Example #1
  private boolean depthFirstSearchRecursive(
      VertexType vertex, VertexType fromVertex, PreWorkPostWorkHandler<VertexType> handler)
      throws InvalidVertexException {
    // TODO:Implementing non-recursive version
    // int vertexId = vertex.getId();
    if (handler != null) if (handler.doPreWork(fromVertex, vertex)) return true;
    dispatchEvent(new PreWorkEvent<VertexType, EdgeType>(fromVertex, vertex, graph));
    EventUtils.algorithmStep(this, "visit: " + vertex.getId());
    VertexType lastInDepthVertex = vertex;

    for (VertexType i : graph) {
      if (graph.isEdge(vertex, i)) {
        if (!i.getMark()) {
          lastInDepthVertex = i;
          if (depthFirstSearchRecursive(i, vertex, handler)) return true;

    dispatchEvent(new PostWorkEvent<VertexType, EdgeType>(lastInDepthVertex, vertex, graph));
    EventUtils.algorithmStep(this, "leave: " + vertex.getId());

    if (handler != null) if (handler.doPostWork(lastInDepthVertex, vertex)) return true;

    return false;
Example #2
   * Runs Depth First Search (DFS) algorithm on the graph starting from vertex <I>vertexId</I>. A
   * reference to a PreWorkPostWorkHandler is supplied that contains implementation of pre-work and
   * post-work operations that depends on the application of DFS.
   * @param vertex Index of the starting vertex of the traversal.
   * @param handler A reference to a PreWorkPostWorkHandler that contains implementation of pre-work
   *     and post-work operations that depends on the application of DFS.
   * @param resetMarks If the search should reset vertex visit marks.
   * @return Whether the traversal has stopped at the middle by the handler.
  public boolean doSearch(
      VertexType vertex, PreWorkPostWorkHandler<VertexType> handler, boolean resetMarks)
      throws InvalidVertexException, InvalidGraphException {

    if (graph == null) throw new InvalidGraphException("Graph object is null.");

    if (resetMarks) for (VertexType v : graph) v.setMark(false);

    return depthFirstSearchRecursive(vertex, vertex, handler);