public void startScan(final FileExtensionFilter filter, final String... paths) { if (inScan.compareAndSet(false, true)) { m_scanTask = new ScanTask(filter); m_scanTask.execute(paths); } else { m_scanTask.addPaths(paths); } }
public void startScan(final FileExtensionFilter filter, final Collection<String> paths) { final String[] arr = paths.toArray(new String[paths.size()]); if (inScan.compareAndSet(false, true)) { m_scanTask = new ScanTask(filter); m_scanTask.execute(arr); } else { m_scanTask.addPaths(arr); } }
@Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { if (intent != null) { if (intent.hasExtra("isInstall") && intent.getStringExtra("isInstall").equals("true")) { packageName = intent.getStringExtra("packageName"); ScanTask task = new ScanTask(getApplicationContext()) { @Override protected void onPreExecute() {} @Override protected void onPostExecute(ScanResult result) { showInstallNotification(result); } @Override protected void onProgressUpdate(String... values) {} }; task.execute(packageName); } if (intent.hasExtra("isSetTime") && intent.getStringExtra("isSetTime").equals("true")) { // scan all activity ScanTask task = new ScanTask(getApplicationContext()) { @Override protected void onPreExecute() {} @Override protected void onPostExecute(ScanResult result) { showNotification(result); } @Override protected void onProgressUpdate(String... values) {} }; task.execute(); } } return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId); }
// see DirectoryScannerMXBean public void scan() { final ScanTask task; synchronized (this) { final LinkedList<File> list; switch (state) { case RUNNING: case SCHEDULED: throw new IllegalStateException(state.toString()); case STOPPED: case COMPLETED: // only accept to scan if state is STOPPED or COMPLETED. list = new LinkedList<File>(); list.add(rootFile); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(String.valueOf(state)); } // Create a new ScanTask object for our root directory file. // currentTask = task = new ScanTask(list, this); // transient state... will be switched to RUNNING when // task.execute() is called. This code could in fact be modified // to use java.util.concurent.Future and, to push the task to // an executor. We would then need to wait for the task to // complete before returning. However, this wouldn't buy us // anything - since this method should wait for the task to // finish anyway: so why would we do it? // As it stands, we simply call task.execute() in the current // thread - brave and fearless readers may want to attempt the // modification ;-) // setStateAndNotify(SCHEDULED); } task.execute(); }
// The actual scan logic. Switches state to RUNNING, // and scan the list of given dirs. // The list is a live object which is updated by this method. // This would allow us to implement methods like "pause" and "resume", // since all the info needed to resume would be in the list. // private void scan(ScanTask task, LinkedList<File> list) { setStateAndNotify(RUNNING); = "In Progress"; try { // The FileFilter will tell us which files match and which don't. // final FileFilter filter = config.buildFileFilter(); // We have two condition to end the loop: either the list is // empty, meaning there's nothing more to scan, or the state of // the DirectoryScanner was asynchronously switched to STOPPED by // another thread, e.g. because someone called "stop" on the // ScanManagerMXBean // while (!list.isEmpty() && state == RUNNING) { // Get and remove the first element in the list. // final File current = list.poll(); // Increment number of file scanned. task.scanned++; // If 'current' is a file, it's already been matched by our // file filter (see below): act on it. // Note that for the first iteration of this loop, there will // be one single file in the list: the root directory for this // scanner. // if (current.isFile()) { task.matching++; actOn(current); } // If 'current' is a directory, then // find files and directories that match the file filter // in this directory // if (current.isDirectory()) { // Gets matching files and directories final File[] content = current.listFiles(filter); if (content == null) continue; // Adds all matching file to the list. list.addAll(0, Arrays.asList(content)); } } // The loop terminated. If the list is empty, then we have // completed our task. If not, then somebody must have called // stop() on this directory scanner. // if (list.isEmpty()) { = "Successfully Completed"; setStateAndNotify(COMPLETED); } } catch (Exception x) { // We got an exception: stop the scan // = "Failed: " + x; if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "scan task failed: " + x, x); else if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) LOG.log(Level.FINE, "scan task failed: " + x); setStateAndNotify(STOPPED); } catch (Error e) { // We got an Error: // Should not happen unless we ran out of memory or // whatever - don't even try to notify, but // stop the scan anyway! // state = STOPPED; = "Error: " + e; // rethrow error. // throw e; } }
// see DirectoryScannerMXBean public String getCurrentScanInfo() { final ScanTask currentOrLastTask = currentTask; if (currentOrLastTask == null) return "Never Run"; return currentOrLastTask.getScanInfo(); }
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String context = "context0"; context = ServletUtilities.getContext(request); Shepherd myShepherd = new Shepherd(context); GridManager gm = GridManagerFactory.getGridManager(); // set up for response response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); String action = request.getParameter("action"); System.out.println("scanTaskHandler action is: " + action); if (action != null) { if ((action.equals("removeTask")) && (request.getParameter("taskID") != null)) { myShepherd.beginDBTransaction(); boolean locked = false; // gotta check if it's a valid scanTask to begin with! // check for permissions to delete this scanTask boolean deletePermission = false; deletePermission = true; if ((myShepherd.isScanTask(request.getParameter("taskID"))) && (deletePermission)) { try { // change ThreadPoolExecutor es = SharkGridThreadExecutorService.getExecutorService(); ScanTask st = myShepherd.getScanTask(request.getParameter("taskID")); myShepherd.getPM().deletePersistent(st); myShepherd.commitDBTransaction(); // scanTaskCleanupThread swiThread=new // scanTaskCleanupThread(request.getParameter("taskID")); es.execute(new ScanTaskCleanupThread(request.getParameter("taskID"))); } catch (Exception e) { locked = true; System.out.println("I encounter the following error while deleting a scanTask:"); e.printStackTrace(); myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); } if (!locked) { // confirm success out.println(ServletUtilities.getHeader(request)); out.println( "<strong>Success:</strong> The scanTask <i>" + request.getParameter("taskID") + "</i> has been removed."); out.println( "<p><a href=\"http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/appadmin/scanTaskAdmin.jsp\">Return to scanTask administration page.</a></p>\n"); out.println(ServletUtilities.getFooter(context)); } else { out.println(ServletUtilities.getHeader(request)); out.println( "<strong>Error:</strong> The scanTask <i>" + request.getParameter("taskID") + "</i> was not removed. The task may be locked by another user or in process. Check the logs for more information."); out.println( "<p><a href=\"http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/appadmin/scanTaskAdmin.jsp\">Return to scanTask administration page.</a></p>\n"); out.println(ServletUtilities.getFooter(context)); } } else { myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); out.println(ServletUtilities.getHeader(request)); out.println( "<strong>Error:</strong> The scanTask <i>" + request.getParameter("taskID") + "</i> was not identified in the database."); out.println( "<p><a href=\"http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/appadmin/scanTaskAdmin.jsp\">Return to scanTask administration page.</a></p>\n"); out.println(ServletUtilities.getFooter(context)); } } else if ((action.equals("addTask")) && (request.getParameter("encounterNumber") != null)) { myShepherd.getPM().setIgnoreCache(true); boolean locked = false; // String readableName=""; boolean successfulStore = false; // set up our properties java.util.Properties props2 = new java.util.Properties(); String secondRun = "true"; String rightScan = "false"; boolean isRightScan = false; boolean writeThis = true; // String uniqueNum=""; if (request.getParameter("writeThis") == null) { writeThis = false; } if ((request.getParameter("rightSide") != null) && (request.getParameter("rightSide").equals("true"))) { rightScan = "true"; isRightScan = true; } props2.setProperty("epsilon", "0.01"); props2.setProperty("R", "8"); props2.setProperty("Sizelim", "0.85"); props2.setProperty("maxTriangleRotation", "10"); props2.setProperty("C", "0.99"); props2.setProperty("secondRun", secondRun); props2.setProperty("rightScan", rightScan); // let's check if a scanTask for this exists System.out.println("scanTaskHandler: Checking whether this is a new scanTask..."); myShepherd.beginDBTransaction(); String sideIdentifier = "L"; if (rightScan.equals("true")) { sideIdentifier = "R"; // numComparisons=myShepherd.getNumEncountersWithSpotData(true); } else { // numComparisons=myShepherd.getNumEncountersWithSpotData(false); } String taskIdentifier = "scan" + sideIdentifier + request.getParameter("encounterNumber"); ScanTask st = new ScanTask(); // let's do a check to see if too many scanTasks are in the queue int taskLimit = gm.getScanTaskLimit(); int currentNumScanTasks = myShepherd.getNumUnfinishedScanTasks(); myShepherd.getPM().getFetchPlan().setGroup(FetchPlan.DEFAULT); System.out.println("currentNumScanTasks is: " + currentNumScanTasks); // int currentNumScanTasks=0; if (currentNumScanTasks < taskLimit) { int numComparisons = 0; if (rightScan.equals("true")) { // sideIdentifier="R"; numComparisons = myShepherd.getNumEncountersWithSpotData(true); } else { numComparisons = myShepherd.getNumEncountersWithSpotData(false); } myShepherd.getPM().getFetchPlan().setGroup(FetchPlan.DEFAULT); System.out.println( "scanTaskHandler: Under the limit, so proceeding to check for condiions for creating a new scanTask..."); if ((!myShepherd.isScanTask(taskIdentifier))) { System.out.println("scanTaskHandler: This scanTask does not exist, so go create it..."); // check if this encounter has the needed spots to create the task boolean hasNeededSpots = false; Encounter enc = myShepherd.getEncounter(request.getParameter("encounterNumber")); if ((rightScan.equals("true")) && (enc.getRightSpots() != null)) { hasNeededSpots = true; } else if (enc.getSpots() != null) { hasNeededSpots = true; } if (hasNeededSpots) { System.out.println("scanTaskHandler: I have needed spots...proceeding..."); st = new ScanTask( myShepherd, taskIdentifier, props2, request.getParameter("encounterNumber"), writeThis); st.setNumComparisons(numComparisons - 1); if (request.getRemoteUser() != null) { st.setSubmitter(request.getRemoteUser()); } System.out.println("scanTaskHandler: About to create a scanTask..."); successfulStore = myShepherd.storeNewTask(st); if (!successfulStore) { System.out.println("scanTaskHandler: Unsuccessful store..."); myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); locked = true; } else { System.out.println("scanTaskHandler: Successful store..."); myShepherd.commitDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); myShepherd = new Shepherd(context); } } else { myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); locked = true; } } else if (myShepherd.isScanTask(taskIdentifier)) { System.out.println("scanTaskHandler: This is an existing scanTask..."); myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); locked = true; String rightFilter = ""; if ((request.getParameter("rightSide") != null) && (request.getParameter("rightSide").equals("true"))) { rightFilter = "&rightSide=true"; } // if it exists already, advance to the scanTask administration page to await its // completion response.sendRedirect( "http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/appadmin/scanTaskAdmin.jsp"); } else { myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); locked = true; } } if (!locked && successfulStore) { try { ThreadPoolExecutor es = SharkGridThreadExecutorService.getExecutorService(); es.execute( new ScanWorkItemCreationThread( taskIdentifier, isRightScan, request.getParameter("encounterNumber"), writeThis, context)); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("I failed while constructing the workItems for a new scanTask."); e.printStackTrace(); myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); locked = true; } if (!locked) { System.out.println("Trying to commit the add of the scanWorkItems"); // myShepherd.commitDBTransaction(); // myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); System.out.println("I committed the workItems!"); String rightFilter = "L"; String rightURL = ""; if ((request.getParameter("rightSide") != null) && (request.getParameter("rightSide").equals("true"))) { rightFilter = "R"; rightURL = "&rightSide=true"; } // confirm success out.println(ServletUtilities.getHeader(request)); out.println( "<strong>Success:</strong> Your scan was successfully added to the sharkGrid!"); // out.println("<p><a // href=\"http://"+CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation()+"/encounters/workAppletScan.jsp?number=scan"+rightFilter+request.getParameter("encounterNumber")+rightURL+"\">Start scanning for a match.</a></p>\n"); out.println( "<p><a href=\"http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/encounters/encounter.jsp?number=" + request.getParameter("encounterNumber") + "\">Return to encounter " + request.getParameter("encounterNumber") + ".</a></p>\n"); out.println( "<p><a href=\"http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/appadmin/scanTaskAdmin.jsp" + "\">Go to sharkGrid administration to monitor for completion.</a></p>\n"); out.println(ServletUtilities.getFooter(context)); } else { out.println(ServletUtilities.getHeader(request)); out.println( "<strong>Failure:</strong> The scan could not be created or was not fully created!"); out.println( "<p><a href=\"http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/appadmin/scanTaskAdmin.jsp\">Go to sharkGrid administration.</a></p>\n"); out.println(ServletUtilities.getFooter(context)); } } else { out.println(ServletUtilities.getHeader(request)); out.println("<strong>Failure:</strong> I have NOT added this scanTask to the queue."); if (currentNumScanTasks < taskLimit) { out.println( "The unfinished task limit of " + taskLimit + " has been filled. Please try adding the task to the queue again after existing tasks have finished."); } out.println( "<p><a href=\"http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/appadmin/scanTaskAdmin.jsp\">Go to sharkGrid administration.</a></p>\n"); out.println(ServletUtilities.getFooter(context)); } } else if (action.equals("addTuningTask")) { // myShepherd.getPM().setIgnoreCache(true); boolean locked = false; // String readableName=""; boolean successfulStore = false; int maxNumWorkItems = 99999999; if ((request.getParameter("maxNumWorkItems") != null) && (!request.getParameter("maxNumWorkItems").equals(""))) { maxNumWorkItems = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("maxNumWorkItems")); } // set up our properties java.util.Properties props2 = new java.util.Properties(); String secondRun = "true"; String rightScan = "false"; boolean isRightScan = false; boolean writeThis = true; // String uniqueNum=""; if (request.getParameter("writeThis") == null) { writeThis = false; } if ((request.getParameter("rightSide") != null) && (request.getParameter("rightSide").equals("true"))) { rightScan = "true"; isRightScan = true; } props2.setProperty("epsilon", "0.01"); props2.setProperty("R", "8"); props2.setProperty("Sizelim", "0.85"); props2.setProperty("maxTriangleRotation", "10"); props2.setProperty("C", "0.99"); props2.setProperty("secondRun", secondRun); props2.setProperty("rightScan", rightScan); // let's check if a scanTask for this exists System.out.println("scanTaskHandler: Checking whether this is a new scanTask..."); myShepherd.beginDBTransaction(); String sideIdentifier = "L"; if (rightScan.equals("true")) { sideIdentifier = "R"; // numComparisons=myShepherd.getNumEncountersWithSpotData(true); } else { // numComparisons=myShepherd.getNumEncountersWithSpotData(false); } String taskIdentifier = "TuningTask"; ScanTask st = new ScanTask(); // let's do a check to see if too many scanTasks are in the queue int taskLimit = gm.getScanTaskLimit(); int currentNumScanTasks = myShepherd.getNumUnfinishedScanTasks(); myShepherd.getPM().getFetchPlan().setGroup(FetchPlan.DEFAULT); System.out.println("currentNumScanTasks is: " + currentNumScanTasks); // int currentNumScanTasks=0; if (currentNumScanTasks < taskLimit) { Vector leftSharks = myShepherd.getPossibleTrainingIndividuals(); Vector rightSharks = myShepherd.getRightPossibleTrainingIndividuals(); int numComparisons = 0; // calculate the number of comparisons that can be made int numLeftSharks = leftSharks.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numLeftSharks; i++) { MarkedIndividual s = (MarkedIndividual) leftSharks.get(i); int numTrainable = s.getNumberTrainableEncounters(); // int numCompareEncounters=s.getNumberTrainableEncounters(); // for(int j=(numCompareEncounters-1);j>1;j--){ // numCompareEncounters=numCompareEncounters*j; // } // numCompareEncounters=numCompareEncounters/(2*(numTrainable-2)); // numComparisons=numComparisons+numCompareEncounters; numComparisons = numComparisons + combinations(numTrainable, 2); } int numRightSharks = rightSharks.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numRightSharks; i++) { MarkedIndividual s = (MarkedIndividual) rightSharks.get(i); int numCompareEncounters = s.getNumberRightTrainableEncounters(); // for(int j=(numCompareEncounters-1);j>1;j--){ // numCompareEncounters=numCompareEncounters*j; // } // numComparisons=numComparisons+numCompareEncounters; numComparisons = numComparisons + combinations(numCompareEncounters, 2); } System.out.println( "scanTaskHandler: Under the limit, so proceeding to check for condiions for creating a new scanTask..."); if ((!myShepherd.isScanTask(taskIdentifier))) { // System.out.println("scanTaskHandler: This scanTask does not exist, so go create // it..."); st = new ScanTask(myShepherd, taskIdentifier, props2, "TuningTask", writeThis); if (numComparisons < (2 * maxNumWorkItems)) { st.setNumComparisons(numComparisons); } else { st.setNumComparisons((2 * maxNumWorkItems)); } if (request.getRemoteUser() != null) { st.setSubmitter(request.getRemoteUser()); } System.out.println("scanTaskHandler: About to create a TuningTask..."); successfulStore = myShepherd.storeNewTask(st); if (!successfulStore) { System.out.println("scanTaskHandler: Unsuccessful TuningTask store..."); myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); locked = true; } else { System.out.println("scanTaskHandler: Successful TuningTask store..."); myShepherd.commitDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); myShepherd = new Shepherd(context); } } else if (myShepherd.isScanTask(taskIdentifier)) { System.out.println("scanTaskHandler: This is an existing scanTask..."); myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); locked = true; String rightFilter = ""; if ((request.getParameter("rightSide") != null) && (request.getParameter("rightSide").equals("true"))) { rightFilter = "&rightSide=true"; } // if it exists already, advance to the scan page to assist it response.sendRedirect( "http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/encounters/workAppletScan.jsp?writeThis=true&number=" + taskIdentifier + rightFilter); } else { myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); locked = true; } } if (!locked && successfulStore) { try { ThreadPoolExecutor es = SharkGridThreadExecutorService.getExecutorService(); es.execute( new TuningTaskCreationThread(taskIdentifier, writeThis, maxNumWorkItems, context)); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("I failed while constructing the workItems for a new scanTask."); e.printStackTrace(); myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); locked = true; } if (!locked) { System.out.println("Trying to commit the add of the scanWorkItems"); // myShepherd.commitDBTransaction(); // myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); System.out.println("I committed the workItems!"); String rightFilter = "L"; String rightURL = ""; if ((request.getParameter("rightSide") != null) && (request.getParameter("rightSide").equals("true"))) { rightFilter = "R"; rightURL = "&rightSide=true"; } // confirm success out.println(ServletUtilities.getHeader(request)); out.println( "<strong>Success:</strong> Your scan was successfully added to the sharkGrid!"); out.println( "<p><a href=\"http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/appadmin/scanTaskAdmin.jsp" + "\">Return to sharkGrid administration.</a></p>\n"); out.println(ServletUtilities.getFooter(context)); } else { out.println(ServletUtilities.getHeader(request)); out.println( "<strong>Failure:</strong> The scan could not be created or was not fully created!"); out.println( "<p><a href=\"http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/appadmin/scanTaskAdmin.jsp\">Go to sharkGrid administration.</a></p>\n"); out.println(ServletUtilities.getFooter(context)); } } else { out.println(ServletUtilities.getHeader(request)); out.println("<strong>Failure:</strong> I have NOT added this scanTask to the queue."); if (currentNumScanTasks < taskLimit) { out.println( "The unfinished task limit of " + taskLimit + " has been filled. Please try adding the task to the queue again after existing tasks have finished."); } out.println( "<p><a href=\"http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/appadmin/scanTaskAdmin.jsp\">Go to sharkGrid administration.</a></p>\n"); out.println(ServletUtilities.getFooter(context)); } } else if (action.equals("addFalseMatchTask")) { boolean locked = false; boolean successfulStore = false; int maxNumWorkItems = 99999999; if ((request.getParameter("maxNumWorkItems") != null) && (!request.getParameter("maxNumWorkItems").equals(""))) { maxNumWorkItems = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("maxNumWorkItems")); } // set up our properties java.util.Properties props2 = new java.util.Properties(); String secondRun = "true"; String rightScan = "false"; boolean isRightScan = false; boolean writeThis = true; if (request.getParameter("writeThis") == null) { writeThis = false; } if ((request.getParameter("rightSide") != null) && (request.getParameter("rightSide").equals("true"))) { rightScan = "true"; isRightScan = true; } props2.setProperty("epsilon", "0.01"); props2.setProperty("R", "8"); props2.setProperty("Sizelim", "0.85"); props2.setProperty("maxTriangleRotation", "10"); props2.setProperty("C", "0.99"); props2.setProperty("secondRun", secondRun); props2.setProperty("rightScan", rightScan); // let's check if a scanTask for this exists System.out.println( "scanTaskHandler: Checking whether this is a new False Match scanTask..."); myShepherd.beginDBTransaction(); String sideIdentifier = "L"; if (rightScan.equals("true")) { sideIdentifier = "R"; } String taskIdentifier = "FalseMatchTask"; ScanTask st = new ScanTask(); // let's do a check to see if too many scanTasks are in the queue int taskLimit = gm.getScanTaskLimit(); int currentNumScanTasks = myShepherd.getNumUnfinishedScanTasks(); myShepherd.getPM().getFetchPlan().setGroup(FetchPlan.DEFAULT); System.out.println("currentNumScanTasks is: " + currentNumScanTasks); // int currentNumScanTasks=0; if (currentNumScanTasks < taskLimit) { // Vector leftSharks=myShepherd.getPossibleTrainingSharks(); // Vector rightSharks=myShepherd.getRightPossibleTrainingSharks(); int numComparisons = maxNumWorkItems * 2; System.out.println( "scanTaskHandler: Under the limit, so proceeding to check for condiions for creating a new scanTask..."); if ((!myShepherd.isScanTask(taskIdentifier))) { // System.out.println("scanTaskHandler: This scanTask does not exist, so go create // it..."); st = new ScanTask(myShepherd, taskIdentifier, props2, "FalseMatchTask", writeThis); st.setNumComparisons(numComparisons); if (request.getRemoteUser() != null) { st.setSubmitter(request.getRemoteUser()); } System.out.println("scanTaskHandler: About to create a TuningTask..."); successfulStore = myShepherd.storeNewTask(st); if (!successfulStore) { System.out.println("scanTaskHandler: Unsuccessful FalseMatchTask store..."); myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); locked = true; } else { System.out.println("scanTaskHandler: Successful FalseMatchTask store..."); myShepherd.commitDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); myShepherd = new Shepherd(context); } } else if (myShepherd.isScanTask(taskIdentifier)) { System.out.println("scanTaskHandler: This is an existing scanTask..."); myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); locked = true; String rightFilter = ""; if ((request.getParameter("rightSide") != null) && (request.getParameter("rightSide").equals("true"))) { rightFilter = "&rightSide=true"; } // if it exists already, advance to the scan page to assist it response.sendRedirect( "http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/encounters/workAppletScan.jsp?writeThis=true&number=" + taskIdentifier + rightFilter); } else { myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); locked = true; } } if (!locked && successfulStore) { try { ThreadPoolExecutor es = SharkGridThreadExecutorService.getExecutorService(); es.execute(new FalseMatchCreationThread(maxNumWorkItems, taskIdentifier, context)); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("I failed while constructing the workItems for a new scanTask."); e.printStackTrace(); myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); locked = true; } if (!locked) { System.out.println("Trying to commit the add of the scanWorkItems"); // myShepherd.commitDBTransaction(); // myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); System.out.println("I committed the workItems!"); String rightFilter = "L"; String rightURL = ""; if ((request.getParameter("rightSide") != null) && (request.getParameter("rightSide").equals("true"))) { rightFilter = "R"; rightURL = "&rightSide=true"; } // confirm success out.println(ServletUtilities.getHeader(request)); out.println( "<strong>Success:</strong> Your scan was successfully added to the sharkGrid!"); out.println( "<p><a href=\"http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/appadmin/scanTaskAdmin.jsp" + "\">Return to sharkGrid administration.</a></p>\n"); out.println(ServletUtilities.getFooter(context)); } else { out.println(ServletUtilities.getHeader(request)); out.println( "<strong>Failure:</strong> The scan could not be created or was not fully created!"); out.println( "<p><a href=\"http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/appadmin/scanTaskAdmin.jsp\">Go to sharkGrid administration.</a></p>\n"); out.println(ServletUtilities.getFooter(context)); } } else { out.println(ServletUtilities.getHeader(request)); out.println("<strong>Failure:</strong> I have NOT added this scanTask to the queue."); if (currentNumScanTasks < taskLimit) { out.println( "The unfinished task limit of " + taskLimit + " has been filled. Please try adding the task to the queue again after existing tasks have finished."); } out.println( "<p><a href=\"http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/appadmin/scanTaskAdmin.jsp\">Go to sharkGrid administration.</a></p>\n"); out.println(ServletUtilities.getFooter(context)); } } // delete all scan-related items else if (action.equals("removeAllWorkItems")) { try { GridCleanupThread swiThread = new GridCleanupThread(context); gm.removeAllWorkItems(); // confirm success out.println(ServletUtilities.getHeader(request)); out.println( "<strong>Success:</strong> I removed all outstanding scanWorkItems from the database.<br>/<strong>Warning!</strong> <em>This may cause any outstanding scanTasks to fail!</em>"); out.println( "<p><a href=\"http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/appadmin/scanTaskAdmin.jsp\">Go to sharkGrid administration.</a></p>\n"); out.println(ServletUtilities.getFooter(context)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); out.println(ServletUtilities.getHeader(request)); out.println( "<strong>Failure:</strong> I failed to remove all outstanding scanWorkItems from the database. Check the log for more information."); out.println( "<p><a href=\"http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/appadmin/scanTaskAdmin.jsp\">Go to sharkGrid administration.</a></p>\n"); out.println(ServletUtilities.getFooter(context)); } } else { out.println(ServletUtilities.getHeader(request)); out.println( "<p>I did not receive enough data to process your command, or you do not have the necessary permissions to perform this operation.</p>"); out.println( "<p><a href=\"http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/appadmin/scanTaskAdmin.jsp\">Go to sharkGrid administration.</a></p>\n"); out.println(ServletUtilities.getFooter(context)); } } else { out.println(ServletUtilities.getHeader(request)); out.println( "<p>I did not receive enough data to process your command, or you do not have the necessary permissions to perform this operation. </p>"); out.println("<p>Please try again or <a href=\"welcome.jsp\">login here</a>."); out.println(ServletUtilities.getFooter(context)); } myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); myShepherd = null; out.flush(); out.close(); }