Example #1
  public void onUpdate(long elapsedTime) {
    mScreenRect.set(0, 0, mGameView.getWidth(), mGameView.getHeight());

    mTimer += elapsedTime;

    if (mTimer > mMaxTimer) {


    // Check if robot escaped
    if (!RectF.intersects(mScreenRect, mRobot.getRect())) {
      // change to random positions

      // penalty
      mScore -= 50;
      if (mScore < 0) {
        mScore = 0;

    if (mRobot.isDead()) {
      if (mScreenRect.width() > 0 && mScreenRect.height() > 0) {
  // Returns true if the line segment defined by the given two points intersects the given
  // rectangle.
  public static boolean lineSegmentIntersectsRect(PointF p1, PointF p2, RectF r2) {
    RectF line =
        new RectF(
            Math.min(p1.x, p2.x), Math.min(p1.y, p2.y), Math.max(p1.x, p2.x), Math.max(p1.y, p2.y));

    // If the bounding box of the line segment intersects the rectangle or one contains the other,
    //    the line segment intersects the rectangle.
    return RectF.intersects(line, r2) || line.contains(r2) || r2.contains(line);
Example #3
  boolean intersects(RectF tRect, float tRot, RectF sRect, float sRot) {
    if (Math.abs(tRot) < Math.PI / 15 && Math.abs(sRot) < Math.PI / 15) {
      return RectF.intersects(tRect, sRect);
    float dist =
            sqr(tRect.centerX() - sRect.centerX()) + sqr(tRect.centerY() - sRect.centerY()));
    if (dist < 3) {
      return true;

    // difference close to 90/270 degrees
    if (Math.abs(Math.cos(tRot - sRot)) < 0.3) {
      // rotate one rectangle to 90 degrees
      tRot += Math.PI / 2;
      float l = tRect.centerX() - tRect.height() / 2;
      float t = tRect.centerY() - tRect.width() / 2;
      tRect = new RectF(l, t, l + tRect.height(), t + tRect.width());

    // determine difference close to 180/0 degrees
    if (Math.abs(FloatMath.sin(tRot - sRot)) < 0.3) {
      // rotate t box
      // (calculate offset for t center suppose we rotate around s center)
      float diff =
              (-Math.atan2(tRect.centerX() - sRect.centerX(), tRect.centerY() - sRect.centerY())
                  + Math.PI / 2);
      diff -= sRot;
      float left = sRect.centerX() + dist * FloatMath.cos(diff) - tRect.width() / 2;
      float top = sRect.centerY() - dist * FloatMath.sin(diff) - tRect.height() / 2;
      RectF nRect = new RectF(left, top, left + tRect.width(), top + tRect.height());
      return RectF.intersects(nRect, sRect);

    // TODO other cases not covered
    return RectF.intersects(tRect, sRect);
Example #4
   * Draws a text label.
   * @param canvas the canvas
   * @param labelText the label text
   * @param renderer the renderer
   * @param prevLabelsBounds the previous rendered label bounds
   * @param centerX the round chart center on X axis
   * @param centerY the round chart center on Y axis
   * @param shortRadius the short radius for the round chart
   * @param longRadius the long radius for the round chart
   * @param currentAngle the current angle
   * @param angle the label extra angle
   * @param left the left side
   * @param right the right side
   * @param color the label color
   * @param paint the paint
   * @param line if a line to the label should be drawn
  protected void drawLabel(
      Canvas canvas,
      String labelText,
      DefaultRenderer renderer,
      List<RectF> prevLabelsBounds,
      int centerX,
      int centerY,
      float shortRadius,
      float longRadius,
      float currentAngle,
      float angle,
      int left,
      int right,
      int color,
      Paint paint,
      boolean line) {
    if (renderer.isShowLabels()) {
      double rAngle = Math.toRadians(90 - (currentAngle + angle / 2));
      double sinValue = Math.sin(rAngle);
      double cosValue = Math.cos(rAngle);
      int x1 = Math.round(centerX + (float) (shortRadius * sinValue));
      int y1 = Math.round(centerY + (float) (shortRadius * cosValue));
      int x2 = Math.round(centerX + (float) (longRadius * sinValue));
      int y2 = Math.round(centerY + (float) (longRadius * cosValue));

      float size = renderer.getLabelsTextSize();
      float extra = Math.max(size / 2, 10);
      if (x1 > x2) {
        extra = -extra;
      float xLabel = x2 + extra;
      float yLabel = y2;
      float width = right - xLabel;
      if (x1 > x2) {
        width = xLabel - left;
      labelText = getFitText(labelText, width, paint);
      float widthLabel = paint.measureText(labelText);
      boolean okBounds = false;
      while (!okBounds && line) {
        boolean intersects = false;
        int length = prevLabelsBounds.size();
        for (int j = 0; j < length && !intersects; j++) {
          RectF prevLabelBounds = prevLabelsBounds.get(j);
          if (prevLabelBounds.intersects(xLabel, yLabel, xLabel + widthLabel, yLabel + size)) {
            intersects = true;
            yLabel = Math.max(yLabel, prevLabelBounds.bottom);
        okBounds = !intersects;

      if (line) {
        y2 = (int) (yLabel - size / 2);
        canvas.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, paint);
        canvas.drawLine(x2, y2, x2 + extra, y2, paint);
      } else {
      canvas.drawText(labelText, xLabel, yLabel, paint);
      if (line) {
        prevLabelsBounds.add(new RectF(xLabel, yLabel, xLabel + widthLabel, yLabel + size));
Example #5
 private boolean isVisible() {
   return RectF.intersects(documentView.getViewRect(), getTargetRectF());
  private void update() {

    // Did an invader bump into the side of the screen
    boolean bumped = false;

    // Has the player lost
    boolean lost = false;

    // Move the player's ship

    // Update the invaders if visible

    // Update the players bullet
    if (bullet.getStatus()) {

    // Update all the invaders bullets if active
    for (int i = 0; i < invadersBullets.length; i++) {
      if (invadersBullets[i].getStatus()) {

    // Update all the invaders if visible
    for (int i = 0; i < numInvaders; i++) {
      if (invaders[i].getVisibility()) {

        // Move the next invader

        // Does he want to take a shot?
        if (invaders[i].takeAim(playerShip.getX(), playerShip.getLength())) {

          // If so try and spawn a bullet
          if (invadersBullets[nextBullet].shoot(
              invaders[i].getX() + invaders[i].getLength() / 2, invaders[i].getY(), bullet.DOWN)) {

            // Shot fired
            // Prepare for the next shot

            // Loop back to the first one if we have reached the last
            if (nextBullet == maxInvaderBullets) {
              // This stops the firing of another bullet until one completes its journey
              // Because if bullet 0 is still active shoot returns false.
              nextBullet = 0;

        // If that move caused them to bump the screen change bumped to true
        if (invaders[i].getX() > screenX - invaders[i].getLength() || invaders[i].getX() < 0) {

          bumped = true;

    // Did an invader bump into the edge of the screen
    if (bumped) {
      // Move all the invaders down and change direction
      for (int i = 0; i < numInvaders; i++) {

        // Have the invaders landed
        if (invaders[i].getY() > screenY - screenY / 10) {
          lost = true;

      // Increase the menace level
      // By making the sounds more frequent
      menaceInterval = menaceInterval - 80;

    if (lost) {

    // Has the player's bullet hit the top of the screen
    if (bullet.getImpactPointY() < 0) {

    // Has an invaders bullet hit the bottom of the screen
    for (int i = 0; i < invadersBullets.length; i++) {

      if (invadersBullets[i].getImpactPointY() > screenY) {

    // Has the player's bullet hit an invader
    if (bullet.getStatus()) {
      for (int i = 0; i < numInvaders; i++) {
        if (invaders[i].getVisibility()) {
          if (RectF.intersects(bullet.getRect(), invaders[i].getRect())) {
            soundPool.play(invaderExplodeID, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1);
            score = score + 10;

            // Has the player won

            if (score == numInvaders * 10) {
              paused = true;
              String mScore = score + "";
              Log.d("Score: ", mScore);
              Context context = getContext();
              Intent intent = new Intent(context, ScoreActivity.class);
              intent.putExtra("score", mScore);

    // Has an alien bullet hit a shelter brick
    for (int i = 0; i < invadersBullets.length; i++) {
      if (invadersBullets[i].getStatus()) {
        for (int j = 0; j < numBricks; j++) {
          if (bricks[j].getVisibility()) {
            if (RectF.intersects(invadersBullets[i].getRect(), bricks[j].getRect())) {
              // A collision has occurred
              soundPool.play(damageShelterID, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1);

    // Has a player bullet hit a shelter brick
    if (bullet.getStatus()) {
      for (int i = 0; i < numBricks; i++) {
        if (bricks[i].getVisibility()) {
          if (RectF.intersects(bullet.getRect(), bricks[i].getRect())) {
            // A collision has occurred
            soundPool.play(damageShelterID, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1);

    // Has an invader bullet hit the player ship
    for (int i = 0; i < invadersBullets.length; i++) {
      if (invadersBullets[i].getStatus()) {
        if (RectF.intersects(playerShip.getRect(), invadersBullets[i].getRect())) {
          soundPool.play(playerExplodeID, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1);

          // Is it game over?
          if (lives == 0) {
            paused = true;
            //                        lives = 3;
            //                        score = 0;
            String mScore = score + "";
            Context context = getContext();
            Intent intent = new Intent(context, ScoreActivity.class);
            intent.putExtra("score", mScore);

            //                        prepareLevel();
