  public void testConvertersThatReturnNullValue() throws Exception {
    final Converter converter =
        new TestConverter.Builder()
                new Function<Object, Object>() {
                  public Object apply(Object input) {
                    return null;

    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder()
                new Callable<Result[]>() {
                  public Result[] call() throws Exception {
                    return new Result[] {new Result("1", -1, -1)};

    final Message msg = createMessage("message");


  public void testConvertersWithNonStringFieldValue() throws Exception {
    final Converter converter =
        new TestConverter.Builder()
                new Function<Object, Object>() {
                  public Object apply(Object input) {
                    return "converted";

    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder()
                new Callable<Result[]>() {
                  public Result[] call() throws Exception {
                    return new Result[] {new Result(123, "target", -1, -1)};

    final Message msg = createMessage("message");


    // Only string values will be converted.
  public void testCursorStrategyCutWithMultipleResults() throws Exception {
    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder()
                new Callable<Result[]>() {
                  public Result[] call() throws Exception {
                    return new Result[] {
                      new Result("the", "one", 0, 3), new Result("hello", "two", 10, 15),

    final Message msg = createMessage("message");
    msg.addField("msg", "the great hello");


    // With the cut strategy the matched data will be removed from the message.
  public void testCursorStrategyCutIfTargetFieldEqualsSourceField() throws Exception {
    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder()
                new Callable<Result[]>() {
                  public Result[] call() throws Exception {
                    return new Result[] {new Result("the", 0, 3)};

    final Message msg = createMessage("message");
    msg.addField("msg", "the hello");


    // If source and target fields are the same, the field is not touched because it already got set
    // to a new value.
  public void testWithMultipleTargetValueResultsAndOneValueIsNull() throws Exception {
    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder()
                new Callable<Result[]>() {
                  public Result[] call() throws Exception {
                    return new Result[] {
                      new Result(1, "one", -1, -1),
                      new Result(2, "two", -1, -1),
                      new Result(null, "three", -1, -1)

    final Message msg = createMessage("the hello");


    // If the extractor returns multiple results and one result value is null, all results will be
    // ignored.
    // TODO: This is the current behaviour and it is weird. Will be fixed soon.
  public void testCursorStrategyCopyWithMultipleResults() throws Exception {
    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder()
                new Callable<Result[]>() {
                  public Result[] call() throws Exception {
                    return new Result[] {
                      new Result("the", "one", 0, 3), new Result("hello", "two", 10, 15),

    final Message msg = createMessage("message");
    msg.addField("msg", "the great hello");


    // With the copy strategy, the source field will not be modified.
    assertThat(msg.getField("msg")).isEqualTo("the great hello");
  public void testWithMultipleTargetValueResults() throws Exception {
    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder()
                new Callable<Result[]>() {
                  public Result[] call() throws Exception {
                    return new Result[] {
                      new Result(1, "one", -1, -1),
                      new Result("2", "two", -1, -1),
                      new Result(3, "three", -1, -1)

    final Message msg = createMessage("the hello");


  public void testIncrementException() throws Exception {
    final TestExtractor extractor = new TestExtractor.Builder().build();


  public void testConvertersAreExecutedInOrder() throws Exception {
    final Converter converter1 =
        new TestConverter.Builder()
                new Function<Object, Object>() {
                  public Object apply(Object input) {
                    return ((String) input) + "1";

    final Converter converter2 =
        new TestConverter.Builder()
                new Function<Object, Object>() {
                  public Object apply(Object input) {
                    return ((String) input) + "2";

    final Converter converter3 =
        new TestConverter.Builder()
                new Function<Object, Object>() {
                  public Object apply(Object input) {
                    return ((String) input) + "3";

    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder()
            .converters(Lists.newArrayList(converter1, converter2, converter3))
                new Callable<Result[]>() {
                  public Result[] call() throws Exception {
                    return new Result[] {new Result("converter", -1, -1)};

    final Message msg = createMessage("message");


  public void testConvertersWithMultipleFields() throws Exception {
    final Converter converter =
        new TestConverter.Builder()
                new Function<Object, Object>() {
                  public Object apply(Object input) {
                    return ImmutableMap.builder()
                        .put("one", 1)
                        .put("two", "2")
                            "message should not be overwritten") // Try to overwrite reserved field.

    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder()
                new Callable<Result[]>() {
                  public Result[] call() throws Exception {
                    return new Result[] {new Result("1", -1, -1)};

    final Message msg = createMessage("the message");


    // With a "multiple fields" converter the target field is not touched, only the additional
    // fields are added.

    // Reserved fields are not overwritten!
    assertThat(msg.getField("message")).isEqualTo("the message");

    // Attempts to overwrite a reserved field are recorded as converter exception.
  public void testMultipleConvertersWithFirstReturningNullValue() throws Exception {
    final Converter converter1 =
        new TestConverter.Builder()
                new Function<Object, Object>() {
                  public Object apply(Object input) {
                    return null;

    final Converter converter2 =
        new TestConverter.Builder()
                new Function<Object, Object>() {
                  public Object apply(Object input) {
                    return input + "2";

    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder()
            .converters(Lists.newArrayList(converter1, converter2))
                new Callable<Result[]>() {
                  public Result[] call() throws Exception {
                    return new Result[] {new Result("converter", -1, -1)};

    final Message msg = createMessage("message");


    // If the first converter returns null, the second will not be executed because the value is not
    // a string anymore.
  @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
  public void testWithMultipleValueOnlyResults() throws Exception {
    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder()
                new Callable<Result[]>() {
                  public Result[] call() throws Exception {
                    return new Result[] {new Result("1", -1, -1), new Result("2", -1, -1)};

    final Message msg = createMessage("the hello");

    // TODO: Throwing a NPE with multiple value-only Result objects is a bug!
  public void testWithStringCondition() throws Exception {
    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder().conditionType(STRING).conditionValue("hello").build();

    // Extractor runs if the message contains the condition value "hello".
    final Message msg1 = createMessage("hello world");



    // Extractor does not run if the message does not contain the condition value.
    final Message msg2 = createMessage("the message");


  public void testWithOneValueOnlyResultsAndValueIsNull() throws Exception {
    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder()
                new Callable<Result[]>() {
                  public Result[] call() throws Exception {
                    return new Result[] {new Result(null, -1, -1)};

    final Message msg = createMessage("the hello");


  public void testWithEmptyResultArray() throws Exception {
    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder()
                new Callable<Result[]>() {
                  public Result[] call() throws Exception {
                    return new Result[0];

    final Message msg = createMessage("the hello");


  public void testWithRegexpCondition() throws Exception {
    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder().conditionType(REGEX).conditionValue("^hello").build();

    // Extractor runs if the message matches the condition regexp.
    final Message msg1 = createMessage("hello world");



    // Extractor does not run if the message does not match the condition regexp.
    final Message msg2 = createMessage("the hello");


  public void testRunExtractorCheckSourceValueIsString() throws Exception {
    final TestExtractor extractor = new TestExtractor.Builder().sourceField("a_field").build();

    // Extractor should not run for source field values that are not strings!
    final Message msg1 = createMessage("the message");
    msg1.addField("a_field", 1);



    // The extractor should run for a source field value of type string.
    final Message msg2 = createMessage("the message");
    msg2.addField("a_field", "the source");


  public void testCursorStrategyCutIfSourceFieldIsReservedField() throws Exception {
    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder()
                new Callable<Result[]>() {
                  public Result[] call() throws Exception {
                    return new Result[] {new Result("the", 0, 3)};

    final Message msg = createMessage("the hello");


    // The source value is not modified if it is a reserved field.
    assertThat(msg.getField("message")).isEqualTo("the hello");
  public void testCursorStrategyCutWithAllTextCut() throws Exception {
    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder()
                new Callable<Result[]>() {
                  public Result[] call() throws Exception {
                    return new Result[] {new Result("the hello", 0, 9)};

    final Message msg = createMessage("message");
    msg.addField("msg", "the hello");


    // If all data is cut from the source field, the "fullyCutByExtractor" string gets inserted.
  public void testCursorStrategyCutIfBeginAndEndIndexAreDisabled() throws Exception {
    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder()
                new Callable<Result[]>() {
                  public Result[] call() throws Exception {
                    return new Result[] {new Result("the", -1, -1)};

    final Message msg = createMessage("message");
    msg.addField("msg", "the hello");


    // If the begin and end index is -1, the source field should not be modified.
    assertThat(msg.getField("msg")).isEqualTo("the hello");
  public void testGetPersistedFields() throws Exception {
    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder().conditionType(REGEX).conditionValue("^hello").build();

    final Map<String, Object> persistedFields =
        ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder()
            .put("id", "test-id")
            .put("title", "test-title")
            .put("order", 0L)
            .put("type", "regex")
            .put("cursor_strategy", "copy")
            .put("target_field", "target")
            .put("source_field", "message")
            .put("creator_user_id", "user")
            .put("extractor_config", Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap())
            .put("condition_type", "regex")
            .put("condition_value", "^hello")
            .put("converters", Collections.<Converter>emptyList())

  @Test(expected = StringIndexOutOfBoundsException.class)
  public void testCursorStrategyCutIfEndIndexIsDisabled() throws Exception {
    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder()
                new Callable<Result[]>() {
                  public Result[] call() throws Exception {
                    return new Result[] {new Result("the", 0, -1)};

    final Message msg = createMessage("message");
    msg.addField("msg", "the hello");


    // If the end index is -1, the source field should not be modified.
    // TODO: The current implementation only checks if begin index is -1. Needs to be fixed.
    assertThat(msg.getField("msg")).isEqualTo("the hello");
  public void testConvertersWithExceptions() throws Exception {
    final Converter converter1 =
        new TestConverter.Builder()
                new Function<Object, Object>() {
                  public Object apply(Object input) {
                    throw new NullPointerException("EEK");

    final Converter converter2 =
        new TestConverter.Builder()
                new Function<Object, Object>() {
                  public Object apply(Object input) {
                    return input + "2";

    final Converter converter3 =
        new TestConverter.Builder()
                new Function<Object, Object>() {
                  public Object apply(Object input) {
                    throw new NullPointerException("EEK");

    final TestExtractor extractor =
        new TestExtractor.Builder()
            .converters(Lists.newArrayList(converter1, converter2, converter3))
                new Callable<Result[]>() {
                  public Result[] call() throws Exception {
                    return new Result[] {new Result("converter", -1, -1)};

    final Message msg = createMessage("message");


    // The two exceptions should have been recorded.

    // It ignores all converters which throw an exception but executes the ones that don't.
    // TODO: Is this really the expected behaviour? The converters are executed in order and
    // basically depend on the output of the previous. This might not work for all converters.