   * Parse a {@link CertificateRequest} from an {@link InputStream}.
   * @param context the {@link TlsContext} of the current connection.
   * @param input the {@link InputStream} to parse from.
   * @return a {@link CertificateRequest} object.
   * @throws IOException
  public static CertificateRequest parse(TlsContext context, InputStream input) throws IOException {
    int numTypes = TlsUtils.readUint8(input);
    short[] certificateTypes = new short[numTypes];
    for (int i = 0; i < numTypes; ++i) {
      certificateTypes[i] = TlsUtils.readUint8(input);

    Vector supportedSignatureAlgorithms = null;
    if (TlsUtils.isTLSv12(context)) {
      // TODO Check whether SignatureAlgorithm.anonymous is allowed here
      supportedSignatureAlgorithms = TlsUtils.parseSupportedSignatureAlgorithms(false, input);

    Vector certificateAuthorities = new Vector();
    byte[] certAuthData = TlsUtils.readOpaque16(input);
    ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(certAuthData);
    while (bis.available() > 0) {
      byte[] derEncoding = TlsUtils.readOpaque16(bis);
      ASN1Primitive asn1 = TlsUtils.readDERObject(derEncoding);

    return new CertificateRequest(
        certificateTypes, supportedSignatureAlgorithms, certificateAuthorities);
Example #2
  * Parse a {@link DigitallySigned} from an {@link InputStream}.
  * @param context the {@link TlsContext} of the current connection.
  * @param input the {@link InputStream} to parse from.
  * @return a {@link DigitallySigned} object.
  * @throws IOException
 public static DigitallySigned parse(TlsContext context, InputStream input) throws IOException {
   SignatureAndHashAlgorithm algorithm = null;
   if (TlsUtils.isTLSv12(context)) {
     algorithm = SignatureAndHashAlgorithm.parse(input);
   byte[] signature = TlsUtils.readOpaque16(input);
   return new DigitallySigned(algorithm, signature);
 public byte[] generateCertificateSignature(byte[] hash) throws IOException {
   try {
     if (TlsUtils.isTLSv12(context)) {
       return signer.generateRawSignature(signatureAndHashAlgorithm, privateKey, hash);
     } else {
       return signer.generateRawSignature(privateKey, hash);
   } catch (CryptoException e) {
     throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.internal_error, e);
  public DefaultTlsSignerCredentials(
      TlsContext context,
      Certificate certificate,
      AsymmetricKeyParameter privateKey,
      SignatureAndHashAlgorithm signatureAndHashAlgorithm) {
    if (certificate == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("'certificate' cannot be null");
    if (certificate.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("'certificate' cannot be empty");
    if (privateKey == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("'privateKey' cannot be null");
    if (!privateKey.isPrivate()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("'privateKey' must be private");
    if (TlsUtils.isTLSv12(context) && signatureAndHashAlgorithm == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "'signatureAndHashAlgorithm' cannot be null for (D)TLS 1.2+");

    if (privateKey instanceof RSAKeyParameters) {
      this.signer = new TlsRSASigner();
    } else if (privateKey instanceof DSAPrivateKeyParameters) {
      this.signer = new TlsDSSSigner();
    } else if (privateKey instanceof ECPrivateKeyParameters) {
      this.signer = new TlsECDSASigner();
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "'privateKey' type not supported: " + privateKey.getClass().getName());


    this.context = context;
    this.certificate = certificate;
    this.privateKey = privateKey;
    this.signatureAndHashAlgorithm = signatureAndHashAlgorithm;
Example #5
  protected Signer makeSigner(
      SignatureAndHashAlgorithm algorithm, boolean raw, boolean forSigning, CipherParameters cp) {
    if ((algorithm != null) != TlsUtils.isTLSv12(context)) {
      throw new IllegalStateException();

    if (algorithm != null && algorithm.getSignature() != SignatureAlgorithm.rsa) {
      throw new IllegalStateException();

    Digest d;
    if (raw) {
      d = new NullDigest();
    } else if (algorithm == null) {
      d = new CombinedHash();
    } else {
      d = TlsUtils.createHash(algorithm.getHash());

    Signer s;
    if (algorithm != null) {
       * RFC 5246 4.7. In RSA signing, the opaque vector contains the signature generated
       * using the RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 signature scheme defined in [PKCS1].
      s = new RSADigestSigner(d, TlsUtils.getOIDForHashAlgorithm(algorithm.getHash()));
    } else {
       * RFC 5246 4.7. Note that earlier versions of TLS used a different RSA signature scheme
       * that did not include a DigestInfo encoding.
      s = new GenericSigner(createRSAImpl(), d);
    s.init(forSigning, cp);
    return s;
  protected DTLSTransport serverHandshake(ServerHandshakeState state, DTLSRecordLayer recordLayer)
      throws IOException {
    SecurityParameters securityParameters = state.serverContext.getSecurityParameters();
    DTLSReliableHandshake handshake = new DTLSReliableHandshake(state.serverContext, recordLayer);

    DTLSReliableHandshake.Message clientMessage = handshake.receiveMessage();

      // NOTE: After receiving a record from the client, we discover the record layer version
      ProtocolVersion client_version = recordLayer.getDiscoveredPeerVersion();
      // TODO Read RFCs for guidance on the expected record layer version number

    if (clientMessage.getType() == HandshakeType.client_hello) {
      processClientHello(state, clientMessage.getBody());
    } else {
      throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.unexpected_message);

      byte[] serverHelloBody = generateServerHello(state);

      if (state.maxFragmentLength >= 0) {
        int plainTextLimit = 1 << (8 + state.maxFragmentLength);

      securityParameters.cipherSuite = state.selectedCipherSuite;
      securityParameters.compressionAlgorithm = state.selectedCompressionMethod;
      securityParameters.prfAlgorithm =
          TlsProtocol.getPRFAlgorithm(state.serverContext, state.selectedCipherSuite);

       * RFC 5264 7.4.9. Any cipher suite which does not explicitly specify verify_data_length
       * has a verify_data_length equal to 12. This includes all existing cipher suites.
      securityParameters.verifyDataLength = 12;

      handshake.sendMessage(HandshakeType.server_hello, serverHelloBody);


    Vector serverSupplementalData = state.server.getServerSupplementalData();
    if (serverSupplementalData != null) {
      byte[] supplementalDataBody = generateSupplementalData(serverSupplementalData);
      handshake.sendMessage(HandshakeType.supplemental_data, supplementalDataBody);

    state.keyExchange = state.server.getKeyExchange();

    state.serverCredentials = state.server.getCredentials();

    Certificate serverCertificate = null;

    if (state.serverCredentials == null) {
    } else {

      serverCertificate = state.serverCredentials.getCertificate();
      byte[] certificateBody = generateCertificate(serverCertificate);
      handshake.sendMessage(HandshakeType.certificate, certificateBody);

    // TODO[RFC 3546] Check whether empty certificates is possible, allowed, or excludes
    // CertificateStatus
    if (serverCertificate == null || serverCertificate.isEmpty()) {
      state.allowCertificateStatus = false;

    if (state.allowCertificateStatus) {
      CertificateStatus certificateStatus = state.server.getCertificateStatus();
      if (certificateStatus != null) {
        byte[] certificateStatusBody = generateCertificateStatus(state, certificateStatus);
        handshake.sendMessage(HandshakeType.certificate_status, certificateStatusBody);

    byte[] serverKeyExchange = state.keyExchange.generateServerKeyExchange();
    if (serverKeyExchange != null) {
      handshake.sendMessage(HandshakeType.server_key_exchange, serverKeyExchange);

    if (state.serverCredentials != null) {
      state.certificateRequest = state.server.getCertificateRequest();
      if (state.certificateRequest != null) {

        byte[] certificateRequestBody = generateCertificateRequest(state, state.certificateRequest);
        handshake.sendMessage(HandshakeType.certificate_request, certificateRequestBody);


    handshake.sendMessage(HandshakeType.server_hello_done, TlsUtils.EMPTY_BYTES);


    clientMessage = handshake.receiveMessage();

    if (clientMessage.getType() == HandshakeType.supplemental_data) {
      processClientSupplementalData(state, clientMessage.getBody());
      clientMessage = handshake.receiveMessage();
    } else {

    if (state.certificateRequest == null) {
    } else {
      if (clientMessage.getType() == HandshakeType.certificate) {
        processClientCertificate(state, clientMessage.getBody());
        clientMessage = handshake.receiveMessage();
      } else {
        if (TlsUtils.isTLSv12(state.serverContext)) {
           * RFC 5246 If no suitable certificate is available, the client MUST send a
           * certificate message containing no certificates.
           * NOTE: In previous RFCs, this was SHOULD instead of MUST.
          throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.unexpected_message);

        notifyClientCertificate(state, Certificate.EMPTY_CHAIN);

    if (clientMessage.getType() == HandshakeType.client_key_exchange) {
      processClientKeyExchange(state, clientMessage.getBody());
    } else {
      throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.unexpected_message);

    TlsProtocol.establishMasterSecret(state.serverContext, state.keyExchange);

    TlsHandshakeHash prepareFinishHash = handshake.prepareToFinish();

     * RFC 5246 7.4.8 This message is only sent following a client certificate that has signing
     * capability (i.e., all certificates except those containing fixed Diffie-Hellman
     * parameters).
    if (expectCertificateVerifyMessage(state)) {
      byte[] certificateVerifyBody = handshake.receiveMessageBody(HandshakeType.certificate_verify);
      processCertificateVerify(state, certificateVerifyBody, prepareFinishHash);

    // NOTE: Calculated exclusive of the actual Finished message from the client
    byte[] expectedClientVerifyData =
            TlsProtocol.getCurrentPRFHash(state.serverContext, handshake.getHandshakeHash(), null));
    processFinished(handshake.receiveMessageBody(HandshakeType.finished), expectedClientVerifyData);

    if (state.expectSessionTicket) {
      NewSessionTicket newSessionTicket = state.server.getNewSessionTicket();
      byte[] newSessionTicketBody = generateNewSessionTicket(state, newSessionTicket);
      handshake.sendMessage(HandshakeType.session_ticket, newSessionTicketBody);

    // NOTE: Calculated exclusive of the Finished message itself
    byte[] serverVerifyData =
            TlsProtocol.getCurrentPRFHash(state.serverContext, handshake.getHandshakeHash(), null));
    handshake.sendMessage(HandshakeType.finished, serverVerifyData);



    return new DTLSTransport(recordLayer);