     level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
     method = "isStateful",
     args = {})
 public void testIsStateful() {
   Drawable d = mContext.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.pass);
   InsetDrawable insetDrawable = new InsetDrawable(d, 0);
      level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
      method = "setVisible",
      args = {boolean.class, boolean.class})
  public void testSetVisible() {
    Drawable d = mContext.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.pass);
    InsetDrawable insetDrawable = new InsetDrawable(d, 0);

    assertFalse(insetDrawable.setVisible(true, true)); /* unchanged */
    assertTrue(insetDrawable.setVisible(false, true)); /* changed */
    assertFalse(insetDrawable.setVisible(false, true)); /* unchanged */
      level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
      method = "getOpacity",
      args = {})
  public void testGetOpacity() {
    Drawable d = mContext.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.testimage);
    InsetDrawable insetDrawable = new InsetDrawable(d, 0);
    assertEquals(PixelFormat.OPAQUE, insetDrawable.getOpacity());

    assertEquals(PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT, insetDrawable.getOpacity());
      level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
      method = "invalidateDrawable",
      args = {android.graphics.drawable.Drawable.class})
      bug = "1400249",
      explanation = "it's hard to do unit test, should be tested by" + " functional test.")
  public void testInvalidateDrawable() {
    Drawable d = mContext.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.pass);
    InsetDrawable insetDrawable = new InsetDrawable(d, 0);

      level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
      method = "getChangingConfigurations",
      args = {})
  public void testGetChangingConfigurations() {
    Drawable d = mContext.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.pass);
    InsetDrawable insetDrawable = new InsetDrawable(d, 0);

    assertEquals(11, insetDrawable.getChangingConfigurations());

    assertEquals(-21, insetDrawable.getChangingConfigurations());
      level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
      method = "getPadding",
      args = {android.graphics.Rect.class})
      bug = "1371108",
      explanation = "There should not be a" + " NullPointerException thrown out.")
  public void testGetPadding() {
    Drawable d = mContext.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.pass);
    InsetDrawable insetDrawable = new InsetDrawable(d, 1, 2, 3, 4);

    Rect r = new Rect();
    assertEquals(0, r.left);
    assertEquals(0, r.top);
    assertEquals(0, r.right);
    assertEquals(0, r.bottom);


    assertEquals(1, r.left);
    assertEquals(2, r.top);
    assertEquals(3, r.right);
    assertEquals(4, r.bottom);

    // padding is set to 0, then return value should be false
    insetDrawable = new InsetDrawable(d, 0);

    r = new Rect();
    assertEquals(0, r.left);
    assertEquals(0, r.top);
    assertEquals(0, r.right);
    assertEquals(0, r.bottom);


    assertEquals(0, r.left);
    assertEquals(0, r.top);
    assertEquals(0, r.right);
    assertEquals(0, r.bottom);

    // input null as param
    try {
      fail("There should be a NullPointerException thrown out.");
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
      // expected, test success
      level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
      method = "getConstantState",
      args = {})
      bug = "",
      explanation =
          "can not assert the inner fields, becuase the class"
              + " InsetState is package protected.")
  public void testGetConstantState() {
    Drawable d = mContext.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.pass);
    InsetDrawable insetDrawable = new InsetDrawable(d, 0);

    ConstantState constantState = insetDrawable.getConstantState();
      level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
      method = "setColorFilter",
      args = {android.graphics.ColorFilter.class})
  @ToBeFixed(bug = "1386429", explanation = "no getter can not be tested")
  public void testSetColorFilter() {
    Drawable d = mContext.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.pass);
    InsetDrawable insetDrawable = new InsetDrawable(d, 0);

    ColorFilter cf = new ColorFilter();

    // input null as param
    // expected, no Exception thrown out, test success
      level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
      method = "setAlpha",
      args = {int.class})
  @ToBeFixed(bug = "1386429", explanation = "no getter can not be tested")
  public void testSetAlpha() {
    Drawable d = mContext.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.pass);
    InsetDrawable insetDrawable = new InsetDrawable(d, 0);


      level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
      method = "getIntrinsicHeight",
      args = {})
  public void testGetIntrinsicHeight() {
    Drawable d = mContext.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.pass);
    InsetDrawable insetDrawable = new InsetDrawable(d, 0);

    int expected = d.getIntrinsicHeight(); /* 31 */
    assertEquals(expected, insetDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight());

    d = mContext.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.scenery);
    insetDrawable = new InsetDrawable(d, 0);

    expected = d.getIntrinsicHeight(); /* 107 */
    assertEquals(expected, insetDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight());
      level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
      method = "inflate",
      args = {
      bug = "1386429",
      explanation =
          "no getter can not be tested,"
              + " and there should not be a NullPointerException thrown out.")
  public void testInflate() {
    Drawable d = mContext.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.pass);
    InsetDrawable insetDrawable = new InsetDrawable(d, 0);

    Resources r = mContext.getResources();
    XmlPullParser parser = r.getXml(R.layout.framelayout_layout);
    AttributeSet attrs = Xml.asAttributeSet(parser);

    try {
      insetDrawable.inflate(r, parser, attrs);
      fail("There should be a XmlPullParserException thrown out.");
    } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
      // expected, test success
    } catch (IOException e) {
      fail("There should not be an IOException thrown out.");

    // input null as params
    try {
      insetDrawable.inflate(null, null, null);
      fail("There should be a NullPointerException thrown out.");
    } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
      fail("There should not be a XmlPullParserException thrown out.");
    } catch (IOException e) {
      fail("There should not be an IOException thrown out.");
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
      // expected, test success
      level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
      method = "unscheduleDrawable",
      args = {android.graphics.drawable.Drawable.class, java.lang.Runnable.class})
      bug = "1400249",
      explanation = "it's hard to do unit test, should be tested by" + " functional test.")
  public void testUnscheduleDrawable() {
    Drawable d = mContext.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.pass);
    InsetDrawable insetDrawable = new InsetDrawable(d, 0);

    Runnable runnable =
        new Runnable() {
          public void run() {}
    insetDrawable.unscheduleDrawable(d, runnable);

    // input null as params
    insetDrawable.unscheduleDrawable(null, null);
    // expected, no Exception thrown out, test success
      level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
      method = "draw",
      args = {android.graphics.Canvas.class})
      bug = "1400249",
      explanation =
          "it's hard to do unit test, should be tested by"
              + " functional test, and there should not be an NullPointerException thrown out.")
  public void testDraw() {
    Drawable d = mContext.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.pass);
    InsetDrawable insetDrawable = new InsetDrawable(d, 0);

    Canvas c = new Canvas();

    // input null as param
    try {
      fail("There should be a NullPointerException thrown out.");
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
      // expected, test success
 protected void onBoundsChange(Rect bounds) {