   * Writes an array of bytes on the stream. This method may not be used until this stream has been
   * passed to one of the methods in HTTPConnection (i.e. until it has been associated with a
   * request).
   * @param buf an array containing the data to write
   * @param off the offset of the data whithin the buffer
   * @param len the number bytes (starting at <var>off</var>) to write
   * @exception IOException if any exception is thrown by the socket, or if writing <var>len</var>
   *     bytes would cause more bytes to be written than this stream is willing to accept.
   * @exception IllegalAccessError if this stream has not been associated with a request yet
  public synchronized void write(byte[] buf, int off, int len)
      throws IOException, IllegalAccessError {
    if (req == null) throw new IllegalAccessError("Stream not associated with a request");

    if (ignore) return;

    if (length != -1 && rcvd + len > length) {
      IOException ioe =
          new IOException("Tried to write too many bytes (" + (rcvd + len) + " > " + length + ")");
      req.getConnection().closeDemux(ioe, false);
      throw ioe;

    try {
      if (bos != null) bos.write(buf, off, len);
      else if (length != -1) os.write(buf, off, len);
      else os.write(Codecs.chunkedEncode(buf, off, len, null, false));
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      req.getConnection().closeDemux(ioe, true);
      throw ioe;

    rcvd += len;
Example #2
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  protected void checkForwardedHeaders(EndPoint endpoint, Request request) throws IOException {
    HttpFields httpFields = request.getConnection().getRequestFields();

    // Retrieving headers from the request
    String forwardedHost = getLeftMostValue(httpFields.getStringField(getForwardedHostHeader()));
    String forwardedServer =
    String forwardedFor = getLeftMostValue(httpFields.getStringField(getForwardedForHeader()));

    if (_hostHeader != null) {
      // Update host header
      httpFields.put(HttpHeaders.HOST_BUFFER, _hostHeader);
    } else if (forwardedHost != null) {
      // Update host header
      httpFields.put(HttpHeaders.HOST_BUFFER, forwardedHost);
    } else if (forwardedServer != null) {
      // Use provided server name

    if (forwardedFor != null) {
      InetAddress inetAddress = null;

      if (_useDNS) {
        try {
          inetAddress = InetAddress.getByName(forwardedFor);
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {

      request.setRemoteHost(inetAddress == null ? forwardedFor : inetAddress.getHostName());
Example #3
  /** Invoked by the HTTPClient. */
  public int requestHandler(Request req, Response[] resp) {
    HTTPConnection con = req.getConnection();
    URI new_loc, cur_loc;

    // check for retries

    HttpOutputStream out = req.getStream();
    if (out != null && deferred_redir_list.get(out) != null) {
      copyFrom((RedirectionModule) deferred_redir_list.remove(out));

      if (new_con) return REQ_NEWCON_RST;
      else return REQ_RESTART;

    // handle permanent redirections

    try {
      cur_loc =
          new URI(
              new URI(con.getProtocol(), con.getHost(), con.getPort(), null), req.getRequestURI());
    } catch (ParseException pe) {
      throw new Error("HTTPClient Internal Error: unexpected exception '" + pe + "'", pe);

    // handle permanent redirections

    Hashtable perm_redir_list =
        Util.getList(perm_redir_cntxt_list, req.getConnection().getContext());
    if ((new_loc = (URI) perm_redir_list.get(cur_loc)) != null) {
       * copy query if present in old url but not in new url. This isn't
       * strictly conforming, but some scripts fail to properly propagate the
       * query string to the Location header. Unfortunately it looks like we're
       * f****d either way: some scripts fail if you don't propagate the query
       * string, some fail if you do... God, don't you just love it when people
       * can't read a spec? Anway, since we can't get it right for all scripts
       * we opt to follow the spec. String nres = new_loc.getPathAndQuery(),
       * oquery = Util.getQuery(req.getRequestURI()), nquery =
       * Util.getQuery(nres); if (nquery == null && oquery != null) nres += "?"
       * + oquery;
      String nres = new_loc.getPathAndQuery();

      try {
        lastURI = new URI(new_loc, nres);
      } catch (ParseException pe) {
        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
          LOG.trace("An exception occurred: " + pe.getMessage());

      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
            "Matched request in permanent redirection list - redoing request to "
                + lastURI.toExternalForm());

      if (!con.isCompatibleWith(new_loc)) {
        try {
          con = new HTTPConnection(new_loc);
        } catch (ProtocolNotSuppException e) {
          throw new Error("HTTPClient Internal Error: unexpected " + "exception '" + e + "'", e);

        return REQ_NEWCON_RST;
      } else {
        return REQ_RESTART;

    return REQ_CONTINUE;
Example #4
  /** Invoked by the HTTPClient. */
  public int responsePhase2Handler(Response resp, Request req) throws IOException {
    /* handle various response status codes until satisfied */

    int sts = resp.getStatusCode();
    switch (sts) {
      case 302: // General (temporary) Redirection (handle like 303)

         * Note we only do this munging for POST and PUT. For GET it's not
         * necessary; for HEAD we probably want to do another HEAD. For all
         * others (i.e. methods from WebDAV, IPP, etc) it's somewhat unclear -
         * servers supporting those should really return a 307 or 303, but some
         * don't (guess who...), so we just don't touch those.
        if (req.getMethod().equals("POST") || req.getMethod().equals("PUT")) {
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                "Received status: " + sts + " " + resp.getReasonLine() + " - treating as 303");

          sts = 303;

      case 301: // Moved Permanently
      case 303: // See Other (use GET)
      case 307: // Moved Temporarily (we mean it!)
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Handling status: " + sts + " " + resp.getReasonLine());

        // the spec says automatic redirection may only be done if
        // the second request is a HEAD or GET.
        if (!req.getMethod().equals("GET") && !req.getMethod().equals("HEAD") && sts != 303) {
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
            LOG.debug("Not redirected because method is neither HEAD nor GET");

          if (sts == 301 && resp.getHeader("Location") != null)
            update_perm_redir_list(req, resLocHdr(resp.getHeader("Location"), req));

          return RSP_CONTINUE;

      case 305: // Use Proxy
      case 306: // Switch Proxy
        if (sts == 305 || sts == 306) {
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
            LOG.debug("Handling status: " + sts + " " + resp.getReasonLine());

        // Don't accept 305 from a proxy
        if (sts == 305 && req.getConnection().getProxyHost() != null) {
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("305 ignored because a proxy is already in use");

          return RSP_CONTINUE;

         * the level is a primitive way of preventing infinite redirections.
         * RFC-2068 set the max to 5, but RFC-2616 has loosened this. Since some
         * sites (notably M$) need more levels, this is now set to the
         * (arbitrary) value of 15 (god only knows why they need to do even 5
         * redirections...).
        if (level >= 15 || resp.getHeader("Location") == null) {
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            if (level >= 15) LOG.debug("Not redirected because of too many levels of redirection");
            else LOG.debug("Not redirected because no Location header was present");

          return RSP_CONTINUE;

        URI loc = resLocHdr(resp.getHeader("Location"), req);

        HTTPConnection mvd;
        String nres;
        new_con = false;

        if (sts == 305) {
          mvd =
              new HTTPConnection(
          mvd.setCurrentProxy(loc.getHost(), loc.getPort());
          new_con = true;

          nres = req.getRequestURI();

           * There was some discussion about this, and especially Foteos
           * Macrides (Lynx) said a 305 should also imply a change to GET (for
           * security reasons) - see the thread starting at
           * http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/hypermail/1997q4/0351.html
           * However, this is not in the latest draft, but since I agree with
           * Foteos we do it anyway...
        } else if (sts == 306) {
          // We'll have to wait for Josh to create a new spec here.
          return RSP_CONTINUE;
        } else {
          if (req.getConnection().isCompatibleWith(loc)) {
            mvd = req.getConnection();
            nres = loc.getPathAndQuery();
          } else {
            try {
              mvd = new HTTPConnection(loc);
              nres = loc.getPathAndQuery();
            } catch (ProtocolNotSuppException e) {
              if (req.getConnection().getProxyHost() == null
                  || !loc.getScheme().equalsIgnoreCase("ftp")) return RSP_CONTINUE;

              // We're using a proxy and the protocol is ftp -
              // maybe the proxy will also proxy ftp...
              mvd =
                  new HTTPConnection(
              mvd.setCurrentProxy(null, 0);
              nres = loc.toExternalForm();

            new_con = true;

           * copy query if present in old url but not in new url. This isn't
           * strictly conforming, but some scripts fail to propagate the query
           * properly to the Location header. See comment on line 126. String
           * oquery = Util.getQuery(req.getRequestURI()), nquery =
           * Util.getQuery(nres); if (nquery == null && oquery != null) nres +=
           * "?" + oquery;

          if (sts == 303) {
            // 303 means "use GET"

            if (!req.getMethod().equals("HEAD")) req.setMethod("GET");
          } else {
            // If they used an output stream then they'll have
            // to do the resend themselves
            if (req.getStream() != null) {
              if (!HTTPConnection.deferStreamed) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                  LOG.debug("Status " + sts + " not handled - request has an output stream");

                return RSP_CONTINUE;

              saved_req = (Request) req.clone();
              deferred_redir_list.put(req.getStream(), this);

            if (sts == 301) {
              // update permanent redirection list
              try {
                update_perm_redir_list(req, new URI(loc, nres));
              } catch (ParseException pe) {
                throw new Error(
                    "HTTPClient Internal Error: " + "unexpected exception '" + pe + "'", pe);

          // Adjust Referer, if present
          NVPair[] hdrs = req.getHeaders();
          for (int idx = 0; idx < hdrs.length; idx++)
            if (hdrs[idx].getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Referer")) {
              HTTPConnection con = req.getConnection();
              hdrs[idx] = new NVPair("Referer", con + req.getRequestURI());


        try {
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
          if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOG.trace("An exception occurred: " + ioe.getMessage());

        if (sts != 305 && sts != 306) {
          try {
            lastURI = new URI(loc, nres);
          } catch (ParseException pe) {
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
              LOG.trace("An exception occurred: " + pe.getMessage());

          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                "Request redirected to "
                    + lastURI.toExternalForm()
                    + " using method "
                    + req.getMethod());
        } else {
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                "Resending request using "
                    + "proxy "
                    + mvd.getProxyHost()
                    + ":"
                    + mvd.getProxyPort());

        if (req.getStream() != null) return RSP_CONTINUE;
        else if (new_con) return RSP_NEWCON_REQ;
        else return RSP_REQUEST;

        return RSP_CONTINUE;
   * Closes the stream and causes the data to be sent if it has not already been done so. This
   * method <strong>must</strong> be invoked when all data has been written.
   * @exception IOException if any exception is thrown by the underlying socket, or if too few bytes
   *     were written.
   * @exception IllegalAccessError if this stream has not been associated with a request yet.
  public synchronized void close() throws IOException, IllegalAccessError {
    if (req == null) throw new IllegalAccessError("Stream not associated with a request");

    if (ignore) return;

    if (bos != null) {

      if (trailers.length > 0) {
        NVPair[] hdrs = req.getHeaders();

        // remove any Trailer header field

        int len = hdrs.length;
        for (int idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
          if (hdrs[idx].getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Trailer")) {
            System.arraycopy(hdrs, idx + 1, hdrs, idx, len - idx - 1);

        // add the trailers to the headers

        hdrs = Util.resizeArray(hdrs, len + trailers.length);
        System.arraycopy(trailers, 0, hdrs, len, trailers.length);


      if (DebugConn) System.err.println("OutS:  Sending request");

      try {
        resp = req.getConnection().sendRequest(req, con_to);
      } catch (ModuleException me) {
        throw new IOException(me.toString());
    } else {
      if (rcvd < length) {
        IOException ioe =
            new IOException(
                "Premature close: only "
                    + rcvd
                    + " bytes written instead of the "
                    + "expected "
                    + length);
        req.getConnection().closeDemux(ioe, false);
        throw ioe;

      try {
        if (length == -1) {
          if (DebugConn && trailers.length > 0) {
            System.err.println("OutS:  Sending trailers:");
            for (int idx = 0; idx < trailers.length; idx++)
                  "       " + trailers[idx].getName() + ": " + trailers[idx].getValue());

          os.write(Codecs.chunkedEncode(null, 0, 0, trailers, true));


        if (DebugConn) System.err.println("OutS:  All data sent");
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        req.getConnection().closeDemux(ioe, true);
        throw ioe;
      } finally {
Example #6
  /** Invoked by the HTTPClient. */
  public int requestHandler(Request req, Response[] resp) {
    // First remove any Cookie headers we might have set for a previous
    // request

    NVPair[] hdrs = req.getHeaders();
    int length = hdrs.length;
    for (int idx = 0; idx < hdrs.length; idx++) {
      int beg = idx;
      while (idx < hdrs.length && hdrs[idx].getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Cookie")) idx++;

      if (idx - beg > 0) {
        length -= idx - beg;
        System.arraycopy(hdrs, idx, hdrs, beg, length - beg);
    if (length < hdrs.length) {
      hdrs = Util.resizeArray(hdrs, length);

    // Now set any new cookie headers

    Hashtable cookie_list = Util.getList(cookie_cntxt_list, req.getConnection().getContext());
    if (cookie_list.size() == 0) return REQ_CONTINUE; // no need to create a lot of objects

    Vector names = new Vector();
    Vector lens = new Vector();
    int version = 0;

    synchronized (cookie_list) {
      Enumeration list = cookie_list.elements();
      Vector remove_list = null;

      while (list.hasMoreElements()) {
        Cookie cookie = (Cookie) list.nextElement();

        if (cookie.hasExpired()) {
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Cookie has expired and is being removed: " + cookie);

          if (remove_list == null) remove_list = new Vector();

        if (cookie.sendWith(req)
            && (cookie_handler == null || cookie_handler.sendCookie(cookie, req))) {
          int len = cookie.getPath().length();
          int idx;

          // insert in correct position
          for (idx = 0; idx < lens.size(); idx++)
            if (((Integer) lens.elementAt(idx)).intValue() < len) break;

          names.insertElementAt(cookie.toExternalForm(), idx);
          lens.insertElementAt(new Integer(len), idx);

          if (cookie instanceof Cookie2)
            version = Math.max(version, ((Cookie2) cookie).getVersion());

      // remove any marked cookies
      // Note: we can't do this during the enumeration!
      if (remove_list != null) {
        for (int idx = 0; idx < remove_list.size(); idx++)

    if (!names.isEmpty()) {
      StringBuffer value = new StringBuffer();

      if (version > 0) value.append("$Version=\"" + version + "\"; ");

      value.append((String) names.elementAt(0));
      for (int idx = 1; idx < names.size(); idx++) {
        value.append("; ");
        value.append((String) names.elementAt(idx));
      hdrs = Util.resizeArray(hdrs, hdrs.length + 1);
      hdrs[hdrs.length - 1] = new NVPair("Cookie", value.toString());

      // add Cookie2 header if necessary
      if (version != 1) // we currently know about version 1 only
        int idx;
        for (idx = 0; idx < hdrs.length; idx++)
          if (hdrs[idx].getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Cookie2")) break;
        if (idx == hdrs.length) {
          hdrs = Util.resizeArray(hdrs, hdrs.length + 1);
          hdrs[hdrs.length - 1] = new NVPair("Cookie2", "$Version=\"1\"");


      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Sending cookies '" + value + "'");

    return REQ_CONTINUE;
Example #7
  /** Invoked by the HTTPClient. */
  public void responsePhase1Handler(Response resp, RoRequest roreq)
      throws IOException, ModuleException {
    try {
    } catch (RetryException re) {
      Log.write(Log.MODS, "RtryM: Caught RetryException");

      boolean got_lock = false;

      try {
        synchronized (re.first) {
          got_lock = true;

          // initialize idempotent sequence checking
          IdempotentSequence seq = new IdempotentSequence();
          for (RetryException e = re.first; e != null; e = e.next) seq.add(e.request);

          for (RetryException e = re.first; e != null; e = e.next) {
            Log.write(Log.MODS, "RtryM: handling exception ", e);

            Request req = e.request;
            HTTPConnection con = req.getConnection();

            /* Don't retry if either the sequence is not idempotent
             * (Sec 8.1.4 and 9.1.2), or we've already retried enough
             * times, or the headers have been read and parsed
             * already
            if (!seq.isIdempotent(req)
                || (con.ServProtVersKnown
                    && con.ServerProtocolVersion >= HTTP_1_1
                    && req.num_retries > 0)
                || ((!con.ServProtVersKnown || con.ServerProtocolVersion <= HTTP_1_0)
                    && req.num_retries > 4)
                || e.response.got_headers) {
              e.first = null;

             * if an output stream was used (i.e. we don't have the data to resend) then delegate
             * the responsibility for resending to the application.
            if (req.getStream() != null) {
              if (HTTPConnection.deferStreamed) {
              e.first = null;

            /* If we have an entity then setup either the entity-delay
             * or the Expect header
            if (req.getData() != null && e.conn_reset) {
              if (con.ServProtVersKnown && con.ServerProtocolVersion >= HTTP_1_1)
                addToken(req, "Expect", "100-continue");
              else req.delay_entity = 5000L << req.num_retries;

            /* If the next request in line has an entity and we're
             * talking to an HTTP/1.0 server then close the socket
             * after this request. This is so that the available()
             * call (to watch for an error response from the server)
             * will work correctly.
            if (e.next != null
                && e.next.request.getData() != null
                && (!con.ServProtVersKnown || con.ServerProtocolVersion < HTTP_1_1)
                && e.conn_reset) {
              addToken(req, "Connection", "close");

            /* If this an HTTP/1.1 server then don't pipeline retries.
             * The problem is that if the server for some reason
             * decides not to use persistent connections and it does
             * not do a correct shutdown of the connection, then the
             * response will be ReSeT. If we did pipeline then we
             * would keep falling into this trap indefinitely.
             * Note that for HTTP/1.0 servers, if they don't support
             * keep-alives then the normal code will already handle
             * this accordingly and won't pipe over the same
             * connection.
            if (con.ServProtVersKnown && con.ServerProtocolVersion >= HTTP_1_1 && e.conn_reset) {
              req.dont_pipeline = true;
            // The above is too risky - for moment let's be safe
            // and never pipeline retried request at all.
            req.dont_pipeline = true;

            // now resend the request

                "RtryM: Retrying request '" + req.getMethod() + " " + req.getRequestURI() + "'");

            if (e.conn_reset) req.num_retries++;
            e.response.http_resp.set(req, con.sendRequest(req, e.response.timeout));
            e.exception = null;
            e.first = null;
      } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
        if (got_lock) throw npe;
      } catch (ParseException pe) {
        throw new IOException(pe.getMessage());

      if (re.exception != null) throw re.exception;

      re.restart = true;
      throw re;