   * Populates localEntityId and localEntityRole based on the SAMLCredential.
   * @param context context to populate
   * @param credential credential
   * @throws MetadataProviderException in case entity id can' be populated
  protected void populateLocalEntityId(SAMLMessageContext context, SAMLCredential credential)
      throws MetadataProviderException {

    String entityID = credential.getLocalEntityID();
  * Based on the settings in the extended metadata either creates a PKIX trust engine with trusted
  * keys specified in the extended metadata as anchors or (by default) an explicit trust engine
  * using data from the metadata or from the values overridden in the ExtendedMetadata. The trust
  * engine is used to verify SSL connections.
  * @param samlContext context to populate
 protected void populateSSLTrustEngine(SAMLMessageContext samlContext) {
   TrustEngine<X509Credential> engine;
   if ("pkix".equalsIgnoreCase(samlContext.getLocalExtendedMetadata().getSslSecurityProfile())) {
     engine = new PKIXX509CredentialTrustEngine(pkixResolver);
   } else {
     engine = new ExplicitX509CertificateTrustEngine(metadataResolver);
   * Populates X509 Credential used to authenticate this machine against peer servers. Uses key with
   * alias specified in extended metadata under TlsKey, when not set uses the default credential.
   * @param samlContext context to populate
  protected void populateSSLCredential(SAMLMessageContext samlContext) {

    X509Credential tlsCredential;
    if (samlContext.getLocalExtendedMetadata().getTlsKey() != null) {
      tlsCredential =
    } else {
      tlsCredential = null;

  private void populateGenericContext(
      HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, SAMLMessageContext context)
      throws MetadataProviderException {

    HttpServletRequestAdapter inTransport = new HttpServletRequestAdapter(request);
    HttpServletResponseAdapter outTransport = new HttpServletResponseAdapter(response, false);


  * Based on the settings in the extended metadata either creates a PKIX trust engine with trusted
  * keys specified in the extended metadata as anchors or (by default) an explicit trust engine
  * using data from the metadata or from the values overridden in the ExtendedMetadata.
  * @param samlContext context to populate
 protected void populateTrustEngine(SAMLMessageContext samlContext) {
   SignatureTrustEngine engine;
   if ("pkix".equalsIgnoreCase(samlContext.getLocalExtendedMetadata().getSecurityProfile())) {
     engine =
         new PKIXSignatureTrustEngine(
   } else {
     engine =
         new ExplicitKeySignatureTrustEngine(
   * Tries to load peer SSL certificate from the inbound message transport using attribute
   * "javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate". If found sets peerSSLCredential in the context.
   * @param samlContext context to populate
  protected void populatePeerSSLCredential(SAMLMessageContext samlContext) {

    X509Certificate[] chain =

    if (chain != null && chain.length > 0) {

      logger.debug("Found certificate chain from request {}", chain[0]);
      BasicX509Credential credential = new BasicX509Credential();
   * Method tries to load localEntityAlias and localEntityRole from the request path. Path is
   * supposed to be in format:
   * https(s)://server:port/application/saml/filterName/alias/aliasName/idp|sp?query. In case alias
   * is missing from the path defaults are used. Otherwise localEntityId and sp or idp
   * localEntityRole is entered into the context.
   * <p>In case alias entity id isn't found an exception is raised.
   * @param context context to populate fields localEntityId and localEntityRole for
   * @param contextPath context path to parse entityId and entityRole from
   * @throws MetadataProviderException in case entityId can't be populated
  protected void populateLocalEntityId(SAMLMessageContext context, String contextPath)
      throws MetadataProviderException {

    if (contextPath == null) {
      contextPath = "";

    int filterIndex = contextPath.indexOf("/alias/");
    if (filterIndex != -1) { // Alias entityId

      String localAlias = contextPath.substring(filterIndex + 7);
      QName localEntityRole;

      int entityTypePosition = localAlias.lastIndexOf('/');
      if (entityTypePosition != -1) {
        String entityRole = localAlias.substring(entityTypePosition + 1);
        if ("idp".equalsIgnoreCase(entityRole)) {
          localEntityRole = IDPSSODescriptor.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME;
        } else {
          localEntityRole = SPSSODescriptor.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME;
        localAlias = localAlias.substring(0, entityTypePosition);
      } else {
        localEntityRole = SPSSODescriptor.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME;

      // Populate entityId
      String localEntityId = metadata.getEntityIdForAlias(localAlias);

      if (localEntityId == null) {
        throw new MetadataProviderException(
            "No local entity found for alias " + localAlias + ", verify your configuration.");


    } else { // Defaults

   * Populates a decrypter based on settings in the extended metadata or using a default credential
   * when no encryption credential is specified in the extended metadata.
   * @param samlContext context to populate decryptor for.
  protected void populateDecrypter(SAMLMessageContext samlContext) {

    // Locate encryption key for this entity
    Credential encryptionCredential;
    if (samlContext.getLocalExtendedMetadata().getEncryptionKey() != null) {
      encryptionCredential =
    } else {
      encryptionCredential = keyManager.getDefaultCredential();

    // Entity used for decrypting of encrypted XML parts
    // Extracts EncryptedKey from the encrypted XML using the encryptedKeyResolver and attempts to
    // decrypt it
    // using private keys supplied by the resolver.
    KeyInfoCredentialResolver resolver = new StaticKeyInfoCredentialResolver(encryptionCredential);

    Decrypter decrypter = new Decrypter(null, resolver, encryptedKeyResolver);

   * Loads the IDP_PARAMETER from the request and if it is not null verifies whether IDP with this
   * value is valid IDP in our circle of trust. Processing fails when IDP is not valid. IDP is set
   * as PeerEntityId in the context.
   * <p>If request parameter is null the default IDP is returned.
   * @param context context to populate ID for
   * @throws MetadataProviderException in case provided IDP value is invalid
  protected void populatePeerEntityId(SAMLMessageContext context) throws MetadataProviderException {

    String idp =
        ((HTTPInTransport) context.getInboundMessageTransport())
    if (idp != null) {
      if (!metadata.isIDPValid(idp)) {
        logger.debug("User specified IDP {} is invalid", idp);
        throw new MetadataProviderException("Specified IDP is not valid: " + idp);
      } else {
        logger.debug("Using user specified IDP {}", idp);
    } else {
      idp = metadata.getDefaultIDP();
      logger.debug("No IDP specified, using default {}", idp);

   * Populates additional information about the peer based on the previously loaded peerEntityId.
   * @param samlContext to populate
   * @throws MetadataProviderException in case metadata problem is encountered
  private void populatePeerContext(SAMLMessageContext samlContext)
      throws MetadataProviderException {

    String peerEntityId = samlContext.getPeerEntityId();
    QName peerEntityRole = samlContext.getPeerEntityRole();

    if (peerEntityId == null) {
      throw new MetadataProviderException("Peer entity ID wasn't specified, but is requested");

    EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor = metadata.getEntityDescriptor(peerEntityId);
    RoleDescriptor roleDescriptor =
        metadata.getRole(peerEntityId, peerEntityRole, SAMLConstants.SAML20P_NS);
    ExtendedMetadata extendedMetadata = metadata.getExtendedMetadata(peerEntityId);

    if (entityDescriptor == null || roleDescriptor == null) {
      throw new MetadataProviderException(
          "Metadata for entity " + peerEntityId + " and role " + peerEntityRole + " wasn't found");

   * Method populates fields localEntityId, localEntityRole, localEntityMetadata,
   * localEntityRoleMetadata and peerEntityRole. In case fields localAlias, localEntityId,
   * localEntiyRole or peerEntityRole are set they are used, defaults of default SP and IDP as a
   * peer are used instead.
   * @param samlContext context to populate
   * @throws org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProviderException in case metadata do not
   *     contain expected entities or localAlias is specified but not found
  private void populateLocalEntity(SAMLMessageContext samlContext)
      throws MetadataProviderException {

    String localEntityId = samlContext.getLocalEntityId();
    QName localEntityRole = samlContext.getLocalEntityRole();

    if (localEntityId == null) {
      throw new MetadataProviderException(
          "No hosted service provider is configured and no alias was selected");

    EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor = metadata.getEntityDescriptor(localEntityId);
    RoleDescriptor roleDescriptor =
        metadata.getRole(localEntityId, localEntityRole, SAMLConstants.SAML20P_NS);
    ExtendedMetadata extendedMetadata = metadata.getExtendedMetadata(localEntityId);

    if (entityDescriptor == null || roleDescriptor == null) {
      throw new MetadataProviderException(
          "Metadata for entity "
              + localEntityId
              + " and role "
              + localEntityRole
              + " wasn't found");


    if (extendedMetadata.getSigningKey() != null) {
    } else {