protected void makeTessellatedLocations(
      Globe globe, int subdivisions, List<LatLon> locations, List<LatLon> tessellatedLocations) {
    ArrayList<Vec4> points = new ArrayList<Vec4>();
    for (LatLon ll : locations) {

    //noinspection StringEquality
    if (WWMath.computeWindingOrderOfLocations(locations) != AVKey.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE)

    Vec4 centerPoint = Vec4.computeAveragePoint(points);
    Vec4 surfaceNormal = globe.computeSurfaceNormalAtPoint(centerPoint);

    int numPoints = points.size();
    float[] coords = new float[3 * numPoints];
    for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
      points.get(i).toFloatArray(coords, 3 * i, 3);

    GeometryBuilder gb = new GeometryBuilder();
    GeometryBuilder.IndexedTriangleArray tessellatedPoints =
        gb.tessellatePolygon(0, numPoints, coords, surfaceNormal);

    for (int i = 0; i < subdivisions; i++) {

    for (int i = 0; i < tessellatedPoints.getVertexCount(); i++) {
      Vec4 v = Vec4.fromFloatArray(tessellatedPoints.getVertices(), 3 * i, 3);
Example #2
   * Computes a <code>Box</code> that bounds a specified buffer of points. Principal axes are
   * computed for the points and used to form a <code>Box</code>. This returns <code>null</code> if
   * the buffer is empty or contains only a partial point.
   * <p>The buffer must contain XYZ coordinate tuples which are either tightly packed or offset by
   * the specified stride. The stride specifies the number of buffer elements between the first
   * coordinate of consecutive tuples. For example, a stride of 3 specifies that each tuple is
   * tightly packed as XYZXYZXYZ, whereas a stride of 5 specifies that there are two elements
   * between each tuple as XYZabXYZab (the elements "a" and "b" are ignored). The stride must be at
   * least 3. If the buffer's length is not evenly divisible into stride-sized tuples, this ignores
   * the remaining elements that follow the last complete tuple.
   * @param buffer the buffer containing the point coordinates for which to compute a bounding
   *     volume.
   * @param stride the number of elements between the first coordinate of consecutive points. If
   *     stride is 3, this interprets the buffer has having tightly packed XYZ coordinate tuples.
   * @return the bounding volume, with axes lengths consistent with the conventions described in the
   *     <code>Box</code> class overview.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the buffer is null or empty, or if the stride is less than
   *     three.
  public static Box computeBoundingBox(FloatBuffer buffer, int stride) {
    if (buffer == null) {
      String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.BufferIsNull");
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

    if (stride < 3) {
      String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.StrideIsInvalid", stride);
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

    Vec4[] axes = WWMath.computePrincipalAxes(buffer, stride);
    if (axes == null) {
      String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.BufferIsEmpty");
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

    Vec4 r = axes[0];
    Vec4 s = axes[1];
    Vec4 t = axes[2];

    // Find the extremes along each axis.
    double minDotR = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double maxDotR = -minDotR;
    double minDotS = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double maxDotS = -minDotS;
    double minDotT = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double maxDotT = -minDotT;

    for (int i = buffer.position(); i <= buffer.limit() - stride; i += stride) {
      double x = buffer.get(i);
      double y = buffer.get(i + 1);
      double z = buffer.get(i + 2);

      double pdr = x * r.x + y * r.y + z * r.z;
      if (pdr < minDotR) minDotR = pdr;
      if (pdr > maxDotR) maxDotR = pdr;

      double pds = x * s.x + y * s.y + z * s.z;
      if (pds < minDotS) minDotS = pds;
      if (pds > maxDotS) maxDotS = pds;

      double pdt = x * t.x + y * t.y + z * t.z;
      if (pdt < minDotT) minDotT = pdt;
      if (pdt > maxDotT) maxDotT = pdt;

    if (maxDotR == minDotR) maxDotR = minDotR + 1;
    if (maxDotS == minDotS) maxDotS = minDotS + 1;
    if (maxDotT == minDotT) maxDotT = minDotT + 1;

    return new Box(axes, minDotR, maxDotR, minDotS, maxDotS, minDotT, maxDotT);
Example #3
   * Compute a <code>Box</code> that bounds a specified list of points. Principal axes are computed
   * for the points and used to form a <code>Box</code>.
   * @param points the points for which to compute a bounding volume.
   * @return the bounding volume, with axes lengths consistent with the conventions described in the
   *     overview.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the point list is null or empty.
  public static Box computeBoundingBox(Iterable<? extends Vec4> points) {
    if (points == null) {
      String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.PointListIsNull");
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

    Vec4[] axes = WWMath.computePrincipalAxes(points);
    if (axes == null) {
      String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.PointListIsEmpty");
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

    Vec4 r = axes[0];
    Vec4 s = axes[1];
    Vec4 t = axes[2];

    // Find the extremes along each axis.
    double minDotR = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double maxDotR = -minDotR;
    double minDotS = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double maxDotS = -minDotS;
    double minDotT = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double maxDotT = -minDotT;

    for (Vec4 p : points) {
      if (p == null) continue;

      double pdr = p.dot3(r);
      if (pdr < minDotR) minDotR = pdr;
      if (pdr > maxDotR) maxDotR = pdr;

      double pds = p.dot3(s);
      if (pds < minDotS) minDotS = pds;
      if (pds > maxDotS) maxDotS = pds;

      double pdt = p.dot3(t);
      if (pdt < minDotT) minDotT = pdt;
      if (pdt > maxDotT) maxDotT = pdt;

    if (maxDotR == minDotR) maxDotR = minDotR + 1;
    if (maxDotS == minDotS) maxDotS = minDotS + 1;
    if (maxDotT == minDotT) maxDotT = minDotT + 1;

    return new Box(axes, minDotR, maxDotR, minDotS, maxDotS, minDotT, maxDotT);
   * Rectify elevation raster. For best performance each elevation raster must have correct
   * parameters and values set. The <code>rectify()</code> operation validates that correct
   * Elevation min and max values are set or calculated. All values that beyond min/max and voids,
   * must be marked with "Missing Signal" (aka "nodata" value).
   * @param raster A DataRaster to rectify
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>raster</code> is <code>null</code>
  public static void rectify(ByteBufferRaster raster) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if (null == raster) {
      String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.RasterIsNull");
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

    int width = raster.getWidth();
    int height = raster.getHeight();

    if (width == 0 || height == 0) {
      // nothing to do

    double[] minmax = raster.getExtremes();
    if (null == minmax) {
      // nothing to do

    Double minValue = minmax[0];
    Double maxValue = minmax[1];

    Double missingDataSignal = AVListImpl.getDoubleValue(raster, AVKey.MISSING_DATA_SIGNAL, null);

    // check if the minimum value is one of the well known NODATA values
    if (ElevationsUtil.isKnownMissingSignal(minValue)
        || (missingDataSignal != null && missingDataSignal.equals(minValue))) {
      missingDataSignal = minValue;

      minmax = raster.getExtremes();
      if (null != minmax) {
        minValue = minmax[0];
        maxValue = minmax[1];

    BufferWrapper bufferWrapper = raster.getBuffer();
    // Allocate a buffer to hold one row of scalar values.
    double[] array = new double[width];

    boolean needsConversion = false;
    double conversionValue = 1d;

    if (raster.hasKey(AVKey.ELEVATION_UNIT)) {
      String unit = raster.getStringValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_UNIT);
      if (AVKey.UNIT_METER.equalsIgnoreCase(unit)) {
        needsConversion = false;
      } else if (AVKey.UNIT_FOOT.equalsIgnoreCase(unit)) {
        needsConversion = true;
        conversionValue = WWMath.convertFeetToMeters(1);
        minValue = WWMath.convertFeetToMeters(minValue);
        maxValue = WWMath.convertFeetToMeters(maxValue);
        raster.setValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_UNIT, AVKey.UNIT_METER);
      } else {
        needsConversion = false;
        String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.UnrecognizedElevationUnit", unit);

    boolean rasterHasVoids = false;

    for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
      bufferWrapper.getDouble(j * width, array, 0, width);
      boolean commitChanges = false;

      for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
        double value = array[i];

        if (null != missingDataSignal && value == missingDataSignal) {
          rasterHasVoids = true;
        } else {
          if (needsConversion) {
            value *= conversionValue;
            commitChanges = true;
            array[i] = value;

          if (value < minValue || value > maxValue) {
            rasterHasVoids = true;

            if (null != missingDataSignal) {
              array[i] = missingDataSignal;
              commitChanges = true;

      if (commitChanges) bufferWrapper.putDouble(j * width, array, 0, width);

    if (rasterHasVoids) {
      if (missingDataSignal != null) raster.setValue(AVKey.MISSING_DATA_SIGNAL, missingDataSignal);
    } else {

    raster.setValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_MIN, minValue);
    raster.setValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_MAX, maxValue);