   * Adds time to timesheets from two given lists and removes them from the lists
   * @param primaryTimesheets //A list of timesheets that are currently getting the hours
   * @param currentTimesheets //A list of timesheets that are still active
  private void cleanUpRemainingTimeSheets(
      ArrayList<Time_Sheet> primaryTimesheets, ArrayList<Time_Sheet> currentTimesheets) {
    Timestamp latestTimePayedFor = primaryTimesheets.get(primaryTimesheets.size() - 1).getEndTime();

    // removes all the timesheets from current time sheets, that ended before the last primary time
    // sheet
    removeOldTimeSheets(currentTimesheets, latestTimePayedFor);

    // adds time to the remaining primary time sheets
        primaryTimesheets.get(primaryTimesheets.size() - 1).getEndTime());

    // Adds time to the remaining current time sheets
    for (int j = currentTimesheets.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {

      Time_Sheet currenTempTS = currentTimesheets.get(j);
      long millis = currenTempTS.getEndTime().getTime() - latestTimePayedFor.getTime();
      int minutes = (int) (millis / (60 * 1000));
      latestTimePayedFor = currenTempTS.getEndTime();
   * Gets all timesheets that are conflicting with a given timesheet or conflicts with the
   * conflicting timesheets and so on
   * @param ts the timesheet
   * @return a the conflicting timesheets
   * @throws SQLException if an error has occured executing the sql query
  private ArrayList<Time_Sheet> getAllConflicts(Time_Sheet ts) throws SQLException {
    ArrayList<Time_Sheet> conflicts = new ArrayList();
    int oldConflictsSize = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < conflicts.size(); i++) {

      for (Time_Sheet tempTs : timeSheetAccess.getConflictingTimeSheets(conflicts.get(i))) {
        boolean alreadyIncluded = false;

        for (Time_Sheet temporaryTs : conflicts) {
          if (tempTs.getId() == temporaryTs.getId()) alreadyIncluded = true;
        if (!alreadyIncluded) conflicts.add(tempTs);
    return conflicts;
  * Compares 2 time sheets
  * @param ts1 the 1st timesheet
  * @param ts2 the 2nd timesheet
  * @return the difference in minutes between the 2 timesheets
 private int myCompare(Time_Sheet ts1, Time_Sheet ts2) {
   if (ts1.getMinutes() == ts2.getMinutes()) {
     return ts1.getId() - ts2.getId();
   } else {
     return ts2.getMinutes() - ts1.getMinutes();
   * Calculates how many hours a given timesheet should get
   * @param ts the timesheet of which you want the hours
   * @return the hours
   * @throws SQLException if an error has occured executing the sql query
  public int getHoursForTimeSheeet(Time_Sheet ts) throws SQLException {
    ArrayList<Time_Sheet> conflicts = getAllConflicts(ts);

    ArrayList<Time_Sheet> currentTimesheets =
        new ArrayList(); // A list of timesheets that are still active
    ArrayList<Time_Sheet> primaryTimesheets =
        new ArrayList(); // A list of timesheets that are currently getting the hours
    for (int i = 0; i < conflicts.size(); i++) {
      Time_Sheet currentTs = conflicts.get(i);

       * If the current timesheet is the first timesheet in conflicts, or if the current timesheet
       * has the same startime, as the current active timesheets the add it to the currently active
       * timesheets
      if (primaryTimesheets.isEmpty()
          || primaryTimesheets.get(0).getStartTime().getTime()
              == currentTs.getStartTime().getTime()) {

      } else {

        removeOldTimeSheets(currentTimesheets, currentTs.getStartTime());
        addTimeToPrimaryTimeSheets(primaryTimesheets, currentTimesheets, currentTs.getStartTime());
    cleanUpRemainingTimeSheets(primaryTimesheets, currentTimesheets);

    // calculate the total amount of minutes
    int minutes = 0;
    for (Time_Sheet myTS : conflicts) {
      minutes += myTS.getMinutes();
    // calculate the total amount of hours
    int totalHours;
    if (minutes % 60 == 0) totalHours = (int) (minutes / 60);
    else totalHours = (int) (minutes / 60) + 1;

    if (totalHours < 2) totalHours = 2;
    for (Time_Sheet myTS : conflicts) {
      while (myTS.getMinutes() >= 60) {

    sortTimeSheetListByHours(conflicts, 0, conflicts.size() - 1);

    while (totalHours > 0) {
      conflicts.get(conflicts.size() - 1).addHours(1);
      conflicts.get(conflicts.size() - 1).removeMinute(60);
      sortTimeSheetListByHours(conflicts, 0, conflicts.size() - 1);
    int res = ts.getHours();
    for (Time_Sheet myTS : conflicts) {

    return res;
   * Add time to primary timesheets and move them to current timesheets if they're still active
   * @param primaryTimesheets A list of timesheets that are currently getting the hours
   * @param currentTimesheets A list of timesheets that are still active
   * @param currentTime The current time to calculate hours and such from;
  private void addTimeToPrimaryTimeSheets(
      ArrayList<Time_Sheet> primaryTimesheets,
      ArrayList<Time_Sheet> currentTimesheets,
      Timestamp currentTime) {
    // Do for all time sheets in primary time sheet
    for (int j = 0; j < primaryTimesheets.size(); j++) {

      Timestamp tempEnd = currentTime;
      Time_Sheet currentPrimaryTS = primaryTimesheets.get(j);
      // If the primary timesheet ended before the new current time, then remove it, add minutes and
      // check if any current timesheets are still active.
      if (currentPrimaryTS.getEndTime().getTime() <= currentTime.getTime()) {
        tempEnd = currentPrimaryTS.getEndTime();
        long millis =
                - currentPrimaryTS.getStartTimeForCurrentTimeAtAlarm().getTime();
        int minutes = (int) (millis / (60 * 1000));
        // split the time between all the primary time sheets
        for (Time_Sheet myTS : primaryTimesheets) {
          myTS.addMinute((minutes / primaryTimesheets.size()));
        boolean hasAddedNewTimeSheet = false;
        // If it's the last primary time sheet. Then move the last added current time sheet to
        // primary time sheets.
        if (primaryTimesheets.size() == 1 && !currentTimesheets.isEmpty()) {

          removeOldTimeSheets(currentTimesheets, currentPrimaryTS.getEndTime());

          primaryTimesheets.add(currentTimesheets.get(currentTimesheets.size() - 1));
          currentTimesheets.remove(currentTimesheets.size() - 1);
          hasAddedNewTimeSheet = true;
        // Remove the primary time sheet we have calculated time for
        if (hasAddedNewTimeSheet) {
          primaryTimesheets.remove(j - 1);
        } else {

      } else { // if the primary time sheet ended after the current time, then add minutes and move
               // it to current time sheets

        long millis =
            tempEnd.getTime() - currentPrimaryTS.getStartTimeForCurrentTimeAtAlarm().getTime();
        int minutes = (int) (millis / (60 * 1000));

