   * Using junit 3.x naming standards for unit tests and test method names, attempt to discover the
   * unit test name from the execution stack.
   * @return the unit test id found via execution stack and junit 3.8 naming conventions.
   * @see #getTestIDAsPath()
  private static TestID getTestID() {
    StackTraceElement stacked[] = new Throwable().getStackTrace();

    for (StackTraceElement stack : stacked) {
      if (stack.getClassName().endsWith("Test")) {
        if (stack.getMethodName().startsWith("test")) {
          TestID testid = new TestID();
          testid.classname = stack.getClassName();
          testid.methodname = stack.getMethodName();
          return testid;
    // If we have reached this point, we have failed to find the test id
    String LN = System.getProperty("line.separator");
    StringBuilder err = new StringBuilder();
    err.append("Unable to find a TestID from a testcase that ");
    err.append("doesn't follow the standard naming rules.");
    err.append("Test class name must end in \"*Test\".");
    err.append("Test method name must start in \"test*\".");
    err.append("Call to ").append(MavenTestingUtils.class.getSimpleName());
    err.append(".getTestID(), must occur from within stack frame of ");
    err.append("test method, not @Before, @After, @BeforeClass, ");
    err.append("@AfterClass, or Constructors of test case.");
    return null;