Example #1
   * Creates a mock of the given type.
   * <p>There is no .class literal for generic types. Therefore you need to pass the raw type when
   * mocking generic types. E.g. Mock&lt;List&lt;String&gt;&gt; myMock = new MockObject("myMock",
   * List.class, this);
   * <p>If the mocked type does not correspond to the declared type, a ClassCastException will occur
   * when the mock is used.
   * <p>If no name is given the un-capitalized type name + Mock is used, e.g. myServiceMock
   * @param name The name of the mock, e.g. the field-name, null for the default
   * @param mockedType The mock type that will be proxied, use the raw type when mocking generic
   *     types, not null
   * @param testObject The test object, not null
  public MockObject(String name, Class<?> mockedType, Object testObject) {
    if (isBlank(name)) {
      this.name = uncapitalize(mockedType.getSimpleName()) + "Mock";
    } else {
      this.name = name;
    this.mockedType = (Class<T>) mockedType;
    this.oneTimeMatchingBehaviorDefiningInvocations =
    this.alwaysMatchingBehaviorDefiningInvocations =
    this.chainedMocksPerName = new HashMap<String, Mock<?>>();

    Scenario scenario = getScenario(testObject);
    if (scenario.getTestObject() != testObject) {
    this.mockProxy = createMockProxy();