Example #1
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Reads the item file
    Document item = null;
    if (args.length >= 1 && validFilename(args[0])) {
      item = XMLHandler.addDoc(args[0]);
    if (item == null) {

    // Gets the name of the item from the item file
    Element itemName = item.getRootElement().getChild("itemName", n).clone();

    // Creates a createItem with a shopKey and the itemName from before
    Document createItem = XMLHandler.createItem(itemName);

    // Connects to the cloud
    HttpURLConnection con = handler.connect("/createItem");

    // Sends the createItem to the cloud and gets the itemID
    Document itemID =
        handler.getResponse(con, createItem, XMLHandler.getOutputter(), XMLHandler.getSAXBuilder());

    // Creates a modifyItem with most of the elements from the item + the
    // itemID
    Document modifyItem =
        XMLHandler.modifyItem(itemID.getRootElement().clone(), item.getRootElement().clone());

    // Connects to the cloud
    con = handler.connect("/modifyItem");

    // Sends the modifyItem to the cloud
    handler.getResponse(con, modifyItem, XMLHandler.getOutputter(), XMLHandler.getSAXBuilder());

    // SUCCESS!!!!