Example #1
  public float getHeadingAtWP(int index) {
    float heading = 0;
    Waypoint nextWayPoint = getNextWayPoint(index);

    // if next way point available, compute heading towards it
    if (nextWayPoint != null) {
      // compute driving direction by looking at next way point from current position
      Vector3f targetPosition = nextWayPoint.getPosition().clone();

      Vector3f currentPosition = waypointList.get(index).getPosition().clone();

      Vector3f drivingDirection = targetPosition.subtract(currentPosition).normalize();

      // compute heading (orientation) from driving direction vector for
      // angle between driving direction and heading "0"
      float angle0 = drivingDirection.angleBetween(new Vector3f(0, 0, -1));
      // angle between driving direction and heading "90"
      float angle90 = drivingDirection.angleBetween(new Vector3f(1, 0, 0));

      // get all candidates for heading
      // find the value from {heading1,heading2} which matches with one of {heading3,heading4}
      float heading1 = (2.0f * FastMath.PI + angle0) % FastMath.TWO_PI;
      float heading2 = (2.0f * FastMath.PI - angle0) % FastMath.TWO_PI;
      float heading3 = (2.5f * FastMath.PI + angle90) % FastMath.TWO_PI;
      float heading4 = (2.5f * FastMath.PI - angle90) % FastMath.TWO_PI;

      float diff_1_3 = FastMath.abs(heading1 - heading3);
      float diff_1_4 = FastMath.abs(heading1 - heading4);
      float diff_2_3 = FastMath.abs(heading2 - heading3);
      float diff_2_4 = FastMath.abs(heading2 - heading4);

      if ((diff_1_3 < diff_1_4 && diff_1_3 < diff_2_3 && diff_1_3 < diff_2_4)
          || (diff_1_4 < diff_1_3 && diff_1_4 < diff_2_3 && diff_1_4 < diff_2_4)) {
        // if diff_1_3 or diff_1_4 are smallest --> the correct heading is heading1
        heading = heading1;
      } else {
        // if diff_2_3 or diff_2_4 are smallest --> the correct heading is heading2
        heading = heading2;
    return heading;
Example #2
  public FollowBox(Simulator sim, final TrafficCar vehicle, FollowBoxSettings settings) {
    this.sim = sim;
    this.vehicle = vehicle;
    this.settings = settings;

    waypointList = settings.getWayPoints();
    maxDistance = settings.getMaxDistance();

    motionPath = new MotionPath();


    for (Waypoint wayPoint : waypointList) motionPath.addWayPoint(wayPoint.getPosition());

    motionPath.setPathSplineType(SplineType.CatmullRom); // --> default: CatmullRom

    if (settings.isPathVisible())
      motionPath.enableDebugShape(sim.getAssetManager(), sim.getSceneNode());

        new MotionPathListener() {
          public void onWayPointReach(MotionTrack control, int wayPointIndex) {
            // set speed limit for next way point
            int index = wayPointIndex % waypointList.size();
            float speed = waypointList.get(index).getSpeed();

            // if last way point reached
            if (motionPath.getNbWayPoints() == wayPointIndex + 1) {
              // reset vehicle to first way point if not cyclic
              if (!motionPath.isCycle()) setToWayPoint(0);

    followBox = createFollowBox();
    motionControl = new MotionTrack(followBox, motionPath);

    // get start way point
    int startWayPointIndex = settings.getStartWayPointIndex();

    // set start speed
    float initialSpeed = waypointList.get(startWayPointIndex).getSpeed();

    // set start position

    // move object along path considering rotation

    // loop movement of object

    // rotate moving object
    // motionControl.setRotation(new Quaternion().fromAngleNormalAxis(-FastMath.HALF_PI,
    // Vector3f.UNIT_Y));

    // set moving object to position "20 seconds"
    // motionPath.interpolatePath(20, motionControl);

    // start movement
    // motionControl.play(); // already contained in update method
Example #3
  public float getReducedSpeed() {
    // return a temporarily reduced speed for the traffic car
    // in order to reach next (lower) speed limit in time
    float reducedSpeedInKmh = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

    // if next way point with lower speed comes closer --> reduce speed
    int currentIndex = motionControl.getCurrentWayPoint();
    Waypoint nextWP = getNextWayPoint(currentIndex);
    if (nextWP != null) {
      // current way point (already passed)
      Waypoint curentWP = waypointList.get(currentIndex);

      // speed at current way point
      float currentSpeedInKmh = curentWP.getSpeed();
      float currentSpeed = currentSpeedInKmh / 3.6f;

      // speed at next way point
      float targetSpeedInKmh = nextWP.getSpeed();
      float targetSpeed = targetSpeedInKmh / 3.6f;

      // if speed at the next WP is lower than at the current WP --> brake vehicle
      if (targetSpeed < currentSpeed) {
        // % of traveled distance between current and next way point
        float wayPercentage = motionControl.getCurrentValue();

        // distance between current and next way point
        Vector3f currentPos = curentWP.getPosition().clone();
        Vector3f nextPos = nextWP.getPosition().clone();
        float distance = currentPos.distance(nextPos);

        // distance (in meters) between follow box and next way point
        float distanceToNextWP = (1 - wayPercentage) * distance;

        // speed difference in m/s between current WP's speed and next WP's speed
        float speedDifference = currentSpeed - targetSpeed;

        // compute the distance in front of the next WP at what the vehicle has to start
        // braking with 50% brake force in order to reach the next WP's (lower) speed in time.
        float deceleration50Percent = 50f * vehicle.getMaxBrakeForce() / vehicle.getMass();

        // time in seconds needed for braking process
        float time = speedDifference / deceleration50Percent;

        // distance covered during braking process
        float coveredDistance = 0.5f * -deceleration50Percent * time * time + currentSpeed * time;

        // start braking in x meters
        float distanceToBrakingPoint = distanceToNextWP - coveredDistance;

        if (distanceToBrakingPoint < 0) {
          // reduce speed linearly beginning from braking point

          // % of traveled distance between braking point and next way point
          float speedPercentage = -distanceToBrakingPoint / coveredDistance;

          //   0% traveled: reduced speed = currentSpeed
          //  50% traveled: reduced speed = (currentSpeed+targetSpeed)/2
          // 100% traveled: reduced speed = targetSpeed
          float reducedSpeed = currentSpeed - (speedPercentage * speedDifference);
          reducedSpeedInKmh = reducedSpeed * 3.6f;

          	float vehicleSpeedInKmh = vehicle.getLinearSpeedInKmh();
          	System.out.println(curentWP.getName() + " : " + speedPercentage + " : " +
          			reducedSpeedInKmh + " : " + vehicleSpeedInKmh + " : " + targetSpeedInKmh);
    return reducedSpeedInKmh;