Example #1
  * The kruskal static method runs the Kruskal algorithm given an EdgeList. This in effect returns
  * the minimum spanning tree of a graph (MST).
  * @param edgeList -The collection of edges for a graph.
  * @return -The Collection representing the minimum spanning tree.
 public static Collection<Edge> kruskal(EdgeList edgeList) {
   ArrayList<Edge> mST = new ArrayList<Edge>();
   UnionFind dataStruct = new UnionFind(edgeList);
   PriorityQueue<Edge> edges = edgeList.getEdges();
   while (!edges.isEmpty()) {
     Edge minEdge = edges.poll();
     boolean condition = dataStruct.sameComponent(minEdge.getU(), minEdge.getV());
     if (condition == false) {
       dataStruct.union(minEdge.getU(), minEdge.getV());
   return mST;