@Test public void test() { BaseApplicationContext context = DefaultApplicationContext.getApplicationContext("com/sany/mail/property-mail.xml"); SendMail sendMail = context.getTBeanObject("sendMail", SendMail.class); sendMail.sendTextMail(new String[] {"*****@*****.**"}, "你好", "很好,很强大!"); String content = " <table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" height=\"96\">" + "<tr>" + "<td width=\"24%\" height=\"94\"><a href='http://ippresource.sany.com.cn/qikan/html/2013-04/29/node_1.htm' target='_blank'><img width='80' height='90' border='0' src='uploadfiles/201207/20120731060411867.jpg'></a></td>" + "<td width=\"76%\" valign=\"top\"><div><strong>三一集团报</strong></div>" + "<div><span class=\"red\">三一集团报</span> <a href=\"javascript:void('0')\" onclick=\"showPdf('http://ippresource.sany.com.cn/qikan/html/2013-04/29/node_1.htm')\">浏览</a>|<a href='brands/magazine/default.htm' target='_blank'>更多 >></a></div>" + "<div>做一流企业,办一流企业报。《三一集团》报1999年创刊,它见证记载了三一发展的艰辛和辉煌。</div></td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>"; sendMail.sendHtmlMail(new String[] {"*****@*****.**"}, "你好html", content); sendMail.sendAttach( new String[] {"*****@*****.**"}, "你好html", content, new String[] { "D:\\workspace\\SanyPDP\\resources\\org\\frameworkset\\task\\quarts-task.xml" }); }
public void finalsave(String card, Order order) { ArrayList<Order> buffer = new ArrayList<Order>(); try { FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream("C:\\apache-tomcat-7.0.34/temp/YourHotel/user/" + user + ".ser"); ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(fileIn); ui = (UserInfo) in.readObject(); buffer = ui.order; in.close(); fileIn.close(); } catch (IOException i) { i.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException c) { System.out.println("User can not found"); c.printStackTrace(); } buffer.add(order); ui.card = card; ui.order = buffer; try { // File f = File.createTempFile(item.getItemID(), ".ser"); File path = new File("C:\\apache-tomcat-7.0.34/temp/YourHotel/user/"); if (!path.exists()) { path.mkdir(); } File f = new File(path, user + ".ser"); if (!f.exists()) { f.createNewFile(); } FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(f); ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(fileOut); out.writeObject(ui); out.close(); fileOut.close(); System.out.println("Serialized data is saved in " + f.getAbsolutePath()); SendMail s = new SendMail(); s.send(1, ui); } catch (IOException i1) { i1.printStackTrace(); } }
protected DCServerFactory.ResultCode sendEmail( String frEmail, String toEmail, String subj, String body) { if (StringTools.isBlank(frEmail)) { Print.logError("'From' Email address not specified"); return DCServerFactory.ResultCode.TRANSMIT_FAIL; } else if (StringTools.isBlank(toEmail) || !CommandPacketHandler.validateAddress(toEmail)) { Print.logError("'To' SMS Email address invalid, or not specified"); return DCServerFactory.ResultCode.TRANSMIT_FAIL; } else if (StringTools.isBlank(subj) && StringTools.isBlank(body)) { Print.logError("Command string not specified"); return DCServerFactory.ResultCode.INVALID_ARG; } else { try { Print.logInfo("SMS email: to <" + toEmail + ">"); Print.logDebug(" From : " + frEmail); Print.logDebug(" To : " + toEmail); Print.logDebug(" Subject: " + subj); Print.logDebug(" Message: " + body); SendMail.send(frEmail, toEmail, null, null, subj, body, null); return DCServerFactory.ResultCode.SUCCESS; } catch (Throwable t) { // NoClassDefFoundException, ClassNotFoundException // this will fail if JavaMail support for SendMail is not available. Print.logWarn("SendMail error: " + t); return DCServerFactory.ResultCode.TRANSMIT_FAIL; } } }
/* validate the syntax of the specified list of multiple email addresses */ public static boolean validateAddresses(String addrs, boolean acceptSMS) { if (StringTools.isBlank(addrs)) { // blank is ok in this case return true; } else if (acceptSMS) { // allow "sms:123456789" format String addrArry[] = StringTools.parseStringArray(addrs, ','); if (addrArry.length == 0) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < addrArry.length; i++) { String em = addrArry[i].trim(); if (StringTools.isBlank(em)) { // individual addresses not allowed return false; } else if (SMSOutboundGateway.StartsWithSMS(em)) { // TODO: for now, accept as-is } else if (!validateAddress(em)) { return false; } } return true; } else { // true email addresses only try { return SendMail.validateAddresses(addrs); } catch (Throwable t) { // NoClassDefFoundException, ClassNotFoundException // this will fail if JavaMail support for SendMail is not available. Print.logError("*** SendMail error: " + t); return false; } } }
private String getEmail() { RTProperties rtp = this.getProperties(); String email = rtp.getString(PROP_email, null); if (StringTools.isBlank(email)) { email = SendMail.getUserFromEmailAddress(); } return email; }
/* extract email address from the specified string */ public static String getEMailAddress(String addr) { // extract/normalize email address try { return SendMail.getEMailAddress(addr); } catch (Throwable t) { // NoClassDefFoundException, ClassNotFoundException // this will fail if JavaMail support for SendMail is not available. Print.logWarn("SendMail error: " + t); return null; } }
public static void sendMail(String subject, String content, String format) { MailSenderInfo mailInfo = new MailSenderInfo(); mailInfo.setMailServerHost("sl2k8mail-01.dangdang.com"); mailInfo.setMailServerPort("587"); mailInfo.setValidate(true); mailInfo.setUserName("*****@*****.**"); mailInfo.setPassword("Sl-1234"); // 您的邮箱密码 mailInfo.setFromAddress("*****@*****.**"); mailInfo.setToAddress("*****@*****.**"); // mailInfo.setCcAddress("*****@*****.**"); // mailInfo.setCcAddress("[email protected]; [email protected]"); // mailInfo.setBccAddress("*****@*****.**"); mailInfo.setSubject(subject); mailInfo.setContent(content); SendMail sms = new SendMail(); if (format.equals("TEXT")) { sms.sendTextMail(mailInfo); // 发送文体格式 } else if (format.equals("HTML")) { sms.sendHtmlMail(mailInfo); // 发送html格式 } }
/* validate the syntax of the specified single email address */ public static boolean validateAddress(String addr) { if (StringTools.isBlank(addr)) { // blanks not alowed here return false; // fail quickly } else { try { return SendMail.validateAddress(addr); } catch (Throwable t) { // NoClassDefFoundException, ClassNotFoundException // this will fail if JavaMail support for SendMail is not available. Print.logWarn("SendMail error: " + t); return false; } } }
/* send an email with attachment */ public static boolean send( String from, String to, String cc, String bcc, String subject, String msgBody, SendMail.SmtpProperties smtpProps, SendMail.Attachment attach) { try { return SendMail.send(from, to, cc, bcc, subject, msgBody, attach, smtpProps); } catch (Throwable t) { // NoClassDefFoundException, ClassNotFoundException // this will fail if JavaMail support for SendMail is not available. Print.logWarn("SendMail error: " + t); return false; } }