private Restaurant warmupRestaurant(Order order, Model uiModel) {
   Collection<Restaurant> restaurants = restaurantService.findAll();
   uiModel.addAttribute("restaurants", restaurants);
   Restaurant restaurant =
   uiModel.addAttribute("restaurant", restaurant);
   return restaurant;
 private Bill warmupRestaurant(String billId, Model uiModel) {
   Bill bill = billService.findById(Long.valueOf(billId));
   Collection<Restaurant> restaurants = restaurantService.findAll();
   uiModel.addAttribute("restaurants", restaurants);
   Restaurant restaurant =
   uiModel.addAttribute("restaurant", restaurant);
   return bill;
 private Order warmupRestaurantByOrder(String orderId, Model uiModel) {
   Order order = orderService.findById(Long.valueOf(orderId));
   Collection<Restaurant> restaurants = restaurantService.findAll();
   uiModel.addAttribute("restaurants", restaurants);
   Restaurant restaurant =
   uiModel.addAttribute("restaurant", restaurant);
   return order;
  @RequestMapping(value = "/restaurants/{restaurantName}/waiter", method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public String showWaiter(@PathVariable("restaurantName") String restaurantName, Model uiModel) {

    // warmup stuff
    Collection<Restaurant> restaurants = restaurantService.findAll();
    uiModel.addAttribute("restaurants", restaurants);
    Restaurant restaurant = restaurantService.fetchWarmedUp(restaurantName);
    uiModel.addAttribute("restaurant", restaurant);

    List<Order> allPreparedOrders = orderService.findPreparedOrdersForRestaurant(restaurant);
    uiModel.addAttribute("allPreparedOrders", allPreparedOrders);

    List<Bill> allSubmittedBills = billService.findSubmittedBillsForRestaurant(restaurant);
    uiModel.addAttribute("allSubmittedBills", allSubmittedBills);

    return "hartigehap/waiter";
  public void loadRestaurantsForLocation(LatLng location, int startIndex, int numResults) {
    Log.i(MimiLog.TAG, "Getting restaurants for location: " + location.toString());

    try {
      float latitude = (float) location.latitude;
      float longitude = (float) location.longitude;

      // First try to get the results from the cache
      RestaurantResults restaurantResults =
              latitude, longitude, startIndex, numResults);

          "Got "
              + restaurantResults.restaurants.size()
              + " results from cache from index "
              + startIndex
              + ". Full results: "
              + restaurantResults.fullResults);

      for (Restaurant restaurant : restaurantResults.restaurants) {
        Log.i(MimiLog.TAG, "Got restaurant " +;

      // If we did not get the full results for this location,
      // lookup the remaining results from the API
      if (!restaurantResults.fullResults && isNetworkAvailable()) {
        // We haven't got all the possible results from the cache
        // call the remote api if it is available
        fetchRestaurantsFromApi(location, startIndex);
      } else {
        // Display the restaurants loaded from the cache (whether they are full or not)
        for (RestaurantListener restaurantListener : restaurantListeners) {
              restaurantResults.restaurants, location, startIndex);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // TODO handle error properly
      throw new RuntimeException("Error getting results from cache", e);