Example #1
  public SpanChunk create(final List<SpanEvent> flushData) {
    if (flushData == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("flushData must not be null");
    // TODO must be equals to or greater than 1
    final int size = flushData.size();
    if (size < 1) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("flushData.size() < 1 size:" + size);

    final SpanEvent first = flushData.get(0);
    if (first == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("first SpanEvent is null");
    final Span parentSpan = first.getSpan();
    final String agentId = this.agentInformation.getAgentId();

    final SpanChunk spanChunk = new SpanChunk(flushData);


    final byte[] transactionId = parentSpan.getTransactionId();


    return spanChunk;
Example #2
 /** generate mention annotations (with entity numbers) based on the ACE entities and mentions. */
 static void addMentionTags(Document doc, AceDocument aceDoc) {
   ArrayList<AceEntity> entities = aceDoc.entities;
   for (int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++) {
     AceEntity entity = entities.get(i);
     ArrayList<AceEntityMention> mentions = entity.mentions;
     for (int j = 0; j < mentions.size(); j++) {
       AceEntityMention mention = (AceEntityMention) mentions.get(j);
       // we compute a jetSpan not including trailing whitespace
       Span aceSpan = mention.head;
       // skip mentions in ChEnglish APF not aligned to any English text
       if (aceSpan.start() < 0) continue;
       Span jetSpan = new Span(aceSpan.start(), aceSpan.end() + 1);
       FeatureSet features = new FeatureSet("entity", new Integer(i));
       if (flags.contains("types")) {
         features.put("type", entity.type.substring(0, 3));
         if (entity.subtype != null) features.put("subtype", entity.subtype);
       if (flags.contains("extents")) {
         String cleanExtent = mention.text.replaceAll("\n", " ");
         features.put("extent", AceEntityMention.addXmlEscapes(cleanExtent));
       doc.annotate("mention", jetSpan, features);
  private List<Span> readSpans(File file) {
    final List<Span> spans = Lists.newArrayList();

    try {
      final DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();

      final Document document = builder.parse(file);
      final Element root = document.getDocumentElement();
      final NodeList nodes = root.getElementsByTagName("span");

      for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
        final Element element = Element.class.cast(nodes.item(i));

        final Span span = new Span();


    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    } catch (SAXException e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(e);

    return spans;
 void setExceptionInfo(int exceptionClassId, String exceptionMessage) {
   span.setExceptionInfo(exceptionClassId, exceptionMessage);
   if (!span.isSetErrCode()) {
Example #5
  * performs the action, adding the specified Annotation. Returns the position of the end of the
  * Annotation.
 public int perform(Document doc, PatternApplication patap) {
   Span span;
   HashMap bindings = patap.bestBindings;
   // System.out.println ("bindings (for new annotation): " + bindings);
   if (spanVariable == null) {
     span = new Span(patap.startPosition, patap.bestPosition);
   } else if (spanVariable.name.toString() == "0") {
     span = new Span(patap.startPosition, patap.startPosition);
   } else {
     Object value = bindings.get(spanVariable.name);
     if (value instanceof Span) {
       span = (Span) value;
     } else if (value instanceof Annotation) {
       span = ((Annotation) value).span();
     } else {
       System.out.println("Value of " + spanVariable.toString() + " is not a span.or annotation");
       return -1;
   if (Pat.trace)
         "Annotating "
             + doc.text(span)
             + " as "
             + type
             + " "
             + features.substitute(bindings).toSGMLString());
   hideAnnotations(doc, type, span);
   hideAnnotations(doc, "token", span);
   Annotation newAnnotation = new Annotation(type, span, features.substitute(bindings));
   if (bindingVariable != null) bindings.put(bindingVariable.name, newAnnotation);
   return span.end();
   * Get the text value of this entity. The headTokenSpan MUST be set before calling this method!
  public String getValue() {
    List<CoreLabel> tokens = sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class);
    // int lastEnd = -1;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = headTokenSpan.start(); i < headTokenSpan.end(); i++) {
      CoreLabel token = tokens.get(i);

      // we are not guaranteed to have CharacterOffsets so we can't use them...
      Integer start = token.get(CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation.class);
      Integer end = token.get(CharacterOffsetEndAnnotation.class);

      if (start != null && end != null) {
        if (lastEnd != -1 && !start.equals(lastEnd)) {
          sb.append(StringUtils.repeat(" ", start - lastEnd));
          lastEnd = end;
      } else {
        if (lastEnd != -1) sb.append(" ");
        lastEnd = 0;
      if (i > headTokenSpan.start()) sb.append(" ");


    return sb.toString();
  private String generateSubParentLevelId(Span spanData) {
    if (spanData.getParentLevel() == null || spanData.getParentLevel().length() == 0) {
      return spanData.getLevelId() + "";

    return spanData.getParentLevel() + "." + spanData.getLevelId();
Example #8
  * Returns true is the specified span crosses this span.
  * @param s The span to compare with this span.
  * @return true is the specified span overlaps this span and contains a non-overlapping section;
  *     false otherwise.
 public boolean crosses(Span s) {
   int sstart = s.getStart();
   // either s's start is in this or this' start is in s
   return !this.contains(s)
       && !s.contains(this)
       && (getStart() <= sstart && sstart < getEnd()
           || sstart <= getStart() && getStart() < s.getEnd());
Example #9
  * Returns true if the specified span intersects with this span.
  * @param s The span to compare with this span.
  * @return true is the spans overlap; false otherwise.
 public boolean intersects(Span s) {
   int sstart = s.getStart();
   // either s's start is in this or this' start is in s
   return this.contains(s)
       || s.contains(this)
       || getStart() <= sstart && sstart < getEnd()
       || sstart <= getStart() && getStart() < s.getEnd();
 public void recordParentApplication(String parentApplicationName, short parentApplicationType) {
   if (isDebug) {
     logger.debug("ParentApplicationName marked. parentApplicationName={}", parentApplicationName);
 void setExceptionInfo(boolean markError, int exceptionClassId, String exceptionMessage) {
   span.setExceptionInfo(exceptionClassId, exceptionMessage);
   if (markError) {
     if (!span.isSetErrCode()) {
 public String getExtentString() {
   List<CoreLabel> tokens = sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class);
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   for (int i = extentTokenSpan.start(); i < extentTokenSpan.end(); i++) {
     CoreLabel token = tokens.get(i);
     if (i > extentTokenSpan.start()) sb.append(" ");
   return sb.toString();
Example #13
 // 2 * intersect / (length of s1 + length of s2)
 public static double score(Span s1, Span s2) {
   double a = 0;
   double b = 0;
   // there is a more efficient way
   for (int i = 0; i < s1.size(); i++)
     for (int j = 0; j < s2.size(); j++) a += overlap(s1.get(i), s2.get(j));
   for (int i = 0; i < s1.size(); i++) b += s1.get(i)[1] - s1.get(i)[0];
   for (int i = 0; i < s2.size(); i++) b += s2.get(i)[1] - s2.get(i)[0];
   return a == 0 ? -1 : a / b;
  * Always returns the text corresponding to the extent of this object, even when getValue is
  * overridden by subclass.
 public final String getFullValue() {
   List<CoreLabel> tokens = sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class);
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   if (tokens != null && extentTokenSpan != null) {
     for (int i = extentTokenSpan.start(); i < extentTokenSpan.end(); i++) {
       if (i > extentTokenSpan.start()) sb.append(" ");
   return sb.toString();
Example #15
  * hides (adds the 'hidden' feature) to all annotations of type <I>type</I> beginning at the
  * starting position of span <I>span</I>.
 public static void hideAnnotations(Document doc, String type, Span span) {
   for (int posn = span.start(); posn < span.end(); posn++) {
     Vector annotations = doc.annotationsAt(posn, type);
     if (annotations != null) {
       for (int i = 0; i < annotations.size(); i++) {
         Annotation ann = (Annotation) annotations.elementAt(i);
         ann.put("hidden", "true");
         // Console.println ("Hiding " + ann);
Example #16
  * Creates annotations for each node in parse tree <CODE>node</NODE>.
  * These annotations are added to the parse tree and to the document
  * <CODE>doc</CODE>.  In constrast to <CODE>setAnnotations</CODE>,
  * the categories used for terminal nodes are Jet categories obtained by
  * Jet tokenization and lexical look-up.  This means that hyphenated
  * items are split, and multi-word names are reduced to a single node.
  * @param node      the root of the parse tree
  * @param treeSpan  the span of the document matching the parse tree
  * @param doc       the document to which annotations will be added
 private void setJetAnnotations(ParseTreeNode node, Span treeSpan, Document doc) {
   StatParser.buildParserInput(doc, treeSpan.start(), treeSpan.end(), false);
   int nameConstitEnd = -1;
   List<ParseTreeNode> terminals = getTerminalNodes(node);
   for (ParseTreeNode terminal : terminals) {
     int terminalEnd = terminal.end;
     // is there a 'name' constituent or 'hyphword' constituent here?
     Vector<Annotation> constits = doc.annotationsAt(terminal.start, "constit");
     Annotation constit = null;
     Annotation nameConstit = null;
     Annotation hyphword = null;
     if (constits != null) {
       for (Annotation c : constits) {
         if (c.get("cat") == "name") {
           nameConstit = c;
         } else if (c.get("cat") == "hyphword") {
           hyphword = c;
         if (constit == null) constit = c;
     if (hyphword != null) {
       nameConstit = null;
       constit = hyphword;
     // if there is a name which is not part of a hyphword, associate the
     // name with this (first) terminal node, and mark any remaining terminal
     // nodes which match tokens in the name as empty
     if (nameConstit != null) {
       terminal.end = nameConstit.end();
       terminal.ann = nameConstit;
       nameConstitEnd = nameConstit.end();
     } else if (nameConstitEnd >= 0) {
       terminal.word = null;
     } else {
       Span span = new Span(terminal.start, terminal.end);
       String pennPOS = ((String) terminal.category).toUpperCase().intern();
       String word = terminal.word;
       terminal.ann = StatParser.buildWordDefn(doc, word, span, constit, pennPOS);
     if (nameConstitEnd == terminalEnd) nameConstitEnd = -1;
   // prune parse tree:  remove a node if it has no word or children
   determineNonTerminalSpans(node, treeSpan.start());
   // add head links
   if (hr == null) hr = HeadRule.createDefaultRule();
   // add annotations for non-terminals:
   Jet.Parser.ParseTreeNode.makeParseAnnotations(doc, node);
Example #17
   * This utility swaps annotation information from one <code>TextAnnotation</code> to another. The
   * fields that are transferred are:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>annotation ID
   *   <li>annotator
   *   <li>annotation sets
   *   <li>covered text
   *   <li>document collection ID
   *   <li>document ID
   *   <li>document section ID
   *   <li>spans
   * </ul>
   * <p>Note: class information does not get transferred.
   * @param fromTA the text annotation from which to transfer annotation information
   * @param toTA the text annotation to which to transfer annotation information
  public static void swapAnnotationInfo(TextAnnotation fromTA, TextAnnotation toTA) {

    for (Span span : fromTA.getSpans()) {
  public ContextData beforeInvoke(Identification id) {
    try {
      Span spanData = ContextGenerator.generateSpanFromThreadLocal(id);
      // 设置SpanType的类型
      spanData.setTag(Tag.SPAN_TYPE, SpanType.RPC_CLIENT);

      if (Config.BuriedPoint.PRINTF) {
                + spanData.getTraceId()
                + "\tParentLevelId:"
                + spanData.getParentLevel()
                + "\tLevelId:"
                + spanData.getLevelId()
                + "\tbusinessKey:"
                + spanData.getBusinessKey());


      sendRequestSpan(spanData, id);

      return new ContextData(
          spanData.getTraceId(), generateSubParentLevelId(spanData), spanData.getRouteKey());
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      logger.error(t.getMessage(), t);
      return new EmptyContextData();
Example #19
  * Finds all the {@link Span}s that match this query. This is what actually scans the HBase table
  * and loads the data into {@link Span}s.
  * @return A map from HBase row key to the {@link Span} for that row key. Since a {@link Span}
  *     actually contains multiple HBase rows, the row key stored in the map has its timestamp
  *     zero'ed out.
  * @throws HBaseException if there was a problem communicating with HBase to perform the search.
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if bad data was retreived from HBase.
 private TreeMap<byte[], Span> findSpans() throws HBaseException {
   final short metric_width = tsdb.metrics.width();
   final TreeMap<byte[], Span> spans = // The key is a row key from HBase.
       new TreeMap<byte[], Span>(new SpanCmp(metric_width));
   int nrows = 0;
   int hbase_time = 0; // milliseconds.
   long starttime = System.nanoTime();
   final Scanner scanner = getScanner();
   try {
     ArrayList<ArrayList<KeyValue>> rows;
     while ((rows = scanner.nextRows().joinUninterruptibly()) != null) {
       hbase_time += (System.nanoTime() - starttime) / 1000000;
       for (final ArrayList<KeyValue> row : rows) {
         final byte[] key = row.get(0).key();
         if (Bytes.memcmp(metric, key, 0, metric_width) != 0) {
           throw new IllegalDataException(
               "HBase returned a row that doesn't match"
                   + " our scanner ("
                   + scanner
                   + ")! "
                   + row
                   + " does not start"
                   + " with "
                   + Arrays.toString(metric));
         Span datapoints = spans.get(key);
         if (datapoints == null) {
           datapoints = new Span(tsdb);
           spans.put(key, datapoints);
         starttime = System.nanoTime();
   } catch (RuntimeException e) {
     throw e;
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw new RuntimeException("Should never be here", e);
   } finally {
     hbase_time += (System.nanoTime() - starttime) / 1000000;
   LOG.info(this + " matched " + nrows + " rows in " + spans.size() + " spans");
   if (nrows == 0) {
     return null;
   return spans;
Example #20
 /** Compares the specified span to the current span. */
 public int compareTo(Span s) {
   if (getStart() < s.getStart()) {
     return -1;
   } else if (getStart() == s.getStart()) {
     if (getEnd() > s.getEnd()) {
       return -1;
     } else if (getEnd() < s.getEnd()) {
       return 1;
     } else {
       return 0;
   } else {
     return 1;
   * Compares the text spans of the two entity mentions
   * @param otherEnt
  public boolean textEquals(EntityMention otherEnt) {
    // we attempt three comparisons:
    // a) if syntactic heads are defined we consider two texts similar if they have the same
    // syntactic head
    //    (this is necessary because in NFL we compare entities with different spans but same heads,
    // e.g. "49ers" vs "San Francisco 49ers"
    // b) if head spans are defined we consider two texts similar if they have the same head span
    // c) if extent spans are defined we consider two texts similar if they have the same extent
    // span
    if (syntacticHeadTokenPosition != -1 && otherEnt.syntacticHeadTokenPosition != -1) {
      if (syntacticHeadTokenPosition == otherEnt.syntacticHeadTokenPosition) return true;
      return false;

    if (headTokenSpan != null && otherEnt.headTokenSpan != null) {
      if (headTokenSpan.equals(otherEnt.headTokenSpan)) return true;
      return false;

    if (extentTokenSpan != null && otherEnt.extentTokenSpan != null) {
      if (extentTokenSpan.equals(otherEnt.extentTokenSpan)) return true;
      return false;

    return false;
Example #22
  * Adds <B>constit</B> annotations to an existing Document <CODE>doc</CODE> to represent the parse
  * tree structure of a set of trees <CODE>trees</CODE>. This version is provided for parse tree
  * files which include sentence offsets.
  * @param trees list of parse trees
  * @param offsets list of the starting position (in doc) of the text corresponding to each parse
  *     tree
  * @param doc document to which annotations should be added
  * @param targetAnnotation name of annotation to get 'parse' feature pointing to parse tree
  * @param span target span.
  * @param jetCategories if false, use lexical categories from Penn Tree Bank; if true, use
  *     categories from Jet
 public void addAnnotations(
     List<ParseTreeNode> trees,
     List<Integer> offsets,
     Document doc,
     String targetAnnotation,
     Span span,
     boolean jetCategories) {
   if (trees.size() != offsets.size()) {
         "PTBReader.addAnnotations:  mismatch between number of "
             + "trees ("
             + trees.size()
             + ") and number of offsets ("
             + offsets.size()
             + ")");
   for (int i = 0; i < trees.size(); i++) {
     ParseTreeNode tree = trees.get(i);
     int start = offsets.get(i);
     if (start < 0) {
       System.err.println("PTBReader.addAnnotations:  offset missing for " + " parse tree " + i);
     int end = (i + 1 == offsets.size()) ? span.end() : offsets.get(i + 1);
     Span sentenceSpan = new Span(start, end);
     addAnnotations(tree, doc, sentenceSpan, jetCategories);
     Vector<Annotation> anns = doc.annotationsAt(start, targetAnnotation);
     if (anns != null && anns.size() > 0) {
       Annotation ann = anns.get(0);
       ann.put("parse", tree.ann);
 public void recordAcceptorHost(String host) {
   span.setAcceptorHost(host); // me
   if (isDebug) {
     logger.debug("Acceptor host received. host={}", host);
 protected void assertRaisesUnknownObjectExceptionForMethodText(Span span) throws Exception {
   try {
   } catch (UnknownObjectException e1) {
Example #25
   * Adds <B>constit</B> annotations to an existing Document <CODE>doc</CODE> to represent the parse
   * tree structure <CODE>tree</CODE>.
   * @param tree the parse tree (for a portion of Document doc)
   * @param doc the document
   * @param span the portion of doc covered by the parse tree
   * @param jetCategories if true, use Jet categories as terminal categories (if false, use
   *     categories read from parse trees)
  public void addAnnotations(ParseTreeNode tree, Document doc, Span span, boolean jetCategories) {
    List<ParseTreeNode> terminalNodes = getTerminalNodes(tree);
    String text = doc.text();
    int offset = span.start();

    for (ParseTreeNode terminal : terminalNodes) {
      while (offset < span.end() && Character.isWhitespace(text.charAt(offset))) {
      for (String skipString : skip) {
        if (text.startsWith(skipString, offset)) {
          offset += skipString.length();
          while (offset < span.end() && Character.isWhitespace(text.charAt(offset))) {
      // match next terminal node against next word in text
      int matchLength = matchTextToTree(text, offset, terminal.word);
      if (matchLength > 0) {
        int endOffset = offset + matchLength;
        while (endOffset < span.end() && Character.isWhitespace(text.charAt(endOffset))) {
        terminal.start = offset;
        terminal.end = endOffset;
        offset = endOffset;
      } else {
            "PTBReader.addAnnotations:  "
                + "Cannot determine parse tree offset for word "
                + terminal.word);
        System.err.println("  at document offset " + offset + " in sentence");
        System.err.println("  " + doc.text(span));

    if (jetCategories) {
      setJetAnnotations(tree, span, doc);
      StatParser.deleteUnusedConstits(doc, span, tree.ann); // <<<
    } else {
      determineNonTerminalSpans(tree, span.start());
      setAnnotations(tree, doc);
Example #26
 static void addTimexTags(Document doc, AceDocument aceDoc) {
   List<AceTimex> timeExpressions = aceDoc.timeExpressions;
   for (AceTimex timex : timeExpressions) {
     AceTimexMention mention = (AceTimexMention) timex.mentions.get(0);
     Span aceSpan = mention.extent;
     Span jetSpan = new Span(aceSpan.start(), aceSpan.end() + 1);
     FeatureSet features = new FeatureSet();
     if (timex.val != null && !timex.val.equals("")) features.put("val", timex.val);
     if (timex.anchorVal != null && !timex.anchorVal.equals(""))
       features.put("anchor_val", timex.anchorVal);
     if (timex.anchorDir != null && !timex.anchorDir.equals(""))
       features.put("anchor_dir", timex.anchorDir);
     if (timex.set != null && !timex.set.equals("")) features.put("set", timex.set);
     if (timex.mod != null && !timex.mod.equals("")) features.put("mod", timex.mod);
     doc.annotate("timex2", jetSpan, features);
Example #27
  /** Checks if the specified span is equal to the current span. */
  public boolean equals(Object o) {

    boolean result;

    if (o == this) {
      result = true;
    } else if (o instanceof Span) {
      Span s = (Span) o;

      result =
          (getStart() == s.getStart())
              && (getEnd() == s.getEnd())
              && (getType() != null ? type.equals(s.getType()) : true);
    } else {
      result = false;

    return result;
Example #28
 /** generate mention annotations (with entity numbers) based on the ACE entities and mentions. */
 static void addMentionTags(Document doc, AceDocument aceDoc) {
   ArrayList<AceEntity> entities = aceDoc.entities;
   for (int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++) {
     AceEntity entity = (AceEntity) entities.get(i);
     ArrayList<AceEntityMention> mentions = entity.mentions;
     for (int j = 0; j < mentions.size(); j++) {
       AceEntityMention mention = mentions.get(j);
       // we compute a jetSpan not including trailing whitespace
       Span aceSpan = mention.head;
       Span jetSpan = new Span(aceSpan.start(), aceSpan.end() + 1);
       FeatureSet features = new FeatureSet("entity", new Integer(i));
       if (showTypes) {
         features.put("type", entity.type.substring(0, 3));
         if (entity.subtype != null) features.put("subtype", entity.subtype);
       doc.annotate("mention", jetSpan, features);
 public String toString() {
   return "EntityMention [type="
       + type
       + (subType != null ? ", subType=" + subType : "")
       + (mentionType != null ? ", mentionType=" + mentionType : "")
       + (objectId != null ? ", objectId=" + objectId : "")
       + (headTokenSpan != null
           ? ", hstart=" + headTokenSpan.start() + ", hend=" + headTokenSpan.end()
           : "")
       + (extentTokenSpan != null
           ? ", estart=" + extentTokenSpan.start() + ", eend=" + extentTokenSpan.end()
           : "")
       + (syntacticHeadTokenPosition >= 0 ? ", headPosition=" + syntacticHeadTokenPosition : "")
       + (headTokenSpan != null ? ", value=\"" + getValue() + "\"" : "")
       + (normalizedName != null ? ", normalizedName=\"" + normalizedName + "\"" : "")
       + ", corefID="
       + corefID
       + (typeProbabilities != null ? ", probs=" + probsToString() : "")
       + "]";
  /** Test of inject method, of class AbstractTracer. */
  public void testInject() {
    AbstractTracer instance = new TestTracerImpl();
    instance.register(TextMap.class, new TestTextMapInjectorImpl());

    String operationName = "test-inject-span";
    Span span =
        new AbstractSpan(operationName) {
          SpanContext spanContext = new TestSpanContextImpl("whatever");

          public SpanContext context() {
            return spanContext;
    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
    TextMap carrier = new TextMapInjectAdapter(map);
    instance.inject(span.context(), Format.Builtin.TEXT_MAP, carrier);

    assertEquals("marker should have been injected into map", "whatever", map.get("test-marker"));