public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
      Cab2bHyperlink hyperlink = (Cab2bHyperlink) actionEvent.getSource();

      /* Get the user object associated with that source. */
      final HyperLinkUserObject hyperLinkUserObject =
          (HyperLinkUserObject) hyperlink.getUserObject();
      IQuery tempQuery = null;

      AbstractAssociatedDataPanel linkContainer =
          (AbstractAssociatedDataPanel) hyperlink.getParent();
      try {
        tempQuery = linkContainer.getQuery((hyperLinkUserObject.getAssociation()));
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
        CommonUtils.handleException(e, breadCrumbPanel, true, true, true, false);
      final IQuery query = tempQuery;
      breadCrumbText = Utility.getDisplayName(hyperLinkUserObject.getTargetEntity());

      /* Get result by executing the Query in a worker thread. */
      CustomSwingWorker swingWorker =
          new CustomSwingWorker((JXPanel) breadCrumbPanel, SimpleSearchResultBreadCrumbPanel.this) {

            IQueryResult queryResult = null;

            protected void doNonUILogic() throws Exception {
              queryResult = CommonUtils.executeQuery((ICab2bQuery) query);

            protected void doUIUpdateLogic() throws RuntimeException {
               * Get attributes and set in map, for later when the user is
               * navigating, and for now directly set it.
              IAssociation association = hyperLinkUserObject.getAssociation();
              IDataRow parentDataRow = hyperLinkUserObject.getParentDataRow();

              currentBreadCrumbName = breadCrumbText;
              JXPanel resultPanel =
                      breadCrumbPanel, queryResult,
                      parentDataRow, association);
              addToPanel(resultPanel, breadCrumbText);
      if (query != null) {
      } else {
        addToPanel(ResultPanelFactory.getNoResultFoundPopup(breadCrumbText), breadCrumbText);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
      Cab2bHyperlink<JPageElement> hyperlink = (Cab2bHyperlink<JPageElement>) evt.getSource();

      String hyperlinkText = hyperlink.getText();
      JPageElement jPageElement = hyperlink.getUserObject();
      PageElement pageElement = jPageElement.getPageElement();

      /* Get the data row corresponding to the clicked element. */
      Vector recordListUserObject = (Vector) pageElement.getUserObject();

      DataRow dataRow = (DataRow) recordListUserObject.get(0);
      IRecord record = (IRecord) recordListUserObject.get(1);

      ViewSearchResultsSimplePanel currentPanel =
          (ViewSearchResultsSimplePanel) m_resultsPanel.getComponent(panelCount);

       * Refresh the breadcrumb vector, and pass that instance onto a new
       * instance of the breadcrumb panel.
      int currentCount = ++panelCount;

      m_vBreadCrumbs.add(currentCount + "#" + hyperlinkText);
      BreadcrumbPanel breadcrumbPanel =
          new BreadcrumbPanel(getBreadCrumbsAL(), m_vBreadCrumbs, this.searchPanel.viewPanel);
      currentBreadCrumbName = hyperlinkText;

      JXPanel detailsPanel =

      addBreadCrumbPanel(breadcrumbPanel, "" + currentCount);
      showBreadcrumbPanel("" + currentCount);

      addPanel(detailsPanel, "" + currentCount);
      showPanel("" + currentCount);
   * Initialize GUI.
   * @param queryResult
  private void initGUI(IQueryResult queryResult) {
    this.setLayout(new RiverLayout(5, 5));
    currentBreadCrumbName = null;

    breadCrumbsAL = new BreadCrumbActionListener(this);
    hyperlinkAL = new HyperlinlActionListener(this);
    associatedDataAL = new AssociatedDataActionListener(this);

     * The breadcrumb panel should be common to all cards, and hence should
     * not be part of any card.
    String key =
            + "#"
            + edu.wustl.cab2b.common.util.Utility.getDisplayName(queryResult.getOutputEntity());

    this.m_breadCrumbPanel = new Cab2bPanel();
    this.m_breadCrumbPanel.setLayout(new CardLayout());
    BreadcrumbPanel breadCrumbPanel =
        new BreadcrumbPanel(breadCrumbsAL, m_vBreadCrumbs, this.viewPanel);
    currentBreadCrumbName = breadCrumbPanel.getCurrentBreadCrumbName();
    this.m_breadCrumbPanel.add(breadCrumbPanel, "" + this.panelCount);

    // Check if you got only one record
    JXPanel simpleSearchResultPanel =
        ResultPanelFactory.getResultPanel(this, queryResult, null, null);

     * Initialize the panel that will house all cards, and add the first
     * card.
    this.m_resultsPanel = new Cab2bPanel();
    this.m_resultsPanel.setLayout(new CardLayout());
    this.m_resultsPanel.add(simpleSearchResultPanel, "" + this.panelCount);

    /* Add the main result panel to the current panel. */
    this.add("hfill", this.m_breadCrumbPanel);
    this.add("br vfill hfill", this.m_resultsPanel);