 public void testClasspathTemplateProcessor() throws Exception {
   URL template = getClass().getResource("template.ftl");
   String expected = "Hello JBoss Forge!";
   Resource<?> resource = resourceFactory.create(template);
   TemplateProcessor processor =
       templateProcessorFactory.fromTemplate(new FreemarkerTemplate(resource));
   String actual = processor.process(Collections.singletonMap("name", "JBoss Forge"));
   Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
 public void testTemplateProcessor() throws Exception {
   String template = "Hello ${name}!";
   String expected = "Hello JBoss Forge!";
   File tempFile = File.createTempFile("template", ".tmp");
   FileResource resource = resourceFactory.create(tempFile).reify(FileResource.class);
   TemplateProcessor processor =
       templateProcessorFactory.fromTemplate(new FreemarkerTemplate(resource));
   String actual = processor.process(Collections.singletonMap("name", "JBoss Forge"));
   Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
  @Route(method = HttpRequest.Method.POST, urlPattern = "/register")
  public HttpResponse register(
      HttpRequest request,
      @Param("name") String name,
      @Param("surname") String surname,
      @Param("email") String email,
      @Param("password") String password) {

    User user = new User(DB.getInstance().getNewId(), name, surname, email, password);

    HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse("Successfully created an user", 200);

    Cookie c = new Cookie("auth", request);

    String sessionId = SessionManager.getSessionIdForRequest(request);
    SessionManager.getInstance().addSession(sessionId, new Integer(user.id));

    try {
      String body = TemplateProcessor.process("profile.html", user.getJsonData().build());
    } catch (IOException e) {

    return response;
   * OI hook to call individual product configurations.
  public ResultReport unConfigure(final PropertySheet propSheet, final boolean validateFlag) {

    try {
      if (productRef.getProductName().equals("Domain")) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, Msg.get("UNCONFIGURING_GLASSFISH", null));

      if (productRef.getProductName().equals("UpdateTool")) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, Msg.get("UNCONFIGURING_UPDATETOOL", null));
            new File(productRef.getInstallLocation() + File.separator + "updatetool"));
            new File(productRef.getInstallLocation() + File.separator + "pkg"));
      /* Delete the newly created folder, on windows. No incremental uninstallation, so delete everything.*/
      String folderName = (String) TemplateProcessor.getInstance().getFromDataModel("PRODUCT_NAME");
      if (OSUtils.isWindows()) {
        WindowsShortcutManager wsShortMgr = new WindowsShortcutManager();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, e.getMessage());

    return new ResultReport(
  /* Creates shortcuts for windows. The ones created from OI will be removed due to
  manged names. These shortcuts are in addition to the ones created by default.
  Since the descriptor for defining the short cut entry is not OS specific, we still
  need to carry on the xml entries to create items on Gnome.
  private void createServerShortCuts() throws EnhancedException {
    String folderName = (String) TemplateProcessor.getInstance().getFromDataModel("PRODUCT_NAME");
    LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, Msg.get("CREATE_SHORTCUT_HEADER", new String[] {folderName}));

    WindowsShortcutManager wsShortMgr = new WindowsShortcutManager();
    String modifiedInstallDir = productRef.getInstallLocation().replace("\\", "\\\\");

    LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, modifiedInstallDir);
    // Create short cut for uninstall.exe.
        Msg.get("UNINSTALL", null),
        modifiedInstallDir + "\\\\uninstall.exe",
        Msg.get("UNINSTALL", null),
        "-j \" & chr(34) & \"" + jdkHome.replace("\\", "\\\\") + "\" & chr(34)",
        modifiedInstallDir + "\\\\glassfish\\\\icons\\\\uninstall.ico",

    // Create short cut for Quick Start guide.
        Msg.get("QSGUIDE", null),
        modifiedInstallDir + "\\\\glassfish\\\\docs\\\\quickstart.html");

    // Look for correct page deployed in the installdir before linking it.
    // this code is only w2k specific.
    String aboutFilesLocation = "\\glassfish\\docs\\";
    String aboutFiles[] = {"about_sdk.html", "about_sdk_web.html", "about.html"};
    // The default
    String aboutFile = "about.html";
    // Traverse through the list to find out which file exist first
    for (int i = 0; i < aboutFiles.length; i++) {
      File f = new File(modifiedInstallDir + aboutFilesLocation + aboutFiles[i]);
      if (f.exists()) {
        // then break
        aboutFile = aboutFiles[i];
      f = null;
    LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, aboutFile);
    // Create short cut for About Page.
        Msg.get("ABOUT_GLASSFISH_SERVER", null),
            + aboutFilesLocation.replace("\\", "\\\\")
            + aboutFile.replace("\\", "\\\\"));
  @Route(method = HttpRequest.Method.GET, urlPattern = "/register")
  public HttpResponse GET(HttpRequest request) {

    HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse();

    try {
      String body = TemplateProcessor.process("register.html", null);
    } catch (IOException e) {

    return response;
 /* Creates shortcuts for windows. The ones created from OI will be removed due to
 mangled names. These shortcuts are in addition to the ones created by default.
 Since the descriptor for defining the short cut entry is not OS specific, we still
 need to carry on the xml entries to create items on Gnome.
 private void createUpdatetoolShortCuts() {
   String folderName = (String) TemplateProcessor.getInstance().getFromDataModel("PRODUCT_NAME");
   LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, Msg.get("CREATE_SHORTCUT_HEADER", new String[] {folderName}));
   WindowsShortcutManager wsShortMgr = new WindowsShortcutManager();
   String modifiedInstallDir = productRef.getInstallLocation().replace("\\", "\\\\");
   LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, modifiedInstallDir);
   // Create short cut for starting update tool.
       Msg.get("START_UPDATE_TOOL", null),
       modifiedInstallDir + "\\\\bin\\\\updatetool.exe",
       Msg.get("START_UPDATE_TOOL", null),
           + "\\\\updatetool\\\\vendor-packages\\\\updatetool\\\\images\\\\application-update-tool.ico",
       modifiedInstallDir + "\\\\bin",
 public void process(Node result, Element tag, TemplateProcessor processor) {
   processor.processChildNodes(result, elem);
  /** Execute the Web Script encapsulated by this Web Script Runtime */
  public final void executeScript() {
    final boolean debug = logger.isDebugEnabled();
    long startRuntime = 0L;
    if (debug) startRuntime = System.nanoTime();

    final String method = getScriptMethod();
    String scriptUrl = null;
    Match match = null;

    try {
      // extract script url
      scriptUrl = getScriptUrl();
      if (scriptUrl == null || scriptUrl.length() == 0) {
        throw new WebScriptException(
            HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Script URL not specified");

      if (debug)
                + getName()
                + ", Container="
                + container.getName()
                + ") Processing script url ("
                + method
                + ") "
                + scriptUrl);

      WebScriptRequest scriptReq = null;
      WebScriptResponse scriptRes = null;
      Authenticator auth = null;

      RequiredAuthentication containerRequiredAuth = container.getRequiredAuthentication();

      if (!containerRequiredAuth.equals(RequiredAuthentication.none)) {
        // Create initial request & response
        scriptReq = createRequest(null);
        scriptRes = createResponse();
        auth = createAuthenticator();

        if (debug)
                  + getName()
                  + ", Container="
                  + container.getName()
                  + ") Container requires pre-auth: "
                  + containerRequiredAuth);

        boolean preAuth = true;

        if (auth != null && auth.emptyCredentials()) {
          // check default (unauthenticated) domain
          match = container.getRegistry().findWebScript(method, scriptUrl);
          if ((match != null)
              && (match
                  .equals(RequiredAuthentication.none))) {
            preAuth = false;

        if (preAuth && (!container.authenticate(auth, containerRequiredAuth))) {
          return; // return response (eg. prompt for un/pw if status is 401 or redirect)

      if (match == null) {
        match = container.getRegistry().findWebScript(method, scriptUrl);

      if (match == null || match.getKind() == Match.Kind.URI) {
        if (match == null) {
          String msg = "Script url " + scriptUrl + " does not map to a Web Script.";
          if (debug) logger.debug(msg);
          throw new WebScriptException(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, msg);
        } else {
          String msg = "Script url " + scriptUrl + " does not support the method " + method;
          if (debug) logger.debug(msg);
          throw new WebScriptException(HttpServletResponse.SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, msg);

      // create web script request & response
      scriptReq = createRequest(match);
      scriptRes = createResponse();

      if (auth == null) {
        // not pre-authenticated
        auth = createAuthenticator();

      if (debug) logger.debug("Agent: " + scriptReq.getAgent());

      long startScript = System.nanoTime();
      final WebScript script = match.getWebScript();
      final Description description = script.getDescription();

      try {
        if (debug) {
          String reqFormat = scriptReq.getFormat();
          String format =
              (reqFormat == null || reqFormat.length() == 0) ? "[undefined]" : reqFormat;
          Description desc = scriptReq.getServiceMatch().getWebScript().getDescription();
              "Invoking Web Script "
                  + description.getId()
                  + " (format "
                  + format
                  + ", style: "
                  + desc.getFormatStyle()
                  + ", default: "
                  + desc.getDefaultFormat()
                  + ")");

        executeScript(scriptReq, scriptRes, auth);
      } finally {
        if (debug) {
          long endScript = System.nanoTime();
              "Web Script "
                  + description.getId()
                  + " executed in "
                  + (endScript - startScript) / 1000000f
                  + "ms");
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      if (beforeProcessError(match, e)) {
        if (e instanceof WebScriptException
            && (((WebScriptException) e).getStatus() == HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND
                || ((WebScriptException) e).getStatus() == HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED)) {
          // debug level output for "missing" WebScripts and API URLs entered incorrectly
          String errorCode =
              ((WebScriptException) e).getStatus() == HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND
                  ? "NOT FOUND"
                  : "UNAUTHORIZED";
          logger.debug("Webscript did not execute. (" + errorCode + "): " + e.getMessage());
        // log error on server so its not swallowed and lost
        else if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) {
              "Exception from executeScript - redirecting to status template error: "
                  + e.getMessage(),

        // setup context
        WebScriptRequest req = createRequest(match);
        WebScriptResponse res = createResponse();
        String format = req.getFormat();

        // extract status code, if specified
        int statusCode = HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
        StatusTemplate statusTemplate = null;
        Map<String, Object> statusModel = null;
        if (e instanceof WebScriptException) {
          WebScriptException we = (WebScriptException) e;
          statusCode = we.getStatus();
          statusTemplate = we.getStatusTemplate();
          statusModel = we.getStatusModel();

        // retrieve status template for response rendering
        if (statusTemplate == null) {
          // locate status template
          // NOTE: search order...
          //   1) root located <status>.ftl
          //   2) root located <format>.status.ftl
          //   3) root located status.ftl
          statusTemplate = getStatusCodeTemplate(statusCode);

          String validTemplatePath =
          if (validTemplatePath == null) {
            if (format != null && format.length() > 0) {
              // if we have a format try and get the format specific status template
              statusTemplate = getFormatStatusTemplate(format);
              validTemplatePath =

            // if we don't have a valid template path get the default status template
            if (validTemplatePath == null) {
              statusTemplate = getStatusTemplate();
              validTemplatePath =

            // throw error if a status template could not be found
            if (validTemplatePath == null) {
              throw new WebScriptException(
                  "Failed to find status template "
                      + statusTemplate.getPath()
                      + " (format: "
                      + statusTemplate.getFormat()
                      + ")");

        // create basic model for all information known at this point, if one hasn't been
        // pre-provided
        if (statusModel == null || statusModel.equals(Collections.EMPTY_MAP)) {
          statusModel = new HashMap<String, Object>(8, 1.0f);
          statusModel.put("url", createURLModel(req));
          if (match != null && match.getWebScript() != null) {
            statusModel.put("webscript", match.getWebScript().getDescription());

        // add status to model
        Status status = new Status();
        status.setMessage(e.getMessage() != null ? e.getMessage() : e.toString());
        if (exceptionLogger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        statusModel.put("status", status);

        // render output
        String mimetype =
            container.getFormatRegistry().getMimeType(req.getAgent(), statusTemplate.getFormat());
        if (mimetype == null) {
          throw new WebScriptException(
              "Web Script format '" + statusTemplate.getFormat() + "' is not registered");

        if (debug) {
          logger.debug("Force success status header in response: " + req.forceSuccessStatus());
              "Sending status " + statusCode + " (Template: " + statusTemplate.getPath() + ")");
          logger.debug("Rendering response: content type=" + mimetype);

        Cache cache = new Cache();
        res.setStatus(req.forceSuccessStatus() ? HttpServletResponse.SC_OK : statusCode);
        res.setContentType(mimetype + ";charset=UTF-8");
        try {
          String validTemplatePath =
          TemplateProcessor statusProcessor =
          statusProcessor.process(validTemplatePath, statusModel, res.getWriter());
        } catch (Exception e1) {
          logger.error("Internal error", e1);
          throw new WebScriptException("Internal error", e1);
    } finally {
      if (debug) {
        long endRuntime = System.nanoTime();
            "Processed script url ("
                + method
                + ") "
                + scriptUrl
                + " in "
                + (endRuntime - startRuntime) / 1000000f
                + "ms");