 protected void findTypeConstants(FacesBean.Type type) {
   _searchDescKey = type.findKey("searchDesc");
   _iconKey = type.findKey("icon");
   _actionExpressionKey = type.findKey("actionExpression");
 protected void encodeAllAsNonElement(
     FacesContext context, RenderingContext rc, UIComponent component, FacesBean bean)
     throws IOException {
   ResponseWriter rw = context.getResponseWriter();
   boolean simple = getSimple(component, bean);
   if (simple) {
     rw.startElement("span", component);
     // put the outer style class here, like af_selectManyRadio, styleClass,
     // inlineStyle, 'state' styles like p_AFDisabled, etc.
     renderRootDomElementStyles(context, rc, component, bean);
   super.encodeAllAsNonElement(context, rc, component, bean);
   if (simple) rw.endElement("span");
  protected void decode(
      FacesContext facesContext,
      UIComponent component,
      @SuppressWarnings("unused") FacesBean facesBean,
      String clientId) {
    super.decode(facesContext, component, facesBean, clientId);

    RequestContext afContext = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
    // See if a ReturnEvent is waiting for us.  We don't deliver
    // the ReturnEvent - we just use its value
    ReturnEvent returnEvent = afContext.getDialogService().getReturnEvent(component);
    if (returnEvent != null) {
      queueReturnEvent(facesContext, component, returnEvent);
    } else {
      Map<String, String> parameterMap = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();

      Object source = parameterMap.get("source");
      clientId = clientId == null ? component.getClientId(facesContext) : clientId;
      if ((source != null) && source.equals(clientId)) {
        Object part = parameterMap.get(_PART_PARAMETER);
        if (_BUTTON_PART.equals(part)) {
          // Force partial rendering (if we're launching a window)
          // =-=AEW I don't believe this is necessary;  I believe
          // we've already got "partial" turned on
          TrinidadAgent agent = AgentUtil.getAgent(facesContext);
          if (XhtmlUtils.supportsSeparateWindow(agent))

          queueActionEvent(facesContext, component);
        // else ???
 protected void renderTextField(
     FacesContext context, RenderingContext rc, UIComponent component, FacesBean bean)
     throws IOException {
   super.encodeAllAsElement(context, rc, component, bean);