private Map<String, Object> getMetadataSocial(final Upload upload) { final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(3); final Permissions permissions = upload.getPermissions(); if (Visibility.PUBLIC == permissions.getVisibility() || Visibility.SCHEDULED == permissions.getVisibility()) { final Social social = upload.getSocial(); if (null != social.getMessage() && !social.getMessage().isEmpty()) { params.put("creator_share_custom_message", social.getMessage()); params.put("creator_share_facebook", boolConverter(social.isFacebook())); params.put("creator_share_twitter", boolConverter(social.isTwitter())); params.put("creator_share_gplus", boolConverter(social.isGplus())); } } return params; }
public void load(IXMLElement xml) throws Exception { super.load(xml); final int priority = parameters().getAttribute(PARAM_PRIORITY, 3); this.socials = new MudObjectInterpreter(getName(), priority, this); for (Enumeration enu = xml.enumerateChildren(); enu.hasMoreElements(); ) { IXMLElement nxt = (IXMLElement) enu.nextElement(); String nom = nxt.getName(); if (nom.equals(Social.MARKUP)) { this.socials.addCommand(Social.loadSocial(nxt)); } else if (nom.equals(PROPERTY_SOCIALS)) { loadSocialsElement(nxt); } } }
public void loadSocialsElement(IXMLElement xml) throws Exception { String src = xml.getAttribute(PROPERTY_SRC, null); // If the passed xml element just points to a file if (src != null) { IXMLParser xmp = new StdXMLParser(); xmp.setBuilder(new StdXMLBuilder()); xmp.setValidator(new NonValidator()); xmp.setReader(StdXMLReader.fileReader(src)); xml = (XMLElement) xmp.parse(); xmp = null; } int count = 0; for (Enumeration enu = xml.getChildrenNamed(Social.MARKUP).elements(); enu.hasMoreElements(); count++) { IXMLElement nxt = (IXMLElement) enu.nextElement(); this.socials.addCommand(Social.loadSocial(nxt)); } }