private final void work_status(final GearmanPacket packet, final ServerClient client) {
     * This is sent to update the server (and any listening clients)
     * of the status of a running job. The client should send these
     * periodically for long running jobs to update the percentage
     * complete. The job server should store this information so a client
     * who issued a background command may retrieve it later with a
     * GET_STATUS request.
     * Arguments:
     * - NULL byte terminated job handle.
     * - NULL byte terminated percent complete numerator.
     * - Percent complete denominator.

    final byte[] jobHandle = packet.getArgumentData(0);
    assert jobHandle != null;
    final ByteArray jobHandleBA = new ByteArray(jobHandle);

    final byte[] num = packet.getArgumentData(1);
    assert num != null;

    final byte[] den = packet.getArgumentData(2);
    assert den != null;

    final ServerJob job = ServerJobAbstract.getJob(jobHandleBA);
    if (job == null) {
      client.sendPacket(ServerStaticPackets.ERROR_JOB_NOT_FOUND, null /*TODO*/);
    } else {
      job.setStatus(num, den);