public void testNearSpansNextThenSkipPast() throws Exception {
   SpanNearQuery q = makeQuery();
   Spans span = q.getSpans(searcher.getIndexReader());
   assertEquals(s(0, 0, 3), s(span));
   assertEquals(false, span.skipTo(2));
 public Collection<byte[]> getPayload() throws IOException {
   ArrayList<byte[]> result = null;
   if (spans.isPayloadAvailable()) {
     result = new ArrayList<byte[]>(spans.getPayload());
   return result; // TODO: any way to avoid the new construction?
 public int advance(int target) throws IOException {
   if (!more) {
     return doc = NO_MORE_DOCS;
   if (spans.doc() < target) { // setFreqCurrentDoc() leaves spans.doc() ahead
     more = spans.skipTo(target);
   if (!setFreqCurrentDoc()) {
     doc = NO_MORE_DOCS;
   return doc;
 protected boolean setFreqCurrentDoc() throws IOException {
   if (!more) {
     return false;
   doc = spans.doc();
   freq = 0.0f;
   do {
     int matchLength = spans.end() - spans.start();
     freq += similarity.sloppyFreq(matchLength);
     more =;
   } while (more && (doc == spans.doc()));
   return true;
  * Check whether two Spans in the same document are ordered.
  * @param spans1
  * @param spans2
  * @return true iff spans1 starts before spans2 or the spans start at the same position, and
  *     spans1 ends before spans2.
 static final boolean docSpansOrdered(Spans spans1, Spans spans2) {
   assert spans1.doc() == spans2.doc() : "doc1 " + spans1.doc() + " != doc2 " + spans2.doc();
   int start1 = spans1.start();
   int start2 = spans2.start();
   /* Do not call docSpansOrdered(int,int,int,int) to avoid invoking .end() : */
   return (start1 == start2) ? (spans1.end() < spans2.end()) : (start1 < start2);
 protected boolean doNext() throws IOException {
   for (; ; ) {
     switch (acceptPosition(this)) {
       case YES:
         return true;
       case NO:
         if (! return false;
       case NO_AND_ADVANCE:
         if (!spans.skipTo(spans.doc() + 1)) return false;
Example #7
  * Check whether two Spans in the same document are ordered with possible overlap.
  * @return true iff spans1 starts before spans2 or the spans start at the same position, and
  *     spans1 ends before spans2.
 static boolean positionsOrdered(Spans spans1, Spans spans2) {
   assert spans1.docID() == spans2.docID()
       : "doc1 " + spans1.docID() + " != doc2 " + spans2.docID();
   int start1 = spans1.startPosition();
   int start2 = spans2.startPosition();
   return (start1 == start2) ? (spans1.endPosition() < spans2.endPosition()) : (start1 < start2);
   * Collect all Spans extracted from a Scorer using a SpanCollector
   * @param scorer the scorer to extract Spans from
   * @param collector the SpanCollector
   * @param errorOnNoSpans if true, throw an error if no Spans can be extracted from the Scorer or
   *     any of its children
   * @throws IOException on error
  public static void collect(Scorer scorer, SpanCollector collector, boolean errorOnNoSpans)
      throws IOException {

    List<Spans> allSpans = getSpans(scorer, errorOnNoSpans);
    int doc = scorer.docID();

    for (Spans spans : allSpans) {
      int spanDoc = spans.docID();
      // if the Scorer advances lazily, then not all of its subspans may be on
      // the correct document
      if (spanDoc == doc || (spanDoc < doc && spans.advance(doc) == doc)) {
        while (spans.nextStartPosition() != Spans.NO_MORE_POSITIONS) {
Example #9
 private void adjustLength() {
   if (spanLength != -1) {
     totalSpanLength -= spanLength; // subtract old, possibly from a previous doc
   assert in.startPosition() != NO_MORE_POSITIONS;
   spanLength = endPosition() - startPosition();
   assert spanLength >= 0;
   totalSpanLength += spanLength; // add new
Example #10
 public int nextStartPosition() throws IOException {
   int res = in.nextStartPosition();
   if (res != NO_MORE_POSITIONS) {
   adjustMax(); // also after last end position in current doc.
   return res;
Example #11
    public boolean skipTo(int target) throws IOException {
      if (length != -1) // subtract old length
      totalLength -= length;

      boolean more = spans.skipTo(target); // skip

      if (more) {
        length = end() - start(); // compute new length
        totalLength += length; // add new length to total

        if (max == null
            || doc() > max.doc()
            || // maintain max
            (doc() == max.doc() && end() > max.end())) max = this;

      return more;
Example #12
  public boolean skipTo(int target) throws IOException {
    more = spans.skipTo(target);

    if (!more) return false;

    freq = 0.0f;
    doc = spans.doc();

    while (more && spans.doc() == target) {
      freq += getSimilarity().sloppyFreq(spans.end() - spans.start());
      more =;

    return more || freq != 0.0f;
Example #13
  public boolean next() throws IOException {
    if (firstTime) {
      more =;
      firstTime = false;

    if (!more) return false;

    freq = 0.0f;
    doc = spans.doc();

    while (more && doc == spans.doc()) {
      int matchLength = spans.end() - spans.start();
      freq += getSimilarity().sloppyFreq(matchLength);
      more =;

    return more || freq != 0.0f;
Example #14
 public void collect(SpanCollector collector) throws IOException {
 public void testNearSpansSkipTo1() throws Exception {
   SpanNearQuery q = makeQuery();
   Spans span = q.getSpans(searcher.getIndexReader());
   assertEquals(true, span.skipTo(1));
   assertEquals(s(1, 0, 4), s(span));
Example #16
 public String toString() {
   return "NearSpansUnordered.SpansCell(" + in.toString() + ")";
Example #17
 public long cost() {
   return in.cost();
Example #18
 public int advance(int target) throws IOException {
   return in.advance(target);
Example #19
 public int nextDoc() throws IOException {
   return in.nextDoc();
Example #20
 public int docID() {
   return in.docID();
 public void testNearSpansSkipPast() throws Exception {
   SpanNearQuery q = makeQuery();
   Spans span = q.getSpans(searcher.getIndexReader());
   assertEquals(false, span.skipTo(2));
Example #22
 public int start() {
   return spans.start();
 public String s(Spans span) {
   return s(span.doc(), span.start(), span.end());
Example #24
 public String toString() {
   return spans.toString() + "#" + index;
Example #25
 public int endPosition() {
   return in.endPosition();
Example #26
 public int startPosition() {
   return in.startPosition();
Example #27
 public int end() {
   return spans.end();
Example #28
 public TwoPhaseIterator asTwoPhaseIterator() {
   return in.asTwoPhaseIterator();
Example #29
 public int width() {
   return in.width();
Example #30
 public float positionsCost() {
   return in.positionsCost();