Example #1
   * generate the switch code for 1 data item given the list of destinations we do not want to
   * duplicate items until neccessary, so we have to keep track of all the routes and then generate
   * the switch code this way we can route multiple dests per route instruction
  protected void generateSwitchCode(FlatNode fire, List<FlatNode> dests) {
    assert !(layout.getIdentities().contains(fire));

    // should only have one previous
    HashMap<ComputeNode, ComputeNode> prev = new HashMap<ComputeNode, ComputeNode>();
    HashMap<ComputeNode, HashSet> next = new HashMap<ComputeNode, HashSet>();

    ListIterator<FlatNode> destsIt = dests.listIterator();
    while (destsIt.hasNext()) {
      FlatNode dest = destsIt.next();
      assert dest != null;
      assert !(layout.getIdentities().contains(dest));
      //  System.out.println("  Dest: " + dest + " " + layout.getTile(dest));
      ComputeNode[] hops =
              .getRoute(ssg, layout.getComputeNode(fire), layout.getComputeNode(dest))
              .toArray(new ComputeNode[0]);

      assert hops.length > 1
          : "Error: Bad Layout (could not find route from "
              + fire.toString()
              + " -> "
              + dest.toString();

      // for (int i = 0; i < hops.length; i++)
      //      System.out.println("     " + hops[i]);

      // add to fire's next
      if (!next.containsKey(layout.getComputeNode(fire)))
        next.put(layout.getComputeNode(fire), new HashSet());
      // add to all other previous, next
      for (int i = 1; i < hops.length - 1; i++) {
        if (prev.containsKey(hops[i]))
          if (prev.get(hops[i]) != hops[i - 1])
            Utils.fail("More than one previous tile for a single data item");
        prev.put(hops[i], hops[i - 1]);
        if (!next.containsKey(hops[i])) next.put(hops[i], new HashSet());
        next.get(hops[i]).add(hops[i + 1]);
      // add the last step, plus the dest to the dest map
      if (prev.containsKey(hops[hops.length - 1]))
        if (prev.get(hops[hops.length - 1]) != hops[hops.length - 2])
          Utils.fail("More than one previous tile for a single data item (2)");
      prev.put(hops[hops.length - 1], hops[hops.length - 2]);
      if (!next.containsKey(hops[hops.length - 1])) next.put(hops[hops.length - 1], new HashSet());
      next.get(hops[hops.length - 1]).add(hops[hops.length - 1]);

    // create the appropriate amount of routing instructions
    int elements = Util.getTypeSize(CommonUtils.getOutputType(fire));
    for (int i = 0; i < elements; i++) asm(layout.getComputeNode(fire), prev, next);
Example #2
  /** consume the data and return the number of items produced * */
  protected int fireMe(
      FlatNode fire, SimulationCounter counters, HashMap<FlatNode, Integer> executionCounts) {
    if (fire.contents instanceof SIRFilter) {
      // decrement the schedule execution counter
      decrementExecutionCounts(fire, executionCounts, counters);

      // consume the date from the buffer
      counters.decrementBufferCount(fire, consumedItems(fire, counters, executionCounts));

      // for a steady state execution return the normal push
      int ret = ((SIRFilter) fire.contents).getPushInt();

      // if the filter is a two stage, and it has not fired
      // return the initPush() unless the initWork does nothing
      if (initSimulation && !counters.hasFired(fire) && fire.contents instanceof SIRTwoStageFilter)
        ret = ((SIRTwoStageFilter) fire.contents).getInitPushInt();
      else if (!initSimulation && KjcOptions.ratematch) {
        // we are ratematching so produce all the data on the one firing.
        ret *= ssg.getMult(fire, false);
      // now this node has fired
      return ret;
    } else if (fire.contents instanceof SIRJoiner) {
      return fireJoiner(fire, counters, executionCounts);

    Utils.fail("Trying to fire a non-filter or joiner");
    return -1;
Example #3
 /** Constructs a joiner with given parent, type and n number of inputs. */
 public static SIRJoiner create(SIRContainer parent, SIRJoinType type, int n) {
   if (type == SIRJoinType.COMBINE) {
     // fill weights with 1
     return new SIRJoiner(parent, type, Utils.initLiteralArray(n, 1), true);
   } else if (type == SIRJoinType.NULL) {
     // for null type, fill with zero weights
     return new SIRJoiner(parent, type, Utils.initLiteralArray(n, 0), true);
   } else if (type == SIRJoinType.WEIGHTED_RR) {
     // if making a weighted round robin, should use other constructor
     Utils.fail("Need to specify weights for weighted round robin");
     return null;
   } else if (type == SIRJoinType.ROUND_ROBIN) {
     // if making a round robin, should use other constructor
     Utils.fail("Need to specify weight for uniform round robin");
     return null;
   } else {
     Utils.fail("Unreckognized joiner type.");
     return null;
Example #4
  /** Give that a node has just fired, update the simulation state * */
  protected void decrementExecutionCounts(
      FlatNode fire, HashMap<FlatNode, Integer> executionCounts, SimulationCounter counters) {
    // decrement one from the execution count
    int oldVal = executionCounts.get(fire).intValue();
    if (oldVal - 1 < 0) Utils.fail("Executed too much");

    // if we are ratematching the node only fires once but only do this
    // for filters
    if (!initSimulation && KjcOptions.ratematch && fire.contents instanceof SIRFilter) {
      executionCounts.put(fire, new Integer(0));
    } else executionCounts.put(fire, new Integer(oldVal - 1));
Example #5
 public static SIRJoiner create(SIRContainer parent, SIRJoinType type, JExpression[] weights) {
   if (type == SIRJoinType.NULL) {
     return new SIRJoiner(parent, type, Utils.initLiteralArray(weights.length, 0), true);
   } else if (type == SIRJoinType.WEIGHTED_RR) {
     return createWeightedRR(parent, weights);
   } else if (type == SIRJoinType.ROUND_ROBIN) {
     JExpression weight = (weights.length > 0 ? weights[0] : new JIntLiteral(1));
     return createUniformRR(parent, weight);
   } else {
     Utils.fail("Unrecognized joiner type.");
     return null;
Example #6
  protected SIRStream doCut(
      LinkedList<PartitionRecord> partitions,
      PartitionRecord curPartition,
      int x1,
      int x2,
      int xPivot,
      int tileLimit,
      int tPivot,
      SIRStream str) {
    // there's a division at this <yPivot>.  We'll
    // return result of a horizontal cut.
    int[] arr = {1 + (xPivot - x1), x2 - xPivot};
    PartitionGroup pg = PartitionGroup.createFromArray(arr);

    SIRContainer result;
    // might have either pipeline or feedback loop at this point...
    if (str instanceof SIRPipeline) {
      result = RefactorPipeline.addHierarchicalChildren((SIRPipeline) str, pg);
    } else if (str instanceof SIRFeedbackLoop) {
      // if we have a feedbackloop, then factored is
      // just the original, since it will have only
      // two children
      result = (SIRContainer) str;
    } else {
      result = null;
      Utils.fail("Unrecognized stream type: " + str);

    // recurse up and down
    SIRStream top = traceback(partitions, curPartition, x1, xPivot, tPivot, result.get(0));
    // mark that we have a partition here
    curPartition = new PartitionRecord();
    SIRStream bot =
        traceback(partitions, curPartition, xPivot + 1, x2, tileLimit - tPivot, result.get(1));

    // mutate ourselves if we haven't been mutated yet
    result.set(0, top);
    result.set(1, bot);

    // all done
    return result;
 /** Throws an exception (NOT SUPPORTED YET) */
 public JExpression analyse(CExpressionContext context) throws PositionedError {
   at.dms.util.Utils.fail("Analysis of SIR nodes not supported yet.");
   return this;
  * Generates JVM bytecode to evaluate this expression.  NOT SUPPORTED YET.
  * @param   code        the bytecode sequence
  * @param   discardValue    discard the result of the evaluation ?
 public void genCode(CodeSequence code, boolean discardValue) {
   at.dms.util.Utils.fail("Codegen of SIR nodes not supported yet.");
Example #9
 /** Generates a sequence of bytescodes - NOT SUPPORTED YET. */
 public void genCode(CodeSequence code) {
   at.dms.util.Utils.fail("Codegen of SIR nodes not supported yet.");
Example #10
 /** Analyses the statement (semantically) - NOT SUPPORTED YET. */
 public void analyse(CBodyContext context) throws PositionedError {
   at.dms.util.Utils.fail("Analysis of SIR nodes not supported yet.");