Example #1
 public void act(double time) {
   // our default is to move forward in a straight line
   double forwardSpeed = 0.024; // 24mm per second straight ahead
   double lateralSpeed = 0.0; // Ants *can* move laterally, but ours won't for now
   double turningSpeed = 0.0; // no rotational velocity by default
   // get a vector towards the nearest thing so we can avoid it
   MutableDouble2D ant = new MutableDouble2D();
   boolean sawAnt = antBody.getNearestSameTypeVec(ant);
   MutableDouble2D wall = new MutableDouble2D();
   boolean sawWall = antBody.getNearestObstacleVec(wall);
   MutableDouble2D avoidPoint = null;
   if (!sawWall && !sawAnt) {
     avoidPoint = null;
   } else if (!sawAnt) {
     avoidPoint = wall;
   } else if (!sawWall) {
     avoidPoint = ant;
   } else {
     avoidPoint = (ant.lengthSq() < wall.lengthSq()) ? ant : wall;
   if (avoidPoint != null) {
     if (avoidPoint.y > 0) turningSpeed = -40.0 * (Math.PI / 180.0);
     else turningSpeed = 40.0 * (Math.PI / 180.0);
   antBody.setDesiredVelocity(forwardSpeed, lateralSpeed, turningSpeed);
Example #2
 public void act(double time) {
   // System.out.println("Ant body:"+antBody);
   double[] rv = new double[3];
   MutableDouble2D ant = new MutableDouble2D();
   boolean sawAnt = antBody.getNearestSameTypeVec(ant);
   MutableDouble2D wall = new MutableDouble2D();
   boolean sawWall = antBody.getNearestObstacleVec(wall);
   MutableDouble2D home = new MutableDouble2D();
   boolean sawHome = antBody.getPoiDir(home, "nest");
   MutableDouble2D food = new MutableDouble2D();
   boolean sawFood = antBody.getNearestPreyVec(food);
   double[] sensorVec = new double[FEATURE_DIM];
   double[][] nearestK = new double[5][3];
   sensorVec[0] = ant.x;
   sensorVec[1] = ant.y;
   sensorVec[2] = wall.x;
   sensorVec[3] = wall.y;
   // System.out.println("Sensor vec: ["+sensorVec[0]+", "+sensorVec[1]+", "+sensorVec[2]+",
   // "+sensorVec[3]+"]");
   sensorVec[4] = home.x;
   sensorVec[5] = home.y;
   // sensorVec[6] = food.x;
   // sensorVec[7] = food.y;
   // sensorVec[4] = prevVel[0];
   // sensorVec[5] = prevVel[1];
   // sensorVec[6] = prevVel[2];
   // sensorVec[7] = home.x;
   // sensorVec[8] = home.y;
   knn.query(sensorVec, nearestK);
   // now, do median, average, or random selection
   // average
   for (int i = 0; i < rv.length; i++) rv[i] = 0.0;
   for (int i = 0; i < nearestK.length; i++) {
     for (int j = 0; j < nearestK[i].length; j++) {
       rv[j] += nearestK[i][j];
   for (int i = 0; i < rv.length; i++) rv[i] = rv[i] / (double) nearestK.length;
   // if(rv[0] < 0 ) System.out.println("Movin backwards!");
   prevVel[0] = rv[0];
   prevVel[1] = rv[1];
   prevVel[2] = rv[2];
   // System.out.println("rv: ["+rv[0]+", "+rv[1]+", "+rv[2]+"]");
   antBody.setDesiredVelocity(rv[0], rv[1], rv[2]);