  * Fetches a value from the shared cache. If values were wrapped, then they will be unwrapped
  * before being returned. If code requires direct access to the wrapper object as well, then this
  * call should not be used.
  * <p>If a TransactionStats instance is passed in, then cache access stats are tracked, otherwise
  * - if null is passed in then stats are not tracked.
  * @param key the key
  * @return Returns the value or <tt>null</tt>
 public static <KEY extends Serializable, VAL> VAL getSharedCacheValue(
     SimpleCache<KEY, ValueHolder<VAL>> sharedCache, KEY key, TransactionStats stats) {
   final long startNanos = stats != null ? System.nanoTime() : 0;
   Object possibleWrapper = sharedCache.get(key);
   final long endNanos = stats != null ? System.nanoTime() : 0;
   if (possibleWrapper == null) {
     if (stats != null) {
       stats.record(startNanos, endNanos, OpType.GET_MISS);
     return null;
   } else if (possibleWrapper instanceof ValueHolder) {
     if (stats != null) {
       stats.record(startNanos, endNanos, OpType.GET_HIT);
     ValueHolder<VAL> wrapper = (ValueHolder<VAL>) possibleWrapper;
     return wrapper.getValue();
   } else {
     if (stats != null) {
       stats.record(startNanos, endNanos, OpType.GET_MISS);
     throw new IllegalStateException(
         "All entries for TransactionalCache must be put using TransactionalCache.putSharedCacheValue.");
Example #2
   * Tests the {@link MessageHelper#resetStreamCache(Message)} method
  public void testResetStreamCache() throws Exception {
    // should not throw exceptions when Message or message body is null

    // handle StreamCache
    final ValueHolder<Boolean> reset = new ValueHolder<Boolean>(Boolean.FALSE);
        new StreamCache() {
          public void reset() {

          public void writeTo(OutputStream os) throws IOException {
            // noop

          public StreamCache copy(Exchange exchange) throws IOException {
            return null;

          public boolean inMemory() {
            return true;

          public long length() {
            return 0;
    assertTrue("Should have reset the stream cache", reset.get());
  public boolean isValid(
      CharSequence value, ConstraintValidatorContext constraintValidatorContext) {
    if (value == null || value.length() == 0) {
      return true;

    ValueHolder values = parseUrl(value.toString());
    if (values == null) {
      return false;

    if (protocol != null && protocol.length() > 0 && !protocol.equals(values.getProtocol())) {
      return false;

    if (host != null && host.length() > 0 && !host.equals(values.getHost())) {
      return false;

    if (port != -1 && values.getPort() != port) {
      return false;

    return true;
 public void doPostCommit(
     SimpleCache<Serializable, ValueHolder<BV>> sharedCache,
     Serializable key,
     boolean mutable,
     boolean allowEqualsCheck,
     boolean readOnly,
     TransactionStats stats) {
   ValueHolder<BV> sharedObjValueHolder = sharedCache.get(key);
   if (sharedObjValueHolder == null) {
     // Nothing has changed, write it through
     TransactionalCache.putSharedCacheValue(sharedCache, key, value, stats);
   } else if (!mutable) {
     // Someone else put the object there
     // The assumption is that the value will be correct because the values are immutable
     // Don't write it unnecessarily.
   } else if (allowEqualsCheck
       && EqualsHelper.nullSafeEquals(value, sharedObjValueHolder.getValue())) {
     // The value we want to write is the same as the one in the shared cache.
     // Don't write it unnecessarily.
   } else {
     // The shared value moved on in a way that was not possible to
     // validate.  We pessimistically remove the entry.
 // Populate a pristine component to be used in state holder tests
 protected void populateComponent(UIComponent component) {
   ValueHolder vh = (ValueHolder) component;
   vh.setValue("component value");
Example #6
  public void latchOnFalse() {
    source = new ValueHolder<Boolean>(null);
    latch = Latch.onFalse(source);

    Assert.assertEquals(latch.getValue(), Boolean.TRUE);


    Assert.assertEquals(latch.getValue(), Boolean.TRUE);


    Assert.assertEquals(latch.getValue(), Boolean.TRUE);


    Assert.assertEquals(latch.getValue(), Boolean.FALSE);
    verify(changeHandler).onValueChange(argThat(new IsValueChangeEventWithValue<Boolean>(false)));


    Assert.assertEquals(latch.getValue(), Boolean.FALSE);


    Assert.assertEquals(latch.getValue(), Boolean.TRUE);
    verify(changeHandler).onValueChange(argThat(new IsValueChangeEventWithValue<Boolean>(true)));
 public void doPostCommit(
     SimpleCache<Serializable, ValueHolder<BV>> sharedCache,
     Serializable key,
     boolean mutable,
     boolean allowEqualsCheck,
     boolean readOnly,
     TransactionStats stats) {
   ValueHolder<BV> sharedObjValueHolder = sharedCache.get(key);
   if (sharedObjValueHolder == null) {
     // Someone removed the value
     if (!mutable) {
       // We can assume that our value is correct because it's immutable
       TransactionalCache.putSharedCacheValue(sharedCache, key, value, stats);
     } else {
       // The value is mutable, so we must behave pessimistically i.e. leave the shared cache
       // empty
   } else if (!mutable) {
     // We assume the configuration is correct and therefore, that we do not need to compare
     // the cached value with the updated value.  This applies to null as well.
   } else if (allowEqualsCheck
       && EqualsHelper.nullSafeEquals(value, sharedObjValueHolder.getValue())) {
     // The value we want to write is the same as the one in the shared cache.
     // Don't write it unnecessarily.
   } else if (EqualsHelper.nullSafeEquals(originalValueHolder, sharedObjValueHolder)) {
     // The value in the cache did not change from what we observed before.
     // Update the value.
     TransactionalCache.putSharedCacheValue(sharedCache, key, value, stats);
   } else {
     // The shared value moved on in a way that was not possible to
     // validate.  We pessimistically remove the entry.
  // Test a pristine ValueHolderBase instance
  public void testPristine() {
    ValueHolder vh = (ValueHolder) component;

    // Validate properties
    assertNull("no value", vh.getValue());
    assertNull("no converter", vh.getConverter());
 private ValueHolder getSynchingUpdateWorkerTasks() {
   ValueHolder synching = new ValueHolder();
   final List<UpdateWorkerTask> tasks = connectorUpdateService.getAllSynchingUpdateWorkerTasks();
   for (UpdateWorkerTask task : tasks) {
     if (synching.get(task.apiKeyId) != null)
       synching.put(task.apiKeyId, synching.get(task.apiKeyId) + 1);
     else synching.put(task.apiKeyId, 1);
   return synching;
 public boolean remove(final String key, final String value) throws CacheAccessException {
   final ValueHolder<String> currentValue = this.entries.get(key);
   if (currentValue == null || !currentValue.value().equals(value)) {
     return false;
   return true;
Example #11
 public void execute(FacesContext context) {
   if (valueHolder.selectionSet) {
     ValueBinding vb = getValueBinding("selection");
     if (vb != null) {
       vb.setValue(context, valueHolder.selection);
       valueHolder.selection = null;
       valueHolder.selectionSet = false;
Example #12
 public void execute(FacesContext context) {
   if (valueHolder.activeItemSet) {
     ValueBinding vb = getValueBinding("activeItem");
     if (vb != null) {
       vb.setValue(context, valueHolder.activeItem);
       valueHolder.activeItem = null;
       valueHolder.activeItemSet = false;
 public boolean replace(final String key, final String oldValue, final String newValue)
     throws CacheAccessException {
   final ValueHolder<String> currentValue = this.entries.get(key);
   if (currentValue != null && currentValue.value().equals(oldValue)) {
     this.entries.put(key, new FakeValueHolder(newValue));
     return true;
   return false;
 private ValueHolder getDueUpdateWorkerWorkerTasks(
     final List<UpdateWorkerTask> tasks, long consumerTriggerRepeatInterval) {
   ValueHolder due = new ValueHolder();
   for (UpdateWorkerTask task : tasks) {
     if (task.timeScheduled > System.currentTimeMillis() - consumerTriggerRepeatInterval) {
       if (due.get(task.apiKeyId) != null) due.put(task.apiKeyId, due.get(task.apiKeyId) + 1);
       else due.put(task.apiKeyId, 1);
   return due;
Example #15
   * This is called when a client looks up a key which isn't contained in the grid. The grid then
   * calls this method to fetch the values for the keys. If a key doesn't exist in the backend then
   * Loader.KEY_NOT_FOUND is returned.
  public List get(TxID tx, List keys, boolean arg2) throws LoaderException {
    LoaderMBeanImpl mbean =
            .getBean(tx.getSession().getObjectGrid().getName(), mapName);
    try {
      long startNS = System.nanoTime();
      // Get a Data instance for these database selects
      Connection conn = getConnection(tx);
      // list for the results
      ArrayList<Object> rc = new ArrayList<Object>();
      Iterator<Object> iter = keys.iterator();
      ValueHolder v = new ValueHolder();

      NamedParameterStatement s = new NamedParameterStatement(conn, selectSQL);
      // for each key in the list
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Object keyValue = iter.next();
        Object value = null;
        // wrap with a Key object for purequery if needed
        if (keyAttributeColumn != null) {
          v._wxsutil_value = keyValue;
          copyPojoToStatement(s, v, keyFieldNames, keyFields);
        } else {
          copyPojoToStatement(s, keyValue, keyFieldNames, keyFields);
        ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery();
        if (rs.first()) {
          value = copyResultSetToPojo(rs, theClass, normalFields);
        // if we found the value then add it otherwise add KEY_NOT_FOUND
        if (value != null) {
          if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
            logger.fine("Found " + keyValue + " in " + tableName + " = " + value);
        } else {
          if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
            logger.fine("Cant find " + keyValue + " in " + tableName);
      mbean.getGetMetrics().logTime(System.nanoTime() - startNS);
      return rc;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unexpected exception in get", e);
      throw new LoaderException(e);
Example #16
 public void setValue(Object value) {
   if (value instanceof ValueHolder) {
     this.valueHolder = (ValueHolder) value;
   } else {
     valueHolder.value = value;
  // Test setting properties to valid values
  public void testPropertiesValid() throws Exception {
    ValueHolder vh = (ValueHolder) component;

    // value
    assertEquals("expected value", "foo.bar", vh.getValue());
    assertNull("erased value", vh.getValue());

    // converter
    vh.setConverter(new LongConverter());
    assertTrue("expected converter", vh.getConverter() instanceof LongConverter);
    assertNull("erased converter", vh.getConverter());
Example #18
   * Algorithm works as follows; - If it's an input component, submitted value is checked first
   * since it'd be the value to be used in case validation errors terminates jsf lifecycle - Finally
   * the value of the component is retrieved from backing bean and if there's a converter, converted
   * value is returned
   * <p>- If the component is not a value holder, toString of component is used to support Facelets
   * UIInstructions.
   * @param facesContext FacesContext instance
   * @param component UIComponent instance whose value will be returned
   * @return End text
  public static String getStringValueToRender(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent component) {
    if (component instanceof ValueHolder) {

      if (component instanceof EditableValueHolder) {
        Object submittedValue = ((EditableValueHolder) component).getSubmittedValue();
        if (submittedValue != null) {
          return submittedValue.toString();

      ValueHolder valueHolder = (ValueHolder) component;
      Object value = valueHolder.getValue();
      if (value == null) return "";

      // first ask the converter
      if (valueHolder.getConverter() != null) {
        return valueHolder.getConverter().getAsString(facesContext, component, value);
      // Try to guess
      else {
        ValueExpression expr = component.getValueExpression("value");
        if (expr != null) {
          Class<?> valueType = expr.getType(facesContext.getELContext());
          if (valueType != null) {
            Converter converterForType = facesContext.getApplication().createConverter(valueType);

            if (converterForType != null)
              return converterForType.getAsString(facesContext, component, value);

      // No converter found just return the value as string
      return value.toString();
    } else {
      // This would get the plain texts on UIInstructions when using Facelets
      String value = component.toString();

      if (value != null) return value.trim();
      else return "";
Example #19
  public void testNoCopyCache() {
        new Cache(
            new CacheConfiguration()
                .persistence(new PersistenceConfiguration().strategy(strategy))));

    Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(NO_COPY_CACHE);
    ValueHolder valueHolder = new ValueHolder("value");
    String key = "key";
    Element element = new Element(key, valueHolder, true);

    String otherValue = "otherValue";
    valueHolder.value = otherValue;

    Element cacheContent = cache.get(key);
    assertThat(cacheContent, sameInstance(element));
    assertThat(((ValueHolder) cacheContent.getObjectValue()).value, is(otherValue));
Example #20
   * Resolves the end text to render by using a specified value
   * @param facesContext FacesContext instance
   * @param component UIComponent instance whose value will be returned
   * @return End text
  public static String getStringValueToRender(
      FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent component, Object value) {
    if (value == null) return null;

    ValueHolder valueHolder = (ValueHolder) component;

    Converter converter = valueHolder.getConverter();
    if (converter != null) {
      return converter.getAsString(facesContext, component, value);
    } else {
      ValueExpression expr = component.getValueExpression("value");
      if (expr != null) {
        Class<?> valueType = expr.getType(facesContext.getELContext());
        Converter converterForType = facesContext.getApplication().createConverter(valueType);

        if (converterForType != null)
          return converterForType.getAsString(facesContext, component, value);

    return value.toString();
 // Check that the properties on the specified components are equal
 protected void checkProperties(UIComponent comp1, UIComponent comp2) {
   super.checkProperties(comp1, comp2);
   ValueHolder vh1 = (ValueHolder) comp1;
   ValueHolder vh2 = (ValueHolder) comp2;
   assertEquals(vh1.getValue(), vh2.getValue());
       (NumberConverter) vh1.getConverter(), (NumberConverter) vh2.getConverter());
Example #22
 private ToStringHelper addHolder(String name, @Nullable Object value) {
   ValueHolder valueHolder = addHolder();
   valueHolder.value = value;
   valueHolder.name = checkNotNull(name);
   return this;
Example #23
 private ToStringHelper addHolder(@Nullable Object value) {
   ValueHolder valueHolder = addHolder();
   valueHolder.value = value;
   return this;
Example #24
 private ValueHolder addHolder() {
   ValueHolder valueHolder = new ValueHolder();
   holderTail = holderTail.next = valueHolder;
   return valueHolder;
 public String toString() {
   return String.valueOf(valueHolder != null ? valueHolder.getValueAsString() : value.get());
Example #26
 public void setSelection(Set selection) {
   valueHolder.selection = selection;
   valueHolder.selectionSet = true;
Example #27
 public void setActiveItem(Object activeItem) {
   valueHolder.activeItem = activeItem;
   valueHolder.activeItemSet = true;
  // Test attribute-property transparency
  public boolean doTestAttributesTransparency(ValueHolder vh, UIComponent newComp) {
    assertEquals(vh.getValue(), (String) newComp.getAttributes().get("value"));
    assertEquals("foo", (String) newComp.getAttributes().get("value"));
    assertNull((String) newComp.getAttributes().get("value"));
    newComp.getAttributes().put("value", "bar");
    assertEquals("bar", vh.getValue());
    newComp.getAttributes().put("value", null);

    assertEquals(vh.getConverter(), (String) newComp.getAttributes().get("converter"));
    vh.setConverter(new LongConverter());
    assertNotNull((Converter) newComp.getAttributes().get("converter"));
    assertTrue(newComp.getAttributes().get("converter") instanceof LongConverter);
    newComp.getAttributes().put("converter", new ShortConverter());
    assertTrue(vh.getConverter() instanceof ShortConverter);
    newComp.getAttributes().put("converter", null);

    return true;