private Path getLinePath(Canvas canvas, float side, float width) { Rect bound = getBounds(); Path result = new Path(); result.moveTo(bound.right - side, bound.bottom); result.rLineTo(-width, 0f); result.lineTo(bound.right, bound.bottom - side - width); result.rLineTo(0f, width); result.close(); return result; }
@Override public void draw(Canvas canvas) { Rect bounds = getBounds(); final boolean isRtl = isLayoutRtl(); // Interpolated widths of arrow bars final float arrowSize = lerp(mBarSize, mTopBottomArrowSize, mProgress); final float middleBarSize = lerp(mBarSize, mMiddleArrowSize, mProgress); // Interpolated size of middle bar final float middleBarCut = lerp(0, mBarThickness / 2, mProgress); // The rotation of the top and bottom bars (that make the arrow head) final float rotation = lerp(0, ARROW_HEAD_ANGLE, mProgress); // The whole canvas rotates as the transition happens final float canvasRotate = lerp(isRtl ? 180 : 0, isRtl ? 0 : 180, mProgress); final float topBottomBarOffset = lerp(mBarGap + mBarThickness, 0, mProgress); mPath.rewind(); final float arrowEdge = -middleBarSize / 2; // draw middle bar mPath.moveTo(arrowEdge + middleBarCut, 0); mPath.rLineTo(middleBarSize - middleBarCut, 0); final float arrowWidth = Math.round(arrowSize * Math.cos(rotation)); final float arrowHeight = Math.round(arrowSize * Math.sin(rotation)); // top bar mPath.moveTo(arrowEdge, topBottomBarOffset); mPath.rLineTo(arrowWidth, arrowHeight); // bottom bar mPath.moveTo(arrowEdge, -topBottomBarOffset); mPath.rLineTo(arrowWidth, -arrowHeight); mPath.moveTo(0, 0); mPath.close();; // Rotate the whole canvas if spinning, if not, rotate it 180 to get // the arrow pointing the other way for RTL. if (mSpin) { canvas.rotate( canvasRotate * ((mVerticalMirror ^ isRtl) ? -1 : 1), bounds.centerX(), bounds.centerY()); } else if (isRtl) { canvas.rotate(-180, bounds.centerX(), bounds.centerY()); } canvas.translate(bounds.centerX(), bounds.centerY()); canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaint); canvas.restore(); }
private void buildShadowCorners() { Object obj = new RectF(-mCornerRadius, -mCornerRadius, mCornerRadius, mCornerRadius); Object obj1 = new RectF(((RectF) (obj))); ((RectF) (obj1)).inset(-mShadowSize, -mShadowSize); float f; float f1; float f2; float f3; int i; int j; int k; if (mCornerShadowPath == null) { mCornerShadowPath = new Path(); } else { mCornerShadowPath.reset(); } mCornerShadowPath.setFillType(; mCornerShadowPath.moveTo(-mCornerRadius, 0.0F); mCornerShadowPath.rLineTo(-mShadowSize, 0.0F); mCornerShadowPath.arcTo(((RectF) (obj1)), 180F, 90F, false); mCornerShadowPath.arcTo(((RectF) (obj)), 270F, -90F, false); mCornerShadowPath.close(); f = mCornerRadius / (mCornerRadius + mShadowSize); obj = mCornerShadowPaint; f1 = mCornerRadius; f2 = mShadowSize; i = mShadowStartColor; j = mShadowStartColor; k = mShadowEndColor; obj1 =; ((Paint) (obj)) .setShader( new RadialGradient( 0.0F, 0.0F, f1 + f2, new int[] {i, j, k}, new float[] {0.0F, f, 1.0F}, (( (obj1)))); obj = mEdgeShadowPaint; f = -mCornerRadius; f1 = mShadowSize; f2 = -mCornerRadius; f3 = mShadowSize; i = mShadowStartColor; j = mShadowStartColor; k = mShadowEndColor; obj1 =; ((Paint) (obj)) .setShader( new LinearGradient( 0.0F, f + f1, 0.0F, f2 - f3, new int[] {i, j, k}, new float[] {0.0F, 0.5F, 1.0F}, (( (obj1)))); mEdgeShadowPaint.setAntiAlias(false); }
private void parsePath() { mPath = new Path(); char method; Scanner in = new Scanner(mPathData); while (in.hasNextLine()) { // Handle first string, which is a letter indicating which path method to use method =; switch (method) { case 'M': mPath.moveTo(in.nextFloat(), in.nextFloat()); break; case 'c': mPath.rCubicTo( in.nextFloat(), in.nextFloat(), in.nextFloat(), in.nextFloat(), in.nextFloat(), in.nextFloat()); break; case 'C': mPath.cubicTo( in.nextFloat(), in.nextFloat(), in.nextFloat(), in.nextFloat(), in.nextFloat(), in.nextFloat()); break; case 'L': mPath.lineTo(in.nextFloat(), in.nextFloat()); break; case 'l': mPath.rLineTo(in.nextFloat(), in.nextFloat()); break; case 'z': mPath.close(); break; } } }
private void buildShadowCorners() { RectF innerBounds = new RectF(-mCornerRadius, -mCornerRadius, mCornerRadius, mCornerRadius); RectF outerBounds = new RectF(innerBounds); outerBounds.inset(-mShadowSize, -mShadowSize); if (mCornerShadowPath == null) { mCornerShadowPath = new Path(); } else { mCornerShadowPath.reset(); } mCornerShadowPath.setFillType(Path.FillType.EVEN_ODD); mCornerShadowPath.moveTo(-mCornerRadius, 0); mCornerShadowPath.rLineTo(-mShadowSize, 0); // outer arc mCornerShadowPath.arcTo(outerBounds, 180f, 90f, false); // inner arc mCornerShadowPath.arcTo(innerBounds, 270f, -90f, false); mCornerShadowPath.close(); float startRatio = mCornerRadius / (mCornerRadius + mShadowSize); mCornerShadowPaint.setShader( new RadialGradient( 0, 0, mCornerRadius + mShadowSize, new int[] {mShadowStartColor, mShadowStartColor, mShadowEndColor}, new float[] {0f, startRatio, 1f}, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP)); // we offset the content shadowSize/2 pixels up to make it more realistic. // this is why edge shadow shader has some extra space // When drawing bottom edge shadow, we use that extra space. mEdgeShadowPaint.setShader( new LinearGradient( 0, -mCornerRadius + mShadowSize, 0, -mCornerRadius - mShadowSize, new int[] {mShadowStartColor, mShadowStartColor, mShadowEndColor}, new float[] {0f, .5f, 1f}, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP)); }
/** * This is where the hard-to-parse paths are handled. Uppercase rules are absolute positions, * lowercase are relative. Types of path rules: * * <p> * * <ol> * <li>M/m - (x y)+ - Move to (without drawing) * <li>Z/z - (no params) - Close path (back to starting point) * <li>L/l - (x y)+ - Line to * <li>H/h - x+ - Horizontal ine to * <li>V/v - y+ - Vertical line to * <li>C/c - (x1 y1 x2 y2 x y)+ - Cubic bezier to * <li>S/s - (x2 y2 x y)+ - Smooth cubic bezier to (shorthand that assumes the x2, y2 from * previous C/S is the x1, y1 of this bezier) * <li>Q/q - (x1 y1 x y)+ - Quadratic bezier to * <li>T/t - (x y)+ - Smooth quadratic bezier to (assumes previous control point is "reflection" * of last one w.r.t. to current point) * </ol> * * <p>Numbers are separate by whitespace, comma or nothing at all (!) if they are self-delimiting, * (ie. begin with a - sign) * * @param s the path string from the XML */ private static Path doPath(String s) { int n = s.length(); ParserHelper ph = new ParserHelper(s, 0); ph.skipWhitespace(); Path p = new Path(); float lastX = 0; float lastY = 0; float lastX1 = 0; float lastY1 = 0; float subPathStartX = 0; float subPathStartY = 0; char prevCmd = 0; while (ph.pos < n) { char cmd = s.charAt(ph.pos); switch (cmd) { case '-': case '+': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if (prevCmd == 'm' || prevCmd == 'M') { cmd = (char) (((int) prevCmd) - 1); break; } else if (prevCmd == 'c' || prevCmd == 'C') { cmd = prevCmd; break; } else if (prevCmd == 'l' || prevCmd == 'L') { cmd = prevCmd; break; } default: { ph.advance(); prevCmd = cmd; } } boolean wasCurve = false; switch (cmd) { case 'M': case 'm': { float x = ph.nextFloat(); float y = ph.nextFloat(); if (cmd == 'm') { subPathStartX += x; subPathStartY += y; p.rMoveTo(x, y); lastX += x; lastY += y; } else { subPathStartX = x; subPathStartY = y; p.moveTo(x, y); lastX = x; lastY = y; } break; } case 'Z': case 'z': { p.close(); p.moveTo(subPathStartX, subPathStartY); lastX = subPathStartX; lastY = subPathStartY; lastX1 = subPathStartX; lastY1 = subPathStartY; wasCurve = true; break; } case 'L': case 'l': { float x = ph.nextFloat(); float y = ph.nextFloat(); if (cmd == 'l') { p.rLineTo(x, y); lastX += x; lastY += y; } else { p.lineTo(x, y); lastX = x; lastY = y; } break; } case 'H': case 'h': { float x = ph.nextFloat(); if (cmd == 'h') { p.rLineTo(x, 0); lastX += x; } else { p.lineTo(x, lastY); lastX = x; } break; } case 'V': case 'v': { float y = ph.nextFloat(); if (cmd == 'v') { p.rLineTo(0, y); lastY += y; } else { p.lineTo(lastX, y); lastY = y; } break; } case 'C': case 'c': { wasCurve = true; float x1 = ph.nextFloat(); float y1 = ph.nextFloat(); float x2 = ph.nextFloat(); float y2 = ph.nextFloat(); float x = ph.nextFloat(); float y = ph.nextFloat(); if (cmd == 'c') { x1 += lastX; x2 += lastX; x += lastX; y1 += lastY; y2 += lastY; y += lastY; } p.cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y); lastX1 = x2; lastY1 = y2; lastX = x; lastY = y; break; } case 'S': case 's': { wasCurve = true; float x2 = ph.nextFloat(); float y2 = ph.nextFloat(); float x = ph.nextFloat(); float y = ph.nextFloat(); if (cmd == 's') { x2 += lastX; x += lastX; y2 += lastY; y += lastY; } float x1 = 2 * lastX - lastX1; float y1 = 2 * lastY - lastY1; p.cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y); lastX1 = x2; lastY1 = y2; lastX = x; lastY = y; break; } case 'A': case 'a': { float rx = ph.nextFloat(); float ry = ph.nextFloat(); float theta = ph.nextFloat(); int largeArc = (int) ph.nextFloat(); int sweepArc = (int) ph.nextFloat(); float x = ph.nextFloat(); float y = ph.nextFloat(); drawArc(p, lastX, lastY, x, y, rx, ry, theta, largeArc, sweepArc); lastX = x; lastY = y; break; } } if (!wasCurve) { lastX1 = lastX; lastY1 = lastY; } ph.skipWhitespace(); } return p; }
// Show(or hide) one view with some effects private void showView(int viewId, int delay, int b) { View myView = findViewById(viewId); final int behavior = b; if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) { float x = myView.getX(); float y = myView.getY(); Path path1 = new Path(); Path path2 = new Path(); // Show with bounce effect if (behavior == 0) { path1.moveTo(x, y + 100); path1.rLineTo(0, -100); path2.moveTo(0, 0); path2.lineTo(1, 1); } // Show with bounce effect(and drop from top) else if (behavior == 1) { path1.moveTo(x, y - 300); path1.rLineTo(0, 300); path2.moveTo(1, 1); path2.lineTo(1, 1); } // Show with inflate effect else if (behavior == 2) { path1.moveTo(x, y); path1.rLineTo(0, 0); path2.moveTo(1, 1); path2.lineTo(10, 10); } // Hide with deflate effect(from large shape) else if (behavior == 3) { path1.moveTo(x, y); path1.rLineTo(0, 0); path2.moveTo(10, 10); path2.lineTo(1, 1); } // Fade in and float else if (behavior == 4) { path1.moveTo(x, y + 50); path1.rLineTo(0, -50); path2.moveTo(1, 1); path2.lineTo(1, 1); } // Fade out else if (behavior == 5) { path1.moveTo(x, y); path1.rLineTo(0, 0); path2.moveTo(1, 1); path2.lineTo(1, 1); } // Hide with deflate effect else if (behavior == 6) { path1.moveTo(x, y); path1.rLineTo(0, 0); path2.moveTo(1, 1); path2.lineTo(0, 0); } // Show with inflate effect else if (behavior == 7) { path1.moveTo(x, y); path1.rLineTo(0, 0); path2.moveTo(1, 1); path2.lineTo(20, 20); } // Hide with deflate effect(from large shape) else if (behavior == 8) { path1.moveTo(x, y); path1.rLineTo(0, 0); path2.moveTo(20, 20); path2.lineTo(1, 1); } // This effect only used for the flipTimes label else if (behavior == 9) { path1.moveTo(x, y); path1.rLineTo(0, 0); path2.moveTo(1, 1); path2.lineTo(1, 1); path2.lineTo(2, 2); } ObjectAnimator mAnimator1, mAnimator2, mAnimator3; mAnimator1 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, View.X, View.Y, path1); mAnimator2 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, View.SCALE_X, View.SCALE_Y, path2); mAnimator1.setDuration(300); mAnimator2.setDuration(300); mAnimator1.setStartDelay(delay); mAnimator2.setStartDelay(delay); if (behavior == 0 || behavior == 1) { mAnimator1.setInterpolator(new BounceInterpolator()); mAnimator2.setInterpolator(new BounceInterpolator()); mAnimator3 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, "alpha", myView.getAlpha(), 1); mAnimator3.setDuration(10); mAnimator3.setStartDelay(delay); mAnimator3.start(); } else if (behavior == 2 || behavior == 7) { myView.bringToFront(); FrameLayout menuLayout = (FrameLayout) findViewById(; menuLayout.requestLayout(); menuLayout.invalidate(); mAnimator3 = ObjectAnimator.ofArgb( myView, "textColor", ((Button) myView).getCurrentTextColor(), Color.TRANSPARENT); mAnimator3.setDuration(100); mAnimator1.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator2.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator3.setStartDelay(delay); mAnimator3.start();[SOUND_OPEN], 1, 1, 1, 0, 1); } else if (behavior == 3 || behavior == 8) { mAnimator3 = ObjectAnimator.ofArgb( myView, "textColor", ((Button) myView).getCurrentTextColor(), Color.WHITE); mAnimator3.setDuration(100); mAnimator1.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator2.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator3.setStartDelay(delay + 200); mAnimator3.start();[SOUND_CLOSE], 1, 1, 1, 0, 1); } else if (behavior == 4) { mAnimator3 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, "alpha", myView.getAlpha(), 1); mAnimator3.setDuration(300); mAnimator1.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator2.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator3.setStartDelay(delay); mAnimator3.start(); } else if (behavior == 5) { mAnimator3 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, "alpha", myView.getAlpha(), 0); mAnimator3.setDuration(300); mAnimator1.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator2.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator3.setStartDelay(delay); mAnimator3.start(); } else if (behavior == 6) { mAnimator3 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, "alpha", myView.getAlpha(), 0); mAnimator3.setDuration(300); mAnimator1.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator2.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator3.setStartDelay(delay); mAnimator3.start(); } else if (behavior == 9) { mAnimator3 = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, "alpha", 1, 0); mAnimator2.setDuration(1000); mAnimator3.setDuration(1000); mAnimator1.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator2.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); mAnimator2.setRepeatCount(Animation.INFINITE); mAnimator3.setRepeatCount(Animation.INFINITE); mAnimator3.setStartDelay(delay); mAnimator3.start(); } if (behavior == 0 || behavior == 1 || behavior == 4) { mAnimator1.start(); } mAnimator2.start(); mAnimator1.addListener( new Animator.AnimatorListener() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { if (behavior == 0) {[SOUND_BLOP], 1, 1, 1, 0, 1); } } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {} @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {} @Override public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {} }); } // If the device OS is below Lollipop, the animation feature will be lost else { if (behavior == 5 || behavior == 6) { myView.setAlpha(0); } else { myView.setAlpha(1); } if (behavior == 2) { myView.setScaleX(10); myView.setScaleY(10); ((Button) myView).setTextColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); } else if (behavior == 3) { myView.setScaleX(1); myView.setScaleY(1); ((Button) myView).setTextColor(Color.WHITE); } if (behavior == 0) {[SOUND_BLOP], 1, 1, 1, 0, 1); } else if (behavior == 2 || behavior == 7) {[SOUND_OPEN], 1, 1, 1, 0, 1); } else if (behavior == 3 || behavior == 8) {[SOUND_CLOSE], 1, 1, 1, 0, 1); } else if (behavior == 6) {[SOUND_CLICK], 1, 1, 1, 0, 1); } } }
@Override public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Cursor> ldr, Cursor data) { int l = data.getCount(); data.moveToFirst(); long maxCents = 0; long minCents = Long.MAX_VALUE; long maxTime = 0; long minTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i != l; ++i) { long cents = data.getLong(0); if (cents > maxCents) maxCents = cents; if (cents < minCents) minCents = cents; long time = data.getLong(3); if (time > maxTime) maxTime = time; if (time < minTime) minTime = time; data.moveToNext(); } ImageView view = (ImageView) getView(); int cardSpacing = getActivity().getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.cardSpacing); int cardPadding = getActivity().getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.cardPadding); int textSize = cardPadding * 2; int width = getActivity().getWindow().getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getWidth() - 2 * (cardSpacing) - 2 * (cardPadding); Log.d("Budget", "GraphFragment.onLoadFinished(): width=" + width); int height = getActivity().getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.graphHeight); Log.d("Budget", "GraphFragment.onLoadFinished(): height=" + height); Bitmap chart = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Canvas chartCanvas = new Canvas(chart); chartCanvas.drawColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); Paint pen = new Paint(); pen.setColor(0xFF000000); pen.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); pen.setTextSize(textSize); Paint brush = new Paint(); brush.setDither(true); brush.setHinting(Paint.HINTING_ON); brush.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); float stroke = getActivity().getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.graphStroke); brush.setStrokeWidth(stroke); int currentEnvelope = -1; Path currentPath = null; float usableHeight = height - (2 * stroke) - textSize - cardPadding; float usableWidth = width - (2 * stroke) - textSize; data.moveToFirst(); for (int i = 0; i != l; ++i) { int envelope = data.getInt(1); long cents = data.getLong(0); long time = data.getLong(3); float pointHeight = usableHeight - (float) ((cents - minCents) * usableHeight / ((double) (maxCents - minCents))) + stroke; float pointPosition = (float) ((time - minTime) * usableWidth / ((double) (maxTime - minTime))) + stroke + textSize; Log.d("Budget", "GraphFragment.onLoadFinished(): envelope=" + envelope); Log.d("Budget", "GraphFragment.onLoadFinished():" + data.getString(4)); Log.d("Budget", "GraphFragment.onLoadFinished(): cents=" + cents); Log.d("Budget", "GraphFragment.onLoadFinished(): pointHeight=" + pointHeight); Log.d("Budget", "GraphFragment.onLoadFinished(): time=" + time); Log.d("Budget", "GraphFragment.onLoadFinished(): pointPosition=" + pointPosition); if (envelope != currentEnvelope) { if (currentPath != null) { currentPath.rLineTo(usableWidth, 0); chartCanvas.drawPath(currentPath, brush); } int color = data.getInt(2); // brush = new Paint(brush); brush.setColor(color); currentEnvelope = envelope; currentPath = new Path(); currentPath.moveTo(pointPosition, pointHeight); } else { currentPath.lineTo(pointPosition, pointHeight); } data.moveToNext(); } if (currentPath != null) { currentPath.rLineTo(usableWidth, 0); chartCanvas.drawPath(currentPath, brush); } Path side = new Path(); side.moveTo(textSize, height); side.lineTo(textSize, 0); chartCanvas.drawTextOnPath( getActivity().getString(R.string.envelopeDetails_balance), side, 0, 0, pen); Path bottom = new Path(); bottom.moveTo(0, height - cardPadding); bottom.lineTo(width, height - cardPadding); chartCanvas.drawTextOnPath(getActivity().getString(R.string.graph_time), bottom, 0, 0, pen); if (maxTime != 0) { Date maxTimeD = new Date(maxTime); Date minTimeD = new Date(minTime); DateFormat timeFormat = android.text.format.DateFormat.getDateFormat(getActivity()); pen.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); chartCanvas.drawTextOnPath(timeFormat.format(minTimeD), bottom, 0, 0, pen); pen.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.RIGHT); chartCanvas.drawTextOnPath(timeFormat.format(maxTimeD), bottom, 0, 0, pen); } view.setImageBitmap(chart); }
public Bitmap getRoundedCornerBitmap1(Bitmap bitmap, int row, int column, float radius) { float[] radii = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; int w = bitmap.getWidth(); int h = bitmap.getHeight(); int bmsIndex = 0; { bmsIndex = 4; if (column == 0) { bmsIndex = 3; } if (column == mNumColumns - 1) { bmsIndex = 5; } } if (row == 0) { bmsIndex = 1; if (column == 0) { bmsIndex = 0; radii[0] = radii[1] = radius; } if (column == mNumColumns - 1) { bmsIndex = 2; radii[2] = radii[3] = radius; } } if (row == mNumRows - 1) { bmsIndex = 7; if (column == 0) { bmsIndex = 6; radii[6] = radii[7] = radius; } if (column == mNumColumns - 1) { bmsIndex = 8; radii[4] = radii[5] = radius; } } if (bms[bmsIndex] != null) return bms[bmsIndex]; bms[bmsIndex] = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Config.ARGB_8888); Bitmap output = bms[bmsIndex]; // Bitmap output = Bitmap.createBitmap(w,h, Config.ARGB_8888); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(output); // We have to make sure our rounded corners have an alpha channel in most cases // color is arbitrary. This could be any color that was fully opaque (alpha = 255) int color = 0xff429242; // We're just reusing xferPaint to paint a normal looking rounded box, // the roundPx is the amount we're rounding by. final Paint paint = new Paint(); int x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = w, y2 = h; paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setStrokeWidth(1); canvas.drawARGB(0, 0, 0, 0); paint.setColor(color); /* if (row==0) { if (column==0) radii[0] = radii[1]= radius; if (column==mNumColumns-1) radii[2] = radii[3]= radius; } if (row==mNumRows-1) { if (column==0) radii[6] = radii[7]= radius; if (column==mNumColumns-1) radii[4] = radii[5]= radius; } */ if (row == 0) y1 = MARGIN; if (column == mNumColumns - 1) x2 = w - MARGIN; if (column == 0) x1 = MARGIN; if (row == mNumRows - 1) y2 = h - MARGIN; Rect rect = new Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2); RectF rectF = new RectF(rect); Path path = new Path(); path.addRoundRect(rectF, radii, Path.Direction.CW); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); // We're going to apply this paint using a porter-duff xfer mode. // This will allow us to only overwrite certain pixels. paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(Mode.SRC_IN)); paint.setTextSize(32); canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, rect, rect, paint); paint.setColor(0xFFBBBBFF); canvas.drawText("Slate-" + row + "," + column, w / 4, h / 4, paint); canvas.drawText("Slate-" + row + "," + column, w / 2, h / 4, paint); canvas.drawText("Slate-" + row + "," + column, w / 4, h / 2, paint); canvas.drawText("Slate-" + row + "," + column, w / 2, h / 2, paint); paint.setColor(color); path.rewind(); final RectF cornerRect = new RectF(MARGIN, MARGIN, radius * 2 + MARGIN, radius * 2 + MARGIN); if (row == 0) { if (column == 0) { path.addArc(cornerRect, 180.0f, 90.0f); } if ((column == mNumColumns - 1)) { cornerRect.offsetTo(w - 2 * radius - MARGIN, MARGIN); path.addArc(cornerRect, 270.0f, 90.0f); } } if (row == mNumRows - 1) { if (column == mNumColumns - 1) { cornerRect.offsetTo(w - 2 * radius - MARGIN, h - 2 * radius - MARGIN); path.addArc(cornerRect, 0.0f, 90.0f); } if (column == 0) { cornerRect.offsetTo(MARGIN, h - radius * 2 - MARGIN); path.addArc(cornerRect, 90.0f, 90.0f); } } if (row == 0) { if ((column >= 0) && (column < mNumColumns - 1)) { path.moveTo(radius + MARGIN, MARGIN); path.rLineTo(w - 2 * radius - MARGIN, 0); path.rLineTo(radius, 0); } if ((column > 0) && (column <= mNumColumns - 1)) { path.moveTo(0, MARGIN); path.rLineTo(radius, 0); path.rLineTo(w - 2 * radius - MARGIN, 0); } } if (column == mNumColumns - 1) { if ((row >= 0) && (row < mNumRows - 1)) { path.moveTo(w - MARGIN, radius + MARGIN); path.rLineTo(0, h - 2 * radius - MARGIN); path.rLineTo(0, radius); } if ((row > 0) && (row <= mNumColumns - 1)) { path.moveTo(w - MARGIN, 0); path.rLineTo(0, radius); path.rLineTo(0, h - 2 * radius - MARGIN); } } if (column == 0) { if ((row >= 0) && (row < mNumRows - 1)) { path.moveTo(MARGIN, radius + MARGIN); path.rLineTo(0, h - 2 * radius - MARGIN); path.rLineTo(0, radius); } if ((row > 0) && (row <= mNumRows - 1)) { path.moveTo(MARGIN, 0); path.rLineTo(0, radius); path.rLineTo(0, h - 2 * radius - MARGIN); } } if (row == mNumRows - 1) { if ((column >= 0) && (column < mNumColumns - 1)) { path.moveTo(radius + MARGIN, h - MARGIN); path.rLineTo(w - 2 * radius - MARGIN, 0); path.rLineTo(radius, 0); } if ((column > 0) && (column <= mNumColumns - 1)) { path.moveTo(0, h - MARGIN); path.rLineTo(radius, 0); path.rLineTo(w - 2 * radius - MARGIN, 0); } } color = 0xff444444; final Paint paint1 = new Paint(); paint1.setAntiAlias(true); paint1.setColor(color); paint1.setStyle(Style.STROKE); paint1.setStrokeWidth(4); paint1.setShadowLayer(10, 4, 4, R.color.magic_flame); canvas.drawPath(path, paint1); return output; }
// draw path 96x96 public static void calcTurnPath(Path pathForTurn, TurnType turnType, Matrix transform) { if (turnType == null) { return; } pathForTurn.reset(); int c = 48; int w = 16; pathForTurn.moveTo(c, 94); float sarrowL = 30; // side of arrow float harrowL = (float) Math.sqrt(2) * sarrowL; // hypotenuse of arrow float spartArrowL = (float) ((sarrowL - w / Math.sqrt(2)) / 2); float hpartArrowL = (float) (harrowL - w) / 2; if (TurnType.C.equals(turnType.getValue())) { int h = 65; pathForTurn.rMoveTo(w / 2, 0); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, -h); pathForTurn.rLineTo(hpartArrowL, 0); pathForTurn.rLineTo(-harrowL / 2, -harrowL / 2); // center pathForTurn.rLineTo(-harrowL / 2, harrowL / 2); pathForTurn.rLineTo(hpartArrowL, 0); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, h); } else if (TurnType.TR.equals(turnType.getValue()) || TurnType.TL.equals(turnType.getValue())) { int b = TurnType.TR.equals(turnType.getValue()) ? 1 : -1; int h = 36; float quadShiftX = 22; float quadShiftY = 22; pathForTurn.rMoveTo(-b * 8, 0); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, -h); pathForTurn.rQuadTo(0, -quadShiftY, b * quadShiftX, -quadShiftY); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, hpartArrowL); pathForTurn.rLineTo(b * harrowL / 2, -harrowL / 2); // center pathForTurn.rLineTo(-b * harrowL / 2, -harrowL / 2); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, hpartArrowL); pathForTurn.rQuadTo(-b * (quadShiftX + w), 0, -b * (quadShiftX + w), quadShiftY + w); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, h); } else if (TurnType.TSLR.equals(turnType.getValue()) || TurnType.TSLL.equals(turnType.getValue())) { int b = TurnType.TSLR.equals(turnType.getValue()) ? 1 : -1; int h = 40; int quadShiftY = 22; float quadShiftX = (float) (quadShiftY / (1 + Math.sqrt(2))); float nQuadShiftX = (sarrowL - 2 * spartArrowL) - quadShiftX - w; float nQuadShifty = quadShiftY + (sarrowL - 2 * spartArrowL); pathForTurn.rMoveTo(-b * 4, 0); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, -h /* + partArrowL */); pathForTurn.rQuadTo( 0, -quadShiftY + quadShiftX /*- partArrowL*/, b * quadShiftX, -quadShiftY /*- partArrowL*/); pathForTurn.rLineTo(b * spartArrowL, spartArrowL); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, -sarrowL); // center pathForTurn.rLineTo(-b * sarrowL, 0); pathForTurn.rLineTo(b * spartArrowL, spartArrowL); pathForTurn.rQuadTo(b * nQuadShiftX, -nQuadShiftX, b * nQuadShiftX, nQuadShifty); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, h); } else if (TurnType.TSHR.equals(turnType.getValue()) || TurnType.TSHL.equals(turnType.getValue())) { int b = TurnType.TSHR.equals(turnType.getValue()) ? 1 : -1; int h = 45; float quadShiftX = 22; float quadShiftY = -(float) (quadShiftX / (1 + Math.sqrt(2))); float nQuadShiftX = -(sarrowL - 2 * spartArrowL) - quadShiftX - w; float nQuadShiftY = -quadShiftY + (sarrowL - 2 * spartArrowL); pathForTurn.rMoveTo(-b * 8, 0); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, -h); pathForTurn.rQuadTo(0, -(quadShiftX - quadShiftY), b * quadShiftX, quadShiftY); pathForTurn.rLineTo(-b * spartArrowL, spartArrowL); pathForTurn.rLineTo(b * sarrowL, 0); // center pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, -sarrowL); pathForTurn.rLineTo(-b * spartArrowL, spartArrowL); pathForTurn.rCubicTo( b * nQuadShiftX / 2, nQuadShiftX / 2, b * nQuadShiftX, nQuadShiftX / 2, b * nQuadShiftX, nQuadShiftY); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, h); } else if (TurnType.TU.equals(turnType.getValue())) { int h = 54; float quadShiftX = 13; float quadShiftY = 13; pathForTurn.rMoveTo(28, 0); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, -h); pathForTurn.rQuadTo(0, -(quadShiftY + w), -(quadShiftX + w), -(quadShiftY + w)); pathForTurn.rQuadTo(-(quadShiftX + w), 0, -(quadShiftX + w), (quadShiftY + w)); pathForTurn.rLineTo(-hpartArrowL, 0); pathForTurn.rLineTo(harrowL / 2, harrowL / 2); // center pathForTurn.rLineTo(harrowL / 2, -harrowL / 2); pathForTurn.rLineTo(-hpartArrowL, 0); pathForTurn.rQuadTo(0, -quadShiftX, quadShiftX, -quadShiftY); pathForTurn.rQuadTo(quadShiftX, 0, quadShiftX, quadShiftY); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, h); } else if (turnType != null && turnType.isRoundAbout()) { float t = turnType.getTurnAngle(); if (t >= 170 && t < 220) { t = 220; } else if (t > 160 && t < 170) { t = 160; } float sweepAngle = (t - 360) - 180; if (sweepAngle < -360) { sweepAngle += 360; } float r1 = 32f; float r2 = 24f; float angleToRot = 0.3f; pathForTurn.moveTo(48, 48 + r1 + 8); pathForTurn.lineTo(48, 48 + r1); RectF r = new RectF(48 - r1, 48 - r1, 48 + r1, 48 + r1); pathForTurn.arcTo(r, 90, sweepAngle); float angleRad = (float) ((180 + sweepAngle) * Math.PI / 180f); pathForTurn.lineTo( 48 + (r1 + 4) * FloatMath.sin(angleRad), 48 - (r1 + 4) * FloatMath.cos(angleRad)); pathForTurn.lineTo( 48 + (r1 + 6) * FloatMath.sin(angleRad + angleToRot / 2), 48 - (r1 + 6) * FloatMath.cos(angleRad + angleToRot / 2)); pathForTurn.lineTo( 48 + (r1 + 12) * FloatMath.sin(angleRad - angleToRot / 2), 48 - (r1 + 12) * FloatMath.cos(angleRad - angleToRot / 2)); pathForTurn.lineTo( 48 + (r1 + 6) * FloatMath.sin(angleRad - 3 * angleToRot / 2), 48 - (r1 + 6) * FloatMath.cos(angleRad - 3 * angleToRot / 2)); pathForTurn.lineTo( 48 + (r1 + 4) * FloatMath.sin(angleRad - angleToRot), 48 - (r1 + 4) * FloatMath.cos(angleRad - angleToRot)); pathForTurn.lineTo( 48 + r2 * FloatMath.sin(angleRad - angleToRot), 48 - r2 * FloatMath.cos(angleRad - angleToRot)); r.set(48 - r2, 48 - r2, 48 + r2, 48 + r2); pathForTurn.arcTo(r, 360 + sweepAngle + 90, -sweepAngle); pathForTurn.lineTo(40, 48 + r2); pathForTurn.lineTo(40, 48 + r1 + 8); pathForTurn.close(); } pathForTurn.close(); if (transform != null) { pathForTurn.transform(transform); } }
public void draw(Canvas paramCanvas) { Rect localRect = getBounds(); int i1; float f1; float f2; switch (n) { case 2: default: if (fv.a.d(this) == 1) { i1 = 1; f1 = (float)Math.sqrt(d * d * 2.0F); f2 = e; float f6 = f2 + (f1 - f2) * l; f1 = e; float f3 = f1 + (f - f1) * l; float f4 = Math.round(0.0F + m * l); float f7 = 0.0F + c * l; if (i1 == 0) { break label480; } f1 = 0.0F; label144: if (i1 == 0) { break label487; } f2 = 180.0F; label152: float f5 = l; float f8 = (float)Math.round(f6 * Math.cos(f7)); f6 = (float)Math.round(f6 * Math.sin(f7)); i.rewind(); f7 = g + b.getStrokeWidth(); f7 += (-m - f7) * l; float f9 = -f3 / 2.0F; i.moveTo(f9 + f4, 0.0F); i.rLineTo(f3 - f4 * 2.0F, 0.0F); i.moveTo(f9, f7); i.rLineTo(f8, f6); i.moveTo(f9, -f7); i.rLineTo(f8, -f6); i.close();; f3 = b.getStrokeWidth(); f3 = (float)(((int)(localRect.height() - 3.0F * f3 - g * 2.0F) / 4 << 1) + (f3 * 1.5D + g)); paramCanvas.translate(localRect.centerX(), f3); if (!h) { break label498; } if ((i1 ^ k) == 0) { break label492; } i1 = -1; label407: paramCanvas.rotate(i1 * ((f2 - f1) * f5 + f1)); } break; } for (;;) { paramCanvas.drawPath(i, b); paramCanvas.restore(); return; i1 = 0; break; i1 = 1; break; if (fv.a.d(this) == 0) { i1 = 1; break; } i1 = 0; break; i1 = 0; break; label480: f1 = -180.0F; break label144; label487: f2 = 0.0F; break label152; label492: i1 = 1; break label407; label498: if (i1 != 0) { paramCanvas.rotate(180.0F); } } }