  public void testCurrentVersionStructureAgainstGold() throws Throwable {
    int latestVersion = CatalogVersions.getCurrentVersion().getSchemaVersion();
    String[] lastKnown = UpgradeTestUtils.getGoldVersion(latestVersion);
    String[] current = generateCatalog();
    Pattern thanksHibernate =
        Pattern.compile("(alter table )(\\w+)( add index )(\\w+)(.*add constraint )(\\w+)(.*)");
    assertEquals("number of stmts in schema ddl", lastKnown.length, current.length - 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < current.length - 1; i++) {
      if (!lastKnown[i].equals(current[i])) {
        // accept differences in index, constraint names
        if (lastKnown[i].startsWith("alter table") && current[i].startsWith("alter table")) {
          Matcher last = thanksHibernate.matcher(lastKnown[i]);
          Matcher now = thanksHibernate.matcher(current[i]);
          if (last.matches() && now.matches()) {
            String knownConstraint = lastKnown[i].substring(last.start(6), last.end(6));
            String knownIndex = lastKnown[i].substring(last.start(4), last.end(4));

            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
            buf.append(current[i].substring(0, now.start(4)));
            buf.append(current[i].substring(now.end(4), now.start(6)));
            String munged = buf.toString();
            if (lastKnown[i].equals(munged)) continue;
        assertEquals("schema ddl stmt " + i, lastKnown[i], current[i]);
 public void testCurrentVersionContentsAgainstGold() throws Throwable {
   int latestVersion = CatalogVersions.getCurrentVersion().getSchemaVersion();
   String[] lastKnown = UpgradeTestUtils.getInfoSchema(latestVersion);
   String[] current = CatalogSchemaGenerator.buildTestCurrentInfoSchema();
   assertEquals("number of stmts in info schema dml", lastKnown.length, current.length);
   for (int i = 0; i < lastKnown.length; i++) {
     assertEquals("info schema dml " + i, lastKnown[i], current[i]);