/** Reads the next key/value pair from the input for processing. */
    public boolean next(Text key, SequencedFragment value) throws IOException {
      if (pos >= end) return false; // past end of slice

      int bytesRead = 0;
      boolean goodRecord;
      do {
        bytesRead = lowLevelQseqRead(key, value); // if bytesRead <= 0 EOF has been reached
        goodRecord =
            (bytesRead > 0)
                && (!filterFailedQC || value.getFilterPassed() == null || value.getFilterPassed());
      } while (bytesRead > 0 && !goodRecord);

      if (goodRecord) // post process the record only if it's going to be used
        try {
        } catch (FormatException e) {
          throw new FormatException(
                  + " Position: "
                  + makePositionMessage(this.pos - bytesRead)
                  + "; line: "
                  + buffer); // last line read is still in the buffer

      return goodRecord;
     * This method applies some transformations to the read and quality data.
     * <ul>
     *   <li>'.' in the read are converted to 'N'</li>
     *   <li>the base quality encoding is converted to 'sanger', unless otherwise
     *   requested by the configuration.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @exception FormatException Thrown if the record contains base quality scores
     * outside the range allowed by the format.
    private void postProcessSequencedFragment(SequencedFragment fragment) {
      byte[] bytes = fragment.getSequence().getBytes();
      // replace . with N
      for (int i = 0; i < fieldLengths[8]; ++i) if (bytes[i] == '.') bytes[i] = 'N';

      if (qualityEncoding == BaseQualityEncoding.Illumina) {
        // convert illumina to sanger scale
            fragment.getQuality(), BaseQualityEncoding.Illumina, BaseQualityEncoding.Sanger);
      } else // sanger qualities.
        int outOfRangeElement =
            SequencedFragment.verifyQuality(fragment.getQuality(), BaseQualityEncoding.Sanger);
        if (outOfRangeElement >= 0) {
          throw new FormatException(
              "qseq base quality score out of range for Sanger Phred+33 format (found "
                  + (fragment.getQuality().getBytes()[outOfRangeElement]
                      - FormatConstants.SANGER_OFFSET)
                  + ").\n"
                  + "Although Sanger format has been requested, maybe qualities are in Illumina Phred+64 format?\n");
    private void scanQseqLine(Text line, Text key, SequencedFragment fragment) {

      // Build the key.  We concatenate all fields from 0 to 5 (machine to y-pos)
      // and then the read number, replacing the tabs with colons.
      // append up and including field[5]
      key.append(line.getBytes(), 0, fieldPositions[5] + fieldLengths[5]);
      // replace tabs with :
      byte[] bytes = key.getBytes();
      int temporaryEnd = key.getLength();
      for (int i = 0; i < temporaryEnd; ++i) if (bytes[i] == '\t') bytes[i] = ':';
      // append the read number
          fieldPositions[7] - 1,
          fieldLengths[7] + 1); // +/- 1 to catch the preceding tab.
      // convert the tab preceding the read number into a :
      key.getBytes()[temporaryEnd] = ':';

      // now the fragment
      try {
        fragment.setInstrument(Text.decode(line.getBytes(), fieldPositions[0], fieldLengths[0]));
            Integer.parseInt(Text.decode(line.getBytes(), fieldPositions[1], fieldLengths[1])));
        // fragment.setFlowcellId();
            Integer.parseInt(Text.decode(line.getBytes(), fieldPositions[2], fieldLengths[2])));
            Integer.parseInt(Text.decode(line.getBytes(), fieldPositions[3], fieldLengths[3])));
            Integer.parseInt(Text.decode(line.getBytes(), fieldPositions[4], fieldLengths[4])));
            Integer.parseInt(Text.decode(line.getBytes(), fieldPositions[5], fieldLengths[5])));
            Integer.parseInt(Text.decode(line.getBytes(), fieldPositions[7], fieldLengths[7])));
        fragment.setFilterPassed(line.getBytes()[fieldPositions[10]] != '0');
        // fragment.setControlNumber();
        if (fieldLengths[6] > 0
            && line.getBytes()[fieldPositions[6]] == '0') // 0 is a null index sequence
              Text.decode(line.getBytes(), fieldPositions[6], fieldLengths[6]).replace('.', 'N'));
      } catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
        throw new FormatException(
            "Invalid character format at "
                + makePositionMessage(this.pos - line.getLength())
                + "; line: "
                + line);

      fragment.getSequence().append(line.getBytes(), fieldPositions[8], fieldLengths[8]);
      fragment.getQuality().append(line.getBytes(), fieldPositions[9], fieldLengths[9]);