public static boolean toCsv(String fullyNamedPath, Poll poll) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(String.format("Questions;Answer;Votes;WeightedVotes;%n")); for (Question question : poll.getQuestions()) { for (Answer answer : question.getAnswers()) { int votesCount = answer.getVotes().size(); int weightedVotesCount = answer.getVotes().size() * answer.getValue(); String questionTitle = question.getTitle().replace("\"", "\"\""); String answerText = answer.getText().replace("\"", "\"\""); sb.append( String.format( "\"%s\";\"%s\";%s;%s;%n", questionTitle, answerText, votesCount, weightedVotesCount)); } } return write(fullyNamedPath, sb.toString()); }
/** * Calling this method will execute the interaction with the given id. * * @param interactionID The id that specifies the interaction * @throws UnknownInteractionException Thrown if interactionID is an unknown id. */ public void interaction(String interactionID) throws UnknownInteractionException { // boolean displayAnswer; boolean guiBuilded; String groupID; GroupInfo group; Dimension theSize; int i; if (DEBUG) System.out.println("\ninteraction was called\n\tinteractionID=\"" + interactionID + "\""); if (!allInteractions.containsKey(interactionID)) throw (new UnknownInteractionException( "Interaction \"" + interactionID + "\" does not exist")); if (allInteractions.get(interactionID) instanceof Question) { Question aQuestion = (Question) allInteractions.get(interactionID); aQuestion.addSubmitListener(this); // get group id groupID = aQuestion.getGroupID(); // lookup group infos group = (GroupInfo) groupInfos.get(groupID); if ((groupID != "") && (group != null)) { // if amount of correct questions of group // already reached we dont have to // continue with this interaction if ((group.processed >= group.repeats) && (group.processed != 0) && (group.repeats != 0)) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("\t\tNecessary amount of questions of group " + "answered correct."); return; } } guiBuilded = aQuestion.getGuiBuilded(); if (guiBuilded) aQuestion.rebuildQuestion(); else aQuestion.makeGUI(); aQuestion.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)); JDialog jdialog = getJDialog(aQuestion.getTitle()); // theFrame = new JFrame(aQuestion.getTitle()); aQuestion.setJDialog(jdialog); for (i = 0; i < windowListeners.size(); i++) jdialog.addWindowListener((WindowListener) (windowListeners.elementAt(i))); jdialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); jdialog.setBackground(new Color(192, 192, 192)); jdialog.getContentPane().add(aQuestion, BorderLayout.CENTER); jdialog.pack(); theSize = jdialog.getSize(); jdialog.setSize(350, theSize.height); // jdialog.pack(); jdialog.setLocationRelativeTo(null); jdialog.setVisible(true); jdialog.requestFocus(); //; // Processing of the interaction will be handled by // the event loop. } else if (allInteractions.get(interactionID) instanceof Documentation) { Documentation doc = (Documentation) allInteractions.get(interactionID); doc.makeGUI(); doc.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)); JFrame theFrame = new JFrame("Documentation"); theFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); theFrame.getContentPane().add(doc, BorderLayout.CENTER); for (i = 0; i < windowListeners.size(); i++) theFrame.addWindowListener((WindowListener) (windowListeners.elementAt(i))); theFrame.setSize(400, 500); // theFrame.pack(); theFrame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); theFrame.setVisible(true); theFrame.requestFocus(); //; // no need to handle anything by the event loop. } return; }