Example #1
 private void registerAdapter(Class<?> adapterType, Object adapter) {
   RegisterStrategy registerStrategy = adapter.getClass().getAnnotation(RegisterStrategy.class);
   if ((registerStrategy != null) && (registerStrategy.value().equals(RegisterType.SINGLE))) {
     getGsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(adapterType, adapter);
   } else {
     getGsonBuilder().registerTypeHierarchyAdapter(adapterType, adapter);
Example #2
  * The purpose of this method is to register the resource based on their category. Because
  * different category has different fields. All the loops are supposed to be the same so by doing
  * this way we avoid duplicated code. To make this fit in the open-closed principle, we use
  * strategy pattern. Because every time we want to register new category or want to change the way
  * how we register it, we can make new classes. This Register class remains closed. Actually, all
  * the strategy class should be put into different folders. I didn't do that because Strategy
  * Pattern for this is already an overkill for this because or the register strategy class is so
  * simple. But this can be viewed as left for further extensibility. For example, one may come up
  * with new data format to register pictures.
  * @param parser: the parser passed from model.
  * @param category: which part to initialize
 private void register(Parser parser, RegisterStrategy rs) {
   JSONArray items = parser.getJSONObject("resources").getJSONArray(rs.category);
   for (int i = 0; i < items.length(); i++) {
     JSONObject oneItem = items.getJSONObject(i);