apkZipFile.getEntry(file); // lets record the name of the file, and its compression type // so that we may re-include it the same way if (invZipFile != null) { mResUnknownFiles.addUnknownFileInfo( invZipFile.getName(), String.valueOf(invZipFile.getMethod())); } } catch (NullPointerException ignored) { } } } apkZipFile.close(); } catch (DirectoryException | IOException ex) { throw new AndrolibException(ex); } }
public void decode(ResTable resTable, ExtFile apkFile, File outDir) throws AndrolibException { Duo<ResFileDecoder, AXmlResourceParser> duo = getResFileDecoder(); ResFileDecoder fileDecoder = duo.m1; ResAttrDecoder attrDecoder = duo.m2.getAttrDecoder(); attrDecoder.setCurrentPackage(resTable.listMainPackages().iterator().next()); Directory inApk, in = null, out; try { inApk = apkFile.getDirectory(); out = new FileDirectory(outDir);"Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources..."); fileDecoder.decodeManifest(inApk, "AndroidManifest.xml", out, "AndroidManifest.xml"); if (inApk.containsDir("res")) { in = inApk.getDir("res"); } out = out.createDir("res"); } catch (DirectoryException ex) { throw new AndrolibException(ex); } ExtMXSerializer xmlSerializer = getResXmlSerializer(); for (ResPackage pkg : resTable.listMainPackages()) { attrDecoder.setCurrentPackage(pkg);"Decoding file-resources..."); for (ResResource res : pkg.listFiles()) { fileDecoder.decode(res, in, out); }"Decoding values */* XMLs..."); for (ResValuesFile valuesFile : pkg.listValuesFiles()) { generateValuesFile(valuesFile, out, xmlSerializer); } generatePublicXml(pkg, out, xmlSerializer);"Done."); } AndrolibException decodeError = duo.m2.getFirstError(); if (decodeError != null) { throw decodeError; } }
public void decodeRawFiles(ExtFile apkFile, File outDir) throws AndrolibException {"Copying assets and libs..."); try { Directory in = apkFile.getDirectory(); if (in.containsDir("assets")) { in.copyToDir(outDir, "assets"); } if (in.containsDir("lib")) { in.copyToDir(outDir, "lib"); } if (in.containsDir("libs")) { in.copyToDir(outDir, "libs"); } } catch (DirectoryException ex) { throw new AndrolibException(ex); } }
public void buildNonDefaultSources(ExtFile appDir) throws AndrolibException { try { Map<String, Directory> dirs = appDir.getDirectory().getDirs(); for (Map.Entry<String, Directory> directory : dirs.entrySet()) { String name = directory.getKey(); if (name.startsWith("smali_")) { String filename = name.substring(name.indexOf("_") + 1) + ".dex"; if (!buildSourcesRaw(appDir, filename) && !buildSourcesSmali(appDir, name, filename) && !buildSourcesJava(appDir)) { LOGGER.warning("Could not find sources"); } } } } catch (DirectoryException ex) { throw new AndrolibException(ex); } }
public void writeOriginalFiles(ExtFile apkFile, File outDir) throws AndrolibException {"Copying original files..."); File originalDir = new File(outDir, "original"); if (!originalDir.exists()) { originalDir.mkdirs(); } try { Directory in = apkFile.getDirectory(); if (in.containsFile("AndroidManifest.xml")) { in.copyToDir(originalDir, "AndroidManifest.xml"); } if (in.containsDir("META-INF")) { in.copyToDir(originalDir, "META-INF"); } } catch (DirectoryException ex) { throw new AndrolibException(ex); } }
public boolean buildResourcesRaw(ExtFile appDir) throws AndrolibException { try { if (!new File(appDir, "resources.arsc").exists()) { return false; } File apkDir = new File(appDir, APK_DIRNAME); if (!apkOptions.forceBuildAll) {"Checking whether resources has changed..."); } if (apkOptions.forceBuildAll || isModified( newFiles(APK_RESOURCES_FILENAMES, appDir), newFiles(APK_RESOURCES_FILENAMES, apkDir))) {"Copying raw resources..."); appDir.getDirectory().copyToDir(apkDir, APK_RESOURCES_FILENAMES); } return true; } catch (DirectoryException ex) { throw new AndrolibException(ex); } }