Example #1
 * get a unused random piece
 * @param point upper-left corner of the Piece
 public Piece getRandomPiece
     (Location point, DrawingCanvas canvas){
   int rand = 0;
   RandomIntGenerator r =
       new RandomIntGenerator(0, IMG_NUM - 1);
     rand = r.nextValue();
   }while(hasPP[rand] == true);
   hasPP[rand] = true;
   //the randth img has been chosen
   return new PuzzlePiece(img[rand], rand, point, canvas);
Example #2
 /** test stub for the class */
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   RandomIntGenerator r1 = new RandomIntGenerator(1, 10);
   RandomIntGenerator r2 = new RandomIntGenerator(0, 1);
   int i;
   for (i = 1; i <= 100; i++) System.out.println(r1.draw() + " " + r2.draw());