Example #1
  private void handleArrayOfJsonRequests(
      PeekableInputStream inputStream, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
    try {
      JsonRpcRequestModel[] jsonRequests;
      String streamString = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, "UTF-8");

      ServletRequestInfo info = getServletRequestInfo();
      /*If first character is { then it is a single request. We add it to the array jsonRequests and continue*/
      if (streamString.charAt(0) == '{') {
        // TODO:CHeck parse error for this
        JsonRpcRequestModel req = (new Gson()).fromJson(streamString, JsonRpcRequestModel.class);
        jsonRequests = new JsonRpcRequestModel[] {req};
        info.isBatchRequest = false;
      } else {
        jsonRequests = (new Gson()).fromJson(streamString, JsonRpcRequestModel[].class);
        info.isBatchRequest = true;

      /* we loop through each request, get results or check error and add repsonses to an array*/
      for (int i = 0; i < jsonRequests.length; i++) {
        info.currentJsonRequest = jsonRequests[i];

        /* Check to see if JSON-RPC protocol is 2.0*/
        if (info.currentJsonRequest.jsonrpc == null
            || !info.currentJsonRequest.jsonrpc.equals(JSONRPC_VERSION)) {
          sendJsonError(JSON_RPC_PROTOCOL_ERROR_MESSAGE, info.currentJsonRequest.jsonrpc);
        /*Check if ID is a number and if so it has not fractional numbers*/
        else if (info.currentJsonRequest.id instanceof Number) {
          Number number = (Number) info.currentJsonRequest.id;
          if (number.intValue() != number.doubleValue()) {
            sendJsonError(JSON_RPC_ID_ERROR_MESSAGE, info.currentJsonRequest.id);
          info.currentJsonRequest.id = number.intValue();

        /*Check if Method exists*/
        if (!methodMap.containsKey(info.currentJsonRequest.method)) {
          sendJsonError(JSON_RPC_METHOD_ERROR_MESSAGE, info.currentJsonRequest.method);

        invokeMethod(info.currentJsonRequest.method, info.currentJsonRequest.params);

    } catch (JsonParseException e) {
Example #2
  private void handleServletRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
      throws IOException, ServletException {
    try {
      ServletRequestInfo info = setServletRequestInfo(request, response);

      if (request.getMethod().equals("GET")) {
        List<String> urlParamNames = Collections.list(request.getParameterNames());

        HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();

        for (String paramName : urlParamNames)
          params.put(paramName, request.getParameter(paramName));
        JsonRpcRequestModel json = new JsonRpcRequestModel();
        json.jsonrpc = JSONRPC_VERSION;
        json.id = "";
        json.method = params.remove(METHOD);
        json.params = params;

        info.currentJsonRequest = json;
        invokeMethod(json.method, params);
      } else // post
        try {
          String methodName;
          Object methodParams;
          if (info.inputStream.peek() == '[' || info.inputStream.peek() == '{') // json
            handleArrayOfJsonRequests(info.inputStream, response);
          } else // AMF3
            ASObject obj = (ASObject) deserializeAmf3(info.inputStream);
            methodName = (String) obj.get(METHOD);
            methodParams = obj.get(PARAMS);
            info.streamParameterIndex = (Number) obj.get(STREAM_PARAMETER_INDEX);
            invokeMethod(methodName, methodParams);
        } catch (IOException e) {
          sendError(e, null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          sendError(e, null);
    } finally {