Example #1
  private double run_model(Model model, List<Output> out, File folder, String simName, double[] x)
      throws Exception {

    Map<String, Object> parameter = model.getParameter();
    Object comp = model.getComponent();

    // spatial params
    ParameterData[] pd = Step.create(params, parameter);
    for (int i = 0; i < pd.length; i++) {

    for (int i = 0; i < pd.length; i++) {
      String name = pd[i].getName();
      double[] val = pd[i].getDataValue();
      parameter.put(name, toValue(name, val, parameter));

    ComponentAccess.callAnnotated(comp, Initialize.class, true);

    // setting the input data;
    boolean success = ComponentAccess.setInputData(parameter, comp, log);
    if (!success) {
      throw new RuntimeException("There are Parameter problems. Simulation exits.");

    ComponentAccess.adjustOutputPath(folder, comp, log);
    for (Output e : out) {
      e.setup(comp, folder, simName);
    // execute phases and be done.
    log.config("Exec ...");
    ComponentAccess.callAnnotated(comp, Execute.class, false);
    log.config("Finalize ...");
    ComponentAccess.callAnnotated(comp, Finalize.class, true);

    for (Output e : out) {

    return ObjFunc.calculateObjectiveFunctionValue(
        ofs, startMonthOfYear, sens_start, sens_end, folder);