public static void printBoltStat(String topologyId) { try { Client client = ThriftClient.getClient(); TopologyInfo topologyInfo = client.getTopologyInfo(topologyId); Iterator<ExecutorSummary> executorSummaryIterator = topologyInfo.get_executors_iterator(); while (executorSummaryIterator.hasNext()) { ExecutorSummary executorSummary =; ExecutorStats executorStats = executorSummary.get_stats(); if (executorStats != null) { ExecutorSpecificStats executorSpecificStats = executorStats.get_specific(); String componentId = executorSummary.get_component_id(); if (executorSpecificStats.is_set_bolt()) { printLine(); BoltStats boltStats = executorSpecificStats.get_bolt(); System.out.println("component id of bolt : " + componentId); System.out.println( "transferred : " + getAllTimeStat(executorStats.get_transferred(), ALL_TIME)); System.out.println( "total tuples emitted : " + getAllTimeStat(executorStats.get_emitted(), ALL_TIME)); System.out.println("acked : " + getBoltStats(boltStats.get_acked(), ALL_TIME)); System.out.println("failed : " + getBoltStats(boltStats.get_failed(), ALL_TIME)); System.out.println("executed : " + getBoltStats(boltStats.get_executed(), ALL_TIME)); printLine(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Error occurred while fetching the spout information!"); } }
public boolean metrics( Nimbus.Client client, int size, long now, MetricsState state, String message) throws Exception { ClusterSummary summary = client.getClusterInfo(); long time = now - state.lastTime; state.lastTime = now; int numSupervisors = summary.get_supervisors_size(); int totalSlots = 0; int totalUsedSlots = 0; ////////// // String namaSupervisor = ""; for (SupervisorSummary sup : summary.get_supervisors()) { totalSlots += sup.get_num_workers(); totalUsedSlots += sup.get_num_used_workers(); // namaSupervisor = namaSupervisor + sup.get_host() + ","; } // System.out.println(namaSupervisor); int slotsUsedDiff = totalUsedSlots - state.slotsUsed; state.slotsUsed = totalUsedSlots; int numTopologies = summary.get_topologies_size(); long totalTransferred = 0; int totalExecutors = 0; int executorsWithMetrics = 0; for (TopologySummary ts : summary.get_topologies()) { String id = ts.get_id(); TopologyInfo info = client.getTopologyInfo(id); //// SOE Addition PerftestWriter.print(summary, info, new HashMap<String, Long>()); //// for (ExecutorSummary es : info.get_executors()) { ExecutorStats stats = es.get_stats(); totalExecutors++; if (stats != null) { Map<String, Map<String, Long>> transferred = stats.get_emitted(); /* .get_transferred();*/ if (transferred != null) { Map<String, Long> e2 = transferred.get(":all-time"); if (e2 != null) { executorsWithMetrics++; // The SOL messages are always on the default stream, so just count those Long dflt = e2.get("default"); if (dflt != null) { totalTransferred += dflt; } } } } } } // long transferredDiff = totalTransferred - state.transferred; state.transferred = totalTransferred; // double throughput = (transferredDiff == 0 || time == 0) ? 0.0 : (transferredDiff * // size)/(1024.0 * 1024.0)/(time/1000.0); // System.out.println(message+"\t"+numTopologies+"\t"+totalSlots+"\t"+totalUsedSlots+"\t"+totalExecutors+"\t"+executorsWithMetrics+"\t"+now+"\t"+time+"\t"+transferredDiff+"\t"+throughput); System.out.println( message + "," + totalSlots + "," + totalUsedSlots + "," + totalExecutors + "," + executorsWithMetrics + "," + time); if ("WAITING".equals(message)) { // System.err.println(" !("+totalUsedSlots+" > 0 && "+slotsUsedDiff+" == 0 && // "+totalExecutors+" > 0 && "+executorsWithMetrics+" >= "+totalExecutors+")"); } return !(totalUsedSlots > 0 && slotsUsedDiff == 0 && totalExecutors > 0 && executorsWithMetrics >= totalExecutors); }