  public void test_write_createsAWebSequenceDiagram() throws Exception {
    Model model = workspace.getModel();
    SoftwareSystem a = model.addSoftwareSystem("System A", "");
    SoftwareSystem b = model.addSoftwareSystem("System B", "");
    SoftwareSystem c = model.addSoftwareSystem("System C", "");

    a.uses(b, "");
    Relationship bc = b.uses(c, "");

    DynamicView view = workspace.getViews().createDynamicView(a, "A description of the diagram");
    view.add(a, "Does something using", b);
    view.add(b, "Does something then using", c);

    webSequenceDiagramsWriter.write(workspace, stringWriter);
        "title System A - Dynamic - A description of the diagram\n"
            + "\n"
            + "System A->System B: Does something using\n"
            + "System B->>System C: Does something then using\n"
            + "\n",
 public void test_write_DoesNotThrowAnExceptionWhenPassedNullParameters() throws Exception {
   webSequenceDiagramsWriter.write(null, null);
   webSequenceDiagramsWriter.write(workspace, null);
   webSequenceDiagramsWriter.write(null, stringWriter);