// chordPlayEqualsTest(): m1 = m2 @Test public void chordPlayEqualsTest() { Chord a = new Chord(new Note(1, new Pitch('C')), new Note(1, new Pitch('C'))); try { SequencePlayer player = new SequencePlayer(140, 12); a.play(player, 0); assertEquals( "Event: NOTE_ON Pitch: 60 Tick: 0\n" + "Event: NOTE_ON Pitch: 60 Tick: 0\n" + "Event: NOTE_OFF Pitch: 60 Tick: 12\n" + "Event: NOTE_OFF Pitch: 60 Tick: 12\n" + "Meta event: END_OF_TRACK Tick: 12\n", player.toString()); } catch (MidiUnavailableException mue) { mue.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvalidMidiDataException imde) { imde.printStackTrace(); } }
// chordDifferentDurationTest(): m1, m2 different duration @Test public void chordDifferentDurationTest() { Chord a = new Chord(new Note(1, new Pitch('C')), new Note(5, new Pitch('A'))); assertTrue(a.duration() == a.top().duration()); Chord b = new Chord(a, new Note(3, new Pitch('D'))); assertTrue(b.top().duration() == b.duration()); }
// chordToStringDifferentTest(): m1 and m2 non-equals @Test public void chordToStringDifferentTest() { Chord a = new Chord(new Note(2, new Pitch('C')), new Note(5, new Pitch('A'))); assertEquals("chord(C2.0 |||| A5.0)", a.toString()); }
// chordToStringEqualsTest(): m1 and m2 equals @Test public void chordToStringEqualsTest() { Chord a = new Chord(new Note(5, new Pitch('A')), new Note(5, new Pitch('A'))); assertEquals("chord(A5.0 |||| A5.0)", a.toString()); }
// chordEqualsFalseWrongOrderTest(): musics are identical but in wrong order @Test public void chordEqualsFalseWrongOrderTest() { Chord a = new Chord(new Note(2, new Pitch('C')), new Note(5, new Pitch('A'))); Chord b = new Chord(new Note(5, new Pitch('A')), new Note(2, new Pitch('C'))); assertFalse(a.equals(b)); }
// chordlHashCodeTest() @Test public void chordHashCodeTest() { Chord a = new Chord(new Note(2, new Pitch('C')), new Note(5, new Pitch('A'))); Music b = new Chord(new Note(2, new Pitch('D')), new Note(5, new Pitch('B'))).transpose(-2); assertEquals(a.hashCode(), b.hashCode()); }
// chordSameDurationTest(): m1, m2 same duration @Test public void chordSameDurationTest() { Chord a = new Chord(new Note(5, new Pitch('B')), new Note(5, new Pitch('A'))); assertTrue(5 == a.duration()); }
// chordConstructorTest() @Test public void chordConstructorTest() { Chord a = new Chord(new Note(2., new Pitch('C')), new Note(1., new Pitch('F'))); assertEquals("chord(C2.0 |||| F1.0)", a.toString()); }